• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 15, 2020

    Android Dev - Finally used Compiler Design knowledge in Android and made a SpannableString Parser to easily add spans to your text.

    Android Dev - Finally used Compiler Design knowledge in Android and made a SpannableString Parser to easily add spans to your text.

    Finally used Compiler Design knowledge in Android and made a SpannableString Parser to easily add spans to your text.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:03 AM PST

    While a lot of apps are removed, this still goes on...

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:14 PM PST

    New AndroidX library for app initialization

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Google Play Store won't send app update notifications anymore.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Version r21 of the Android NDK has been released

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:51 AM PST

    Does anyone succeeded in promoting an app with a lot of competitors

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

    I'm trying to promote my weather forecast app. I thought buying motivated installs will do the trick. At the start, it seems it was working (37th position in Weather category, though without perceptible organic downloads). But after a couple of days, the app disappeared from ratings :(. So now I'm at the end of my wits - in order to have more downloads, an app needs to be ranked (or at least to be visible) but to be visible an app needs to have lots of downloads. A closed circle :)

    If someone has any experience or any ideas how it's possible to lift an app from the sheer depth of Android market rating to where it will be at least visible somewhere

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/advertikon
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    Github Android app is now in Beta

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:19 AM PST

    Creating a TensorFlow Lite Object Detection Model using Google Cloud AutoML

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    In-app purchase fees on Android app stores

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:51 AM PST


    Google obviously charges 30% fee for in-app purchases, which is known. I could not find what is the fee applied in Samsung Galaxy store or Amazon app store? As both run on Android, I can offer my app there and I'm wondering if the same fee will apply.

    Anyone has any experience with this?

    Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/xbender84
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    Firebase bug or hacked apk?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:49 AM PST

    In the last weeks we got an impressive "users per minute" from Bangkok (Thailand) in the Streamview on Firebase. All these users seems install a version of our app outside the Google Play Store that we never released(Version 91). We know that this apk seems without ads too. The devices seems real and variegated. What is happening? https://i.imgur.com/inNZ7TX.png https://i.imgur.com/xvMQLDo.png

    submitted by /u/92jacko
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    How to setup a Platform-tools in zsh shell?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Typing adb devices shows command not found.

    In .bashrc, I used to use this: export PATH=${PATH}:/home/pranav/platform-tools_r29.0.5-linux/platform-tools

    But using same line inside .zshrc doesn't works as expected.

    What should I have done? Enlighten me.

    submitted by /u/Arunzeb
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    Help! Natively run C++ code in an Android app.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Introduction:My group is working on a student project where we need to run the Potassco.org Clingo code locally in an Android App.The source code can be compiled into C++. We need to run this code natively on Android so the computing time is as low as possible.

    If this is not possible we have backup solutions which will give fewer points. The're listed at the bottom of this post.

    We need something to compile this into a working Android app. Students must be able to type/paste a formula and it will calculate it and output a text based result.

    The UI will only contain a text input and a text output for the calculated result, so that is the easy part but we need the functions to run.

    Project constraints:We can not edit the code beside from running a script over it to change some language specific notations e.g. removing whitespaces.

    What we have accomplished so far:Using cmake we managed to compile it for Windows which was not the problem but we really got stuck getting in any direction towards Andorid.

    We have managed to get a simple C++ Hello World into a Java Android app.

    What we're trying to do:Importing the cmake generated C++ code into Android Studio which will then be compiled into an C++ Android app. (We can't get it working though)At least we think this is the way to go.

    The backup plan(s):

    • If implementing it natively doesn't work we can use some kind of framework which compiles/converts/"interpretes" the code locally to something that can be displays. Literally anything that is possible (We're open for all suggestions!)
    • Last backup plan if everything else fails: Creating a website which compiles the Clingo code into Javascript (The lecturer has supplied us with a kind of working code for this scenario) which then is run locally in a browser of the phone.(This will need heavy improvement form our side though as as lecturer has already done a lot of the work.)
      This is a problem for a different subreddit though as it doesn't concern Android directly. (I'm glad for help as well.)

    Mandatory reddit statements:Sorry for spelling mistakes, this is not my native language.I hope this is the right subreddit, if not please advise me where to post it.

    This project hat been assigned to us two months ago but was actually due last week. We just couldn't find a working solution. The presentation is next week so we theoretically still have a week to get it working and pass the class.

    submitted by /u/Celebrir
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    Loading images from google drive but google is throwing an error?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:37 AM PST

    The error says "Were sorry... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now."

    This happens when loading in 50 icon images. It worked the first 2 times and stopped working on the third. I am sure it is hitting some limit on their end but how can i circumvent this? I couldnt find any documentation on why it would be throwing that error.

    submitted by /u/rdh24
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    Best way to schedule a periodic background task?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:20 AM PST

    Has anyone found a way to schedule a periodic background task on the newest versions of android? Both workmanager and alarmmanager don't seem to work if the app is closed.

    The intended use is checking periodically for updates on a server. I'd like to "push" the update instead of checking every x minutes, but I don't know how and ultimately I don't think it's really necessary.

    submitted by /u/ScrapJackx9
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    'Free' database storage

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:12 AM PST

    I know there's no such thing as a free lunch, however, I did manage to get a free endpoint and database for a year on GCP for some A/B testing of one of my apps.

    Is there any actually free database / endpoint service available for app developers?

    submitted by /u/BorderTrader
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    Adding a purchased APP to Play

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:34 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I purchased a few APPS on codecanyon. was wondering if anybody has experience or had issues uploading a purchased APP to Play, as the rumor goes that Google doesn't like to see the same code and/or creatives being uploaded by a different developer.

    While I have omitted a few permission from current code and added my own Admob credentials, I am wondering if there is anything else that I should do before uploading the APP to Play.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/orrpel
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    Cannot run Genymotion with a VPN connection

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:28 AM PST

    Playstore is not showing 90% of apps and games, but on console games are showing.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:49 PM PST

    Today I woke up and checked playstore and got to know that lots of apps are not showing.

    submitted by /u/anxietyhub
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    CodingWithMitch video tutorial - How to test ANY APP for PROCESS DEATH

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Best Practices to Identify Malicious Applications in Android

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Translucent SystemBars across API levels and themes

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:08 PM PST

    I'm a developer working on developing Android app, should I buy an iPhone for apple ecosystem or continue using Android?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:10 AM PST

    I'm a developer who usually working on developing Android app, I have an gen1 iPad air(an iPad released from 5 years ago ), MacBook, and a Android one's phone. Should I buy a iPhone for Apple ecosystem? Because an Android app developer own and using iPhone is weird to me. (In that case, meaning that developer maybe not understand the inconvenience of his app on Android). But I'm been very inconvenient while using Android with apple ecosystem(such as copy something on iPhone or iPad and paste it on Mac by using common shortcut without any delay, airdrop, and Messages on iOS and Mac, those functions are awesome but also not available on Android device). How should I do? Should I still using Android for daily usage and debugging or buy a iPhone or new iPad for Apple ecosystem and using Android phone only for debugging?


    submitted by /u/ljcucc
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    What is the Device Id in Google Analytics User Explorer? Can't find my devices.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 01:38 AM PST

    Hi. I'm using Google Analytics for Firebase in my app. I want to find my devices in User Explorer, I wanted to practice deleting analytics data on users request. I tried by searching by Advertising Id and instance id returned by "getAppInstanceId" from FirebaseAnalytics instance. No success so far. Did anyone here found a device using User Explorer (from Google Analytics)?

    submitted by /u/cocoadeer
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    About Kotlin Delegated Properties

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:11 PM PST

    So I was going through the bytecode of delegated properties and I found out that they use Kotlin Reflections to accomplish their tasks. Just wanted to the opinion on how good or bad Kotlin Reflection for App performance. Attaching the code and generated bytecode

    For something like this

    class User(val map: Map<String, Any?>) { val name: String by map val age: Int by map } val user = User(mapOf("name" to "John Doe", "age" to 25 )) 

    It generates bytecode like this

    public final class User { // $FF: synthetic field static final KProperty[] $$delegatedProperties = new KProperty[]{(KProperty)Reflection.property1(new PropertyReference1Impl(Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(User.class), "name", "getName()Ljava/lang/String;")), (KProperty)Reflection.property1(new PropertyReference1Impl(Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(User.class), "age", "getAge()I"))}; private final Map name$delegate; private final Map age$delegate; private final Map map; public final String getName() { Map var1 = this.name$delegate; KProperty var3 = $$delegatedProperties[0]; return (String)MapsKt.getOrImplicitDefaultNullable(var1, var3.getName()); } public final int getAge() { Map var1 = this.age$delegate; KProperty var3 = $$delegatedProperties[1]; return ((Number)MapsKt.getOrImplicitDefaultNullable(var1, var3.getName())).intValue(); } public final Map getMap() { return this.map; } public User(@NotNull Map map) { Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(map, "map"); super(); this.map = map; this.name$delegate = this.map; this.age$delegate = this.map; } } public final class SampleClassKt { private static final User user = new User(MapsKt.mapOf(new Pair[]{TuplesKt.to("name", "John Doe"), TuplesKt.to("age", 25)})); public static final User getUser() { return user; } } 

    Thanks a lot! Any useful links on performance of Kotlin Reflection would be very helpful!

    submitted by /u/surajkumarsau
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