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    Android Dev - Weekly Anything Goes Thread - June 04, 2021

    Android Dev - Weekly Anything Goes Thread - June 04, 2021

    Weekly Anything Goes Thread - June 04, 2021

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Here's your chance to talk about whatever!

    Although if you're thinking about getting feedback on an app, you should wait until tomorrow's App Feedback thread.

    Remember that while you can talk about any topic, being a jerk is still not allowed.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    App Store execs discuss Google's app review process - Internal Apple Mails

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    Welcome Fruit Ninja �� on Jetpack Compose Desktop ��, using Canvas API ��

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    TimeRangePicker - A circular time range picker similar to iOS bedtime

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Introducing Lyricist: the missing I18N/I10N library for Jetpack Compose

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    Synthetic "file system" with or without root

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    I am new to android development and want to know what is possible. I have done some research and I think I understand what can be done, but not necessarily the best way to do it. In addition, the resources I have been able to find have spanned over a decade, so I don't know what's current and what is not.

    I want to have a dropbox-like background service that can expose files to other applications on my phone without needing those applications to be aware of the service or provide a specific integration. From the applications' perspective they would look like any other file.

    Knowing little about android but more about Linux, my inclination would be to write this as a user-space filesystem with FUSE and create mountpoints on my phone. I think this would require root access. That is acceptable for me if it is the only way. However, if there is another way to do this without root access, even if it is more work, I would prefer to do that, so that I could share the application with others more easily.

    Do android apps typically access local files through the well-known Linux system calls like read/write/open, or is there some other API that they use? If so, is that API amenable to custom providers? For example, I see there is the MediaStore API; is there a framework for adding custom providers for this API, such that any app using it will see that providers' "files" transparently?

    submitted by /u/sleepydog
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    Making an Android game in Golang (includes example)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 05:05 PM PDT

    I tried to document all the steps that I took on the README. The game was developed with Golang, and then a binding/.aar was created for use/import as a module in Android Studio.

    The steps were a bit complicated, but the author of game library that I used (Ebiten) was nice enough to help with one complicated part that I was stuck on.

    Hopefully it will help with someone else's game development/deployment (the game is now available for free in the Google Play Store). I also suspect that C and C++ programmers that are making games can probably use a similar technique with the Android NDK.


    submitted by /u/solstice_net
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    Is there any way to record a specific view as a video?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm just wondering if there is any way to record what's happening inside a specific view in the layout and save it as a video.

    Some ideas but will generate some issue :

    1 - Capture the view and convert it to Bitmap, save the bitmap as a file and generate a video file using FFMPEG.

    Capturing view and convert it to bitmap then save it as a file, this will definitely take some time, this will generate a frame skip issue.

    2 - Using MediaProjection to record the whole screen, then crop the output video using the same view width and height.

    If the user sliding down the notification panel, it will be recorded as well, and that is not nice

    submitted by /u/Heromimox
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    Retrieval of Documents from Collection is getting Deleted ones too

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    I delete a document when the user clicks on a button. However, it is always getting retrieved when I get all the documents from the collections. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/DualSabers
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    WhatsApp folder location changed

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    Have yo noticed WhatsApp has changed it's folder from Internal Storage to storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp folder? Does it have to do anything with Google's new Storage Policy

    submitted by /u/jaroos_
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    What will you do if your account on Google Play got banned?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    Let us suppose you have 8 years of experience in Android programming and someday your account on Google Play got termination because you made mistake unintentionally.

    Will you leave the Android world and give up your time you have spent learning?

    Are you going to look for a new job that you may don't like because you do not have any choice?

    submitted by /u/DismalCall5534
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    Location of Google Photos bin folder on device

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:54 AM PDT

    I have a simple doubt regarding google photos. If I delete a pic from Google photos (without backing it up), it goes to my bin but the space for that pic is still not freed up, so it must be there on my device. I tried finding this bin folder but couldn't. Reading a little I came to know that all apps store there private data in "data/data/package-name" directory. So this bin folder also resides in this directory ? If yes, can some other app having device storage permission access it ? I am not on a rooted device.

    submitted by /u/majhamalwadoaba
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    MDC - Weekly Issue #27 is out. [Newsletter focuses on Mobile Development - Curated Events, Articles, Podcast, News and lot more]

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 08:56 PM PDT

    Anyone knows how to remove an apk's permissions?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:13 AM PDT

    Lucky Patcher has a feature like this, but im looking for other ways to remove permissions from apks. Like "Vibrate" "Read phone state".

    submitted by /u/Snnwarger
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    Should I move on to learning Kotlin and Android Development in Kotlin after finishing java progamming in mooc.fi?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    I just finished reading the wiki here and it says that most apps are still written in java. I want to get a job as a junior Android Developer. I'm a few days away from finishing the Java Programming course from mooc.fi and have been skimming through the Android Development in Kotlin course from Google. Should I dive in to fully learning Kotlin and build a portfolio off of that or would sticking to Java and learning Android development in Java give me a better job prospect in the near future?

    submitted by /u/throwaway3iefda
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    Mobile Developers Cafe - Weekly Issue #27 is out now - [Newsletter with Android and other platform curated content]

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    How do I figure out the monthly fee I should charge my users for premium access in order to make my app profitable?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    My app that will be available for both Android and iOS will use the following paid services:

    • Firebase Cloud Firestore
    • Firebase Cloud Functions
    • Firebase Cloud Storage
    • Firebase Realtime Database
    • Spoonacular API (using Edamam Recipe Search API right now, but most likely will switch to Spoonacular because it's far more affordable)

    With all of these services in use, how do I figure out how much the monthly fee for the premium subscription should be so my app is profitable? Right now I've decided to limit the freemium model to four API calls every 24 hours for every user, but if the user upgrades to premium then it's unlimited for them.

    submitted by /u/techsavvynerd91
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    Compose has hot reload. Is this really new?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    On Android you have to keep your Data in a Database on flash memory because there is no swap file. The Database uses Id. Its engine is written in C. The UX uses strings and integer Ids and is written in C. I feel like Java serves the same purpose as T-SQL scripts: small snippets and pure functions triggered by the database and the UX.

    I wonder why Android even has a garbage collector. Pure functions only need a Stack. Lifecycle is for caching indices into xml files. But this indices are private to a fragment. You don't even need reference counting and certainly not GC.

    submitted by /u/IQueryVisiC
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    App using tesseract to read characters drawn on canvas... First post on Reddit ��

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    App having FIS_AUTH_ERROR issues for some - we can't replicate in house - need help

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    Fatal Exception: com.google.android.gms.tasks.RuntimeExecutionException
    java.io.IOException: FIS_AUTH_ERROR

    We did a release with updated Google Firebase libraries and are getting this in the field. I updated to absolute latest libraries and grabbed lates google-services.json file from the firebase console and did a hot-fix. Still having issues.

    Then I backed it all out with original Firebase Library versions and original google-services.json files did a hot-fix and STILL having the crash.

    Right now I am fully reverting everything so going back a full version of our app to get people back to working.

    Looking for ideas on how to replicate this problem. We have tried fresh installs, updates, etc. on all the hardware we have available but have never run into this issue. I find references to is out on Stack Overflow on what not but never have found a way to replicate it so we know in the future if we have actually fixed the problem.

    submitted by /u/MKevin3
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    What is the best way to save app data?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 10:19 AM PDT

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