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    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Android Questions: Where can I see a list of U2F keys in chrome?

    Android Questions: Where can I see a list of U2F keys in chrome?

    Where can I see a list of U2F keys in chrome?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:31 AM PST

    Is there really no list of security keys that I activated? I'm using the built in fingerprint version.

    How am supposed to remember where I need these keys if I switch phones? This 2FA stuff never thinks about changing, losing or breaking your phone.

    submitted by /u/BitcoinCitadel
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    I have an issue with my A50

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:52 AM PST

    1. Some certain sites stuck on loading it doesn't matter whether it's Chrome or Samsung Internet.

    2. When I update some apps in my Galaxy Store it's stuck on loading.

    3. Even my Galaxy Theme is not working properly and just stuck on loading.

    4.When I update my software, it's was also stuck. No progress, no time estimate just dashes

    I tried everything I can think of and still does not work. Could you guys help me... Much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/M1DW4Y
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    Is there a way to use two Android phones as gamepads for Windows?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:35 AM PST

    I want to play a gamepad-compatible game using two Android phones as gamepads for local multiplayer. Is it possible?

    submitted by /u/vectoralgebraist
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    Android TV wifi issue

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:50 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I have an android tv that I have connected to the guest network (I'm currently trying to separate all devices expect phones and computers).

    The guest network blocks access to the intranet or other devices on the network and the tv constantly connects and disconnects from wifi. As soon as I enable intranet access, basically disabling segregation the wifi works fine.

    Any suggestions? The tv should only care about internet connectivity m

    submitted by /u/social_industry
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    Looking for an android document I can't seem to find

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:41 AM PST

    I remember seeing a document from Google (mainly for manufacturers I think) a year ago about what needs to be included, is recommended and can't be included in the manufacturer version of Android for phones they're going to sell.

    Bad explanation, but I hope people here can help me since I'd like to read it because it seems interesting

    submitted by /u/Trixelit
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    Phone Factory Resets when I restart it

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:07 AM PST

    I recently flashed my Xperia with a firmware of a different region. Everything went fine and all and I've restarted the device a few times after setting up and reinstalling apps. However, as I'm done with the installations and setting up of the apps installed. I restart one last time only to find that the device has factory reset itself and I'm back to needing setup the whole phone over again. Here are some things I've tried a few times, only to come back to the same factory reset when I restart:

    - first setup: loaded everything off google backup

    - second setup: loaded nothing and started installing everything from scratch

    - third setup: repaired the phone through the official app (it gave me the new region firmware) and then installing everything from scratch again.

    -fourth setup: basically ... I'm currently at this stage, where I'd install a few apps, then restart, configure some settings, restart, trying to find what could be causing this factory reset.

    if anyone has some clues to what could be the issue, it would really help me alot. thanks...

    submitted by /u/Astocade
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    Cache issues ulephone note 9p

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:27 AM PST

    I just noticed that I have to restart my phone everyday because (i suppose) the cache is building up, some apps become slow or unusable despite me having still 50% of free memory, is there a way to avoid that or is it a normal things for androids ? (I had an iphone before)

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/charis345
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    Where can I buy a US unlocked HTC U12+?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:43 AM PST

    I must preface this by saying I collect phones. I also use all of my phones and switch between them every other day, it's weird but it's just what I do. Anyway, I love HTC and I already have a U11. Would anyone know where I could buy a U12+ that is US Unlocked (works on Verizon) that isn't listed at like $500+? I've seen international unlocked phones for about $300. Should I take a chance on the international phones and just return it if it doesn't work? The U11 I bought was supposedly international unlocked but when I got it it ended up working on Verizon. Would the U12+ be the same?

    submitted by /u/gravyman04
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    IOS on Android?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:13 PM PST

    Is it possible to put IOS on an android device? (Specifically a Galaxy A6)

    submitted by /u/NiickA69
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    Temenos Visualizer IDE for Android App generation

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Hi Friends, just seen another tool "Temenos Visualizer" for android app development. I downloaded the IDE and compile an android app (Just a button app). It is working ... I don't know how this IDE monitoring me as no activation / serial info is being asked during installation of software on PC and / or the APK app in mobile. APK running flawlessly in Android. Does anyone know about it? Can I use it to build a small utility app and distribute apk in a small group of people for the internal use of my company? It is not asking about licensing..

    submitted by /u/sanyadrwr
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    Good camera app, with a good looking ui

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:05 PM PST

    So I recently installed Lineage OS on my poco F1 and I am really missing the stock camera app. I have the google camera port, but it still doesn't have some features like "pro mode" where I can set the setting just the way I want and the slow motion isn't working/ is crashing the app(known issue). I was wondering if there are any good apps on the play store (or anywhere actually) that have the features and a good looking ui. I have tried the open camera and some other apps but the ui is actually disgusting (to me) and everything seems laggy/glitchy and unfinished I guess.

    submitted by /u/igotaminigun
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    Chat heads

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:52 AM PST

    Just got the pixel 5.

    Any way for me to get back the messenger chat heads and only them instead of these bubbles?

    Really disliking these bubbles.

    submitted by /u/plump_bee
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    Lyrics search in a batch

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:31 AM PST

    Hello, im searching app that will go trough my local library on the phone and download all lyrics for songs in a batch. There was an app like that, on xda labs, but i cant for the life of me remember how it was called and now xda labs is dead too

    I dont want those apps that show you floating thingy while you listen to music, there are million of them on appstore.

    looking forward to any help, thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/kronaa
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    UI 3.0 Issues with tethering

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:31 AM PST

    Hi, I have the Samsung 20 and I've been hearing how great the new update, UI 3.0 is... but I keep running into problems (ex. have to pull down extra far to adjust the brightness). Anyway, as per the title, I'm finding after the update I'm not able to tether other phones as well. I'd have to reset it or something for it to work (turn off mobile data and turn it back on). Otherwise, the other phones say connected, but "internet may not be available". So does anyone know how to make it work more efficiently, which settings should I keep on/ turn off?

    submitted by /u/waltzdisney123
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    Annoying spam popup

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:18 AM PST

    Hi! I'm receiving spam calls so I blocked the number, but now every time they call me I got a popup saying "Call dismiss. You want to send an SMS to who's calling you?" How do I deactivate that popup? Its very annoying! Link to the screenshot (it's in spanish) https://www.google.com/search?q=sms+mi+sim+a+llamada.rechazada&client=ms-android-americamovil-mx-revc&prmd=vin&sxsrf=ALeKk01lFo8SDktjP4p2w34Fvoz14IxwsQ:1611947030638&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiugaHR6sHuAhUFaq0KHZzeBmUQ_AUoAnoECAQQAg&biw=412&bih=776&dpr=2.63#imgrc=J-Qg0A2vSchCUM

    submitted by /u/chepomtz
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    Another new guy

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:50 AM PST

    I'm looking for reading material for learning cyber security basics for mobile and wireless networks. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/Great_Detail6286
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    Help, I go a shadow widget and can't get rid of it

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:48 AM PST

    Hearing no notifications when volume is on

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:36 AM PST

    Hi I have a Samsung Galaxy A71 ( with Telus in Canada) and am having an issue that started last night with notification sounds with Messages, FB Chart, Whats app, etc. I have the sound on and all the apps are set to audio sounds for notifications but the phone only vibrates when I receive messages. I have tried the following but with no success.

    Made sure the volume was on and loud. No not disturb is off. Power cycled the phone. I have made sure that notification sounds are on. I have cleared the data cache in the messages app. Made sure new messages have an assigned sound. I have reset my setting through the general management menu.

    This is really frustrating to say the least. Does anyone have any ideas that I have missed?

    submitted by /u/_Alf_in_POG_Form_
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    Questions about sd cards. Trying to use a 128 card to store apps on a android 9.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:09 PM PST

    Hi. Im trying to use a 128 sd card as storage in asus phone running android 9.

    I cant seem to set the card as internal storage and cant move apps to it. On a google search i saw that also moving apps to it can shorten the card life cicle.

    So my questions are:

    -what lifespan can i expect with that "shorten life circle" from the memory card?
    -What shortens the card life cicle? when the app updates or something else?
    -How can i transfer apps to the card on my phone? (I dont have the change button on the app screen in "settings".)

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/KainSonofDeath
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    User certificate with spelling error

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST

    Hello, there are two user certificates on my samsung galaxy phone with android 10, one of which is misspelled.

    The first one is named "*****_Knox_Enhacned Attestation" and it says it's installed for VPN and apps". The other one is named "Enhanced_Attestation_SSL" (everything spelled correctly). The "*****" in the first one is a 5-digit number.

    Is this something I need to worry about? I didn't find any clear answers on it on Google, and I have no idea what user certificates are/do. Can I remove these certificates? Is it possible that they are malwares? I did everything to check my phone for malwares (scanned with antivirus apps and manually went through my list of apps and my files. I also don't really have signs of malware (my phone works fine.)). Advice would be appreciated!

    Edit: just to make it more clear, in the first cert I named, the "enhanced" is misspelled as "enhacned".

    submitted by /u/uselesscatlover
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    Problems with YouTube miniplayer

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:12 AM PST

    These last couple of days whenever I use the YouTube mini player and I tap on it, the options for play, pause, and full screen don't show up, and when I tap on the YouTube app on the homescreen it gets worse. I've had to force stop YouTube every time.

    submitted by /u/Osem598
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    Bedtime Mode still allows some sound, Android 10

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:14 AM PST

    I don't have a fixed sleep or wake time, so I want to manually set my phone to make no noise while I sleep by selecting Bedtime mode, until I turn that mode off. BUT, I still hear a sound sometimes, and I can't tell what is the source (is there an easy way aside from going through every app and checking notification settings?)

    On my LG Velvet phone in Canada, there are 3 choices for Bedtime mode: TURN ON BEDTIME MODE

    • based on schedule
    • while charging at bedtime
    • off

    I choose off, Below that is 'WHEN BEDTIME MODE IS ON" which has 2 option I turn on:

    • Do Not Disturb
    • Greyscale

    Then I changed Do not Disturb from Mode: Priority, to Silence. But when I turned on Bedtime Mode, Do not Disturb's mode had been switched back to Priority, and I am not allowed to change it as long as Bedtime Mode is on. Is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/YesMahm
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    What's so great about bezelless phones with a hole punch camera?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:11 PM PST

    I have one of those phones with thick top and bottom bezels. Is it worth upgrading to the new bezelless form factor?

    submitted by /u/I_love_emoji
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    Quickly editing screenshots on LG phone

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:40 AM PST

    Hello! I recently upgraded from a G7 One to a Velvet. One thing that I do a lot with my phone is taking screenshots and immediately cropping them to share a specific thing I saw but not the other stuff on my screen. The way I used to do it was click on the "edit" link directly on the notification right after the screenshot is made, and on my G7 that would take me to Google Photos to quickly edit. On the Velvet it defaults to Quick Memo +. Does anyone know how to change that?

    submitted by /u/ecoutepasca
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    Xioami and other questions

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:23 AM PST

    In sometime where Galaxy S4 and S5 were released, I made the decision to buy a Xiaomi Mi4. I was happy, but not completely comfortable with it, but I was right. When I began playing Pokemon GO I realized that GPS was working badly. Then, some time ahead I bought Galaxy S3 mini.

    Since my bad experience on Xiaomi, I decided not to buy a new one ever. The SO in that moment was something I didn't get used at all and the GPS was bad for a Chinese phone, so my questions are:

    1. How is Xiaomi doing on its phones nowadays?
    2. Do I have to avoid any Xioami phones (Redmis, Pocos or any other specific model)?
    3. Can I trust them as much as a other brands?

    Other questions:

    1. Is Realme a great reliable brand?
    2. Do I have to worry about any not-to-buy phones in this 2 years behind?
    3. How is heating in phones nowadays?

    Thanks for all the help you can give me. Also I accept any suggestions of day-to-day users.

    submitted by /u/ApokalipsysZR7
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