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    Saturday, June 11, 2022

    Android Dev - Senior android dev here with limited testing experience. Is this a problem for my career?

    Android Dev - Senior android dev here with limited testing experience. Is this a problem for my career?

    Senior android dev here with limited testing experience. Is this a problem for my career?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2022 12:56 PM PDT

    I work in a bigger company that doesn't prioritize testing at all. We ship code out very quick, but we have a lot of QA and employees to test features to ensure they work. If something breaks we just fix it asap before it ever hits prod. Testing always comes last, or not at all. This allows us as a company to ship things quicker, and eng to just focus on coding features out.

    My worry is that I'll join a new company who tests heavily, but I won't have any idea how to do them properly for a feature (end to end tests, screenshot tests, unit tests, etc), or tell others how to do them.

    Is this going to hinder my career progression? If so, is there a resource I can use to help ramp up my testing skills and knowledge? Also any insights on "how" to test a feature, and the thinking process behind it would be awesome. Thanks.

    I have 4 YOE in android

    submitted by /u/loopey33
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    Advantages of coding activities/fragments completely in Java/Kotlin (without XML layout)?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2022 09:51 AM PDT

    I've been working as Android dev > 6 years. So far, writing activities/fragments for me means writing 2 parts:

    • the XML layout of the activity/fragment
    • Java/Kotlin code for implementing logic/business process

    Recently, I stumbled upon Telegram's source code, e.g ChatActivity.java. In typical Android activity/fragment code, you'll see setContentView() or inflater.inflate(). But this repo is very different. No XML layouts for activities/fragments. Instead, the UI are coded manually. You'll see lots off addView() eveywhere.

    This looks like a hardcore approach for me. Of course you can't preview the UI in Android Studio. Does this offer some certain advantages?

    submitted by /u/anta40
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    Help. cross compiling Android emulator for arm64

    Posted: 11 Jun 2022 01:04 PM PDT

    i am trying to build official Android emulator for arm64. builds on Ubuntu 20.04 but fails on 22.04

    using instructions on Android developer website to build.

    submitted by /u/porn_is_cancer
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    Will I be able to make full fledge apps with flutter?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2022 02:47 PM PDT

    Hello everyone I am completely new to app dev. I want to make my own apps and publish them, it was hard deciding what language to go for. I want to target both IOS and android and I read that react native and flutter can do that.

    After some more reading and researching I decided to go with flutter, I bought a course and started learning a couple of days ago.

    Today I decided to look up the most famous apps built with flutter. I couldn't find a lot of apps that have a large download number, which got me thinking.

    Is there a limitation to the apps I can build with flutter? will I be able to build both small and big apps, simple and complex? or will my ideas always be limited?

    If there are indeed limitations, is there a way to overcome them? will I need to learn another language and use in a conjunction with dart or will flutter be useless to me and I will have to start over?

    submitted by /u/LiamSi00
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    Health connect api

    Posted: 11 Jun 2022 01:55 PM PDT

    This idea seems great - that users will be able to have the same data shared across multiple fitness apps.

    But I'm confused on the actual UX for this. Will users have to install the health connect by Android app Google published in the play store for testing? Or is that just an example app of some kind? What data is stored where? (On device only vs your Fitbit account, for example.) If data is stored on device, I'd assume that means it's lost with a factory reset, but that sounds like a terrible UX, so I figure it's being synced somewhere...?

    I watched the Google io video about it, but I'm still confused.

    submitted by /u/mrandr01d
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    How the ArchWiki saved me with the android emulator messing up my input sound

    Posted: 11 Jun 2022 01:15 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if anyone encountered this problem before since I haven't seen it documented anywhere so I hope this might be helpful.
    The story goes like this: installed android studio through various package managers or manually, on a variety of linux distributions (most of them based on ubuntu and a few on archlinux) and each time, turning on the android emulator from android studio, my input sound from the microphone got completely distorted. And the microphone remained messed up even after turning off the emulator, uninstalling everything and/or restarting the machine.

    After browsing the issue on and off for weeks without finding anyone with a similar problem, the archwiki came to the rescue by suggesting how to fix usual microphone issues.
    Turns out the emulator somehow messed my pulse audio configuration or even worse there might be an issue with some realtek sound cards that caused this.

    Anyway, I simply tried most of the solutions listed here and it finally worked like a charm:

    I hope this might be useful to someone if they encounter the same problem. I encountered this issue on multiple machines, multiple distributions, with android studio installed through multiple ways and I thought it might be more common than it looks.

    submitted by /u/Pigeon_wizard
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    Where can I get Android developer remote job as a beginner/fresher, or any internship ( remote )

    Posted: 11 Jun 2022 11:23 AM PDT

    Only android developers experience ___ over and over and over again...

    Posted: 11 Jun 2022 02:02 PM PDT

    Excitement!...Ah crap...It works and I have no clue why!....Dang, never mind....Eureka!

    submitted by /u/TECnology77
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