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    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Android Dev - Pass data between fragments 2020 edition

    Android Dev - Pass data between fragments 2020 edition

    Pass data between fragments 2020 edition

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    R8 Optimization: Lambda Groups – Jake Wharton

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    jetc.dev: Jetpack Compose Resources

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    App Launch Advice

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've been developing Android apps for a long time now, and I've had reasonable success on the Play Store in the past, but I must admit, I still have no idea what to do when it comes to pricing, marketing and launching an app.

    As an indie developer, I've always preferred to learn to do things myself, rather than commiting hundreds or thousands of dollars to marketing and design and hoping it pays off.

    I'm planning on releasing a new app in the near future. I just wanted to lean on you other devs for some advice on what has worked for you, in the following areas:

    1.) Pricing Model:

    • a) Free trial
      + Wide audience
      - The app is listed as 'free with IAP', which can be off-putting
      - There's something off-putting about the app becoming useless after 2 weeks if you don't pay
      - Feels like a legacy pricing model
    • b) Ad-supported, pay to remove ads
      + Wide audience
      + Users seem pretty comfortable with the idea that they can remove the ads if they want to
      + Revenue potential from both free & paid users
      - Ads make the app look & feel cheap
      - Ads are frowned upon by users (potentially leading to poor reviews)
      - Ad revenue streams can be unreliable
    • c) Pay to unlock features
      + Wide audience
      - Limited revenue if the paid features aren't that enticing
      - Users may complain that other apps offer the same features for free (poor reviews)
    • d) Paid only
      - Limited audience
      + App feels 'premium'
      +/- Smaller, but more invested userbase
    • e) a, b or c, but with a cheaper 'subscription' option, where the user pays a lower annual fee, rather than a once off higher payment. I'm not actually sure whether this is allowed on the Play Store, if you're not offering any new content with the subscription.

    Looking at these, it's really hard to decide what the best option would be. I'm actually leaning towards 'paid only', as I like the idea that the app feel 'premium', and I don't have to spend as much time supporting users for free. But, maybe that would be a huge mistake ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    2.) Advertising:

    I have never been able to understand all the acronyms that come with advertising. I don't have budget to just throw money into the wind and hope that it results in app sales. I don't know how much is too much to spend, or whether it's even worth advertising on a low budget.

    The only way I can see this working, is if I use pricing model d.), and somehow make sure that the ads are resulting in more sales revenue than they are costing me. But that seems like some kind of advertising nirvana - does this actually happen in the real world? If I knew that $1000/month would earn me $1100, then I'd be all for it. But I just have no idea.

    3.) Other

    Does having a video has led to higher installs / purchases?

    This launch is a follow up to a previously successful app. Should I try and leverage brand loyalty, and call it '2.0'? Or should I rebrand it entirely?

    Are there any super obvious things that you really ought to include in the app from the outset? For me, Crashlytics is a no-brainer. But maybe some other metrics are really critical for making decisions early on..?

    Any advice / discussion is greatly appreciated. I'm not actually looking for specific answers, I just want to see what has worked and what hasn't for everyone else out there.

    inb4 'try it and see for yourself' - a lot of these decisions can only really be made once, and they can't be unmade.

    submitted by /u/timusus
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    Which MVI library is best/more popular? MVICore by badoo? Orbit by Babylon Health? Another?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    A few months back I started using MVI and built my own tiny lib. I am quite happy with it, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something by not using one that is already pre-built such as the ones named in the title. I read a bunch of article and docs about them and all I could gather are the following:

    - MVICore is older, very complicated and has some magic stuff as the timetravel debugger. I'm trying to avoid complexity, but it does seem to me that you're not forced to use all of the stuff they offer...

    - Orbit is simpler and more to the point. Since it's also quite new, one would imagine that they looked at MVICore and decided they could do better. I still haven't found what is their selling point though.

    The question is then, what does the community at large favour? Is there a reason to use one over the other or do you just roll your own?

    submitted by /u/acristescu
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    Trouble with saving emulator snapshots

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    I've been trying to get this to work for a few days now, but I can't seem to figure this out.

    I'm trying to use the -snapshot flag but the emulator seems to refuse to save it. When I close the emulator I get this message emulator: WARNING: Discarding the changed state (command-line flag)..

    I'm not passing it any flag to stop it from saving. The command I'm using to start it is ./emulator @<My AVD> -snapshot <The snapshot name I'm using>.

    I've tried doing the same on older versions of the emulator but this keeps occurring. Am I doing something wrong/missing something?

    submitted by /u/ketkev
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    Display a Camera Preview with PreviewView In Android

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    If I exclude some devices from my device catalogue on the console, does this affects my store rating?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I want to exclude some devices by their specification and some of them already installed and rated my app. I'm wondering that if I exclude that rated devices from my device catalogue, does it affect my store rating?

    submitted by /u/tpbafk74
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    Custom Views and Vectors

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    I want to create a custom circular button with animations. For that, I use a circle as a vector and a custom view where I want to change dynamically this vector in OnDraw (e.x scale it, translate, etc). I know that I can animate a vector by XML however this solution doesn't fit my use case.

    One solution would be to transform this vector to bitmap then apply changes (for example scale it by radius) and finally draw it to the canvas. I this a good practice? Can you recommend any good open source project that uses vectors and animations?

    submitted by /u/rombins
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    I made an app regarding COVID-19 to raise awareness in my country and that app got suspended.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    I made an app regarding COVID-19 to raise awareness in my country and that app got suspended due to sensitive events policy. What did I do wrong? I changed the package name and app title as well as removed anything regarding COVID-19 from description and submitted again. Waiting for response from google. Can anyone suggest me what I can do if this happens again.

    N.B: Sorry for my English. Not a native speaker.

    submitted by /u/Dafuq819
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    Custom View, logic class property and Kotlin generics

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I have a custom View that draws data points to the screen. The View has a property class with the actual data, logic, drawing and such. The logic class has a List of DataSet that in turn holds pairs of X and Y values where the type of X is a T : Comparable<T> that should be mapped to floats when drawn and Y are always floats (which works fine).

    class MyView(...) : View(...) { val renderer: Renderer<TypeNeeded> init { renderer = RendererImpl().apply { /*init*/ } } fun addDataSet(set: DataSet<ShouldAllowAnyType>) { renderer.data += set } } abstract class Renderer<T> { } open class DataSet<T : Comparable<T>>() { private val _data = MutableList<T>() val data: List<T> = _data set(value) = /*clear backing fields, set new values, calculate some private property values*/ // other properties, methods abstract fun convert(value: T): Float } class NumberDataSet : DataSet<T> where T : Comparable<T>, T : Number // Other DS types 

    I'm having trouble writing the view in a way that I didn't need to provide the type of T in the View's property since the View only calls the proxy property and can be inflated from XML.

    The problem is that the List of DataSets can and will be added to after View creation so the star-projection isn't possible and I didn't want to use Any as the type of the X's.

    I'm on my phone, so sorry for trimmed and possibly non-valid code.

    submitted by /u/8bitlives
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    Android Studio not starting in Ubuntu 20.04, since I edited the vmoptions from within the Andrioid Studio Settings

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Android Studio not starting in Ubuntu 20.04, since I edited the vmoptions from within the Andrioid Studio Settings

    Android Studio not starting in Ubuntu 20.04, since I edited the vmoptions from within the Android Studio Settings.

    My system has 8 gigs of RAM and 2 gigs of GPU memory.

    The terminal output after running ./studio.sh

    Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4096m # <------ increase this to most of your RAM 


    submitted by /u/pranav_2702
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    Are your apps reviewed by a human?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    When you submit the first build of your app, does a human review the app to make sure it's okay before being release? Or is everything done by bots?

    submitted by /u/themindstorm
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    Fetching data from API like in Reddit Mobile App

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! :D I'm new to this sub Reddit, and I'm curious how is reddit's app first page build?How is it fetching new posts to the recycler view? It is fetching always 15 posts? And then after that I is fetching new ones? Because I don't think it's fetching all in one go. Any one knows the answer to this questions? :D

    submitted by /u/LSWarss
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    Now in Android: 14 - Android 11 Developer Preview 2, Android X releases, game development, and more!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    What are some common things that can get you banned or suspended from Google Play?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    I'd like to know if there's any possible way to reduce your chances of being banned or suspended

    submitted by /u/safaribrowserram
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