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    Android Dev - App Feedback Thread - October 22, 2021

    Android Dev - App Feedback Thread - October 22, 2021

    App Feedback Thread - October 22, 2021

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for getting feedback on your own apps.


    • must provide feedback for others
    • must include Play Store, GitHub, or BitBucket link
    • must make a top level comment
    • must make an effort to respond to questions and feedback from commenters
    • app may be open or closed source


    • must give constructive feedback in replies to top level comments
    • must not include links to other apps

    To cut down on spam, accounts who are too young or do not have enough karma to post will be removed. Please make an effort to contribute to the community before asking for feedback.

    As always, the mod team is only a small group of people, and we rely on the readers to help us maintain this subreddit. Please report any rule breakers. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    So I remade Squid Game....

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    What kind of app projects helped you get your first job ?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 11:04 PM PDT

    For those of you without work experience, interships, mentors and degrees, what kind of personal android projects helped you land a job ? What kind of apps should I make ? Play store has millions of them already and its not quite easy to make something that looks unique and not copied from a tutorial. Any specific ideas ?

    submitted by /u/WinRAR-exe
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    Google intends to lower subscription-based app pricing in the Play Store next year.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    What am I missing? Using Volley, trying to import its classes

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm new to android. And only a little java experience. I followed their docs about Volley and wrote into my app/build.gradle

    implementation "com.android.volley:volley:1.2.1" 

    Import com.android.volley doesn't work either. The docs just go straight into writing a simple request. But I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go from here. As classes like String Request aren't being read in my android studio files.

    I didn't do the git cloning. Just gradle. Cloning is optional based on the way they write things in their docs:


    How do I get the Volley object and classes, from the gradle implementation?

    submitted by /u/ThisSoFrustrating
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    Android Avengers chat demo project using Stream Chat SDK based on MVVM architecture. (ViewModel, Hilt, Coroutines, Room, Repository)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 05:39 AM PDT

    Creating a Telegram channel only for Android jobs

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm working with a friend in creating a Telegram channel where only Android opportunities are received. We've implemented these features so far: - Get offers from multiple job websites. - Algorithm to filter not Android focus offers (90% of success :) ) - Only considering offers with salary (to avoid waste time with processes and finally get a shitty offer) - Priority for remote jobs

    What other functionalities would you implement? Do you see potencial on it?

    This is the channel BTW: Android jobs

    submitted by /u/askingEW
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    Evolving our business model to address developer needs

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Help sedding up admob GDPR eu consent form

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    I am new to ads . Please Help , I've been trying to implement gdpr form ut its not working, i am supposed to create funding choices account but i can't see where, documentation says

    " To create a Funding Choices account, go to Privacy & messaging in the AdMob UI and select Go to Funding Choices. The Funding Choices account is then created automatically in the background. "

    but i can't see any option there

    submitted by /u/ElectronicPain6109
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    How to cross-promote app correctly?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    I have an app that is downloaded more than 1 million times with a good number of DAU. I am soon launching another game and want to promote in that previous app. What strategy should I follow.

    submitted by /u/some_unknown
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    Writing instrumentation test with hilt & espresso - Fakes

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    Comparing Mobile Ad Networks

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 03:54 AM PDT


    Does someone have experience with Admob vs Applovin with FAN and other bidding networks implemented? Is the eCPM similar for Admob vs the others? I am asking because I am planning to ditch Admob forever.

    submitted by /u/kovachxx
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    Where to learn Android Studio debugger

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    I'm currently teaching myself android development in Android Studio. I have been going through Google's Basic Android Development series codelabs, but in the later lessons my apps always come back with errors when I build them. I know that the codelabs work as I download the final version and they build and work as expected.

    So I am trying to figure out where I am making errors. Probably some minor typos somewhere that I can't find no matter how long I stare at the example code and my code. I was wondering if the debugger could help me find these errors, but I am overwhelmed by every error message I receive when building.

    Any good tutorials for the debugger? Or other advice?

    submitted by /u/jgjwhhg
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    Firebase - how to display a pie chart of user_property distribution?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 03:28 AM PDT

    I started using firebase couple weeks ago, but for the life of me I can not figure out how to show a simple chart of value distribution of some user property.

    It is super un-intuitive/complicated, or maybe I am just dumb, I don't know...

    Let's say I have user property TEXT_SIZE and it can have values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - how can I see distribution of these values among my users?

    I can see exactly such nice chart in Firebase console => Analytics => Realtime but that is just for couple dozens users which are online right now.

    I can not achieve the same for all users in Firebase console => Analytics => Dashboard. And when I add comparision, it looks like this....They must be kidding me, like seriously I have to add 7 different comparisions for each font size values (I have 7 of them), to see a distribution? Or am I just doing something wrong?


    submitted by /u/throwaway41142095
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    Allow users to sell their contents in my app

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    Hi, I need some advices for my app. The app allows users to create contents (content creators) and upload them in the app to share with other users. Currently content creators share their content free of charge but there's an increasing demand from both the users and content creators for paid content so I want to implement a system for content creators to sell their works in the app

    I know you can only use google billing system so what I'm thinking is to make a set of generic IAP (1$, 2$, 5$, etc...). Content creators can then upload their works, select a price from a predefined list. Other users will purchase the content using normal google billing workflow and I'll unlock the content for that user in the server. Then at the end of the month, I'll send the money to content creators (Paypal, etc...)

    The contents are digital good, every transactions use google service so I don't think I've violated any rules but just to be on the safe side. Have you guys implemented something similar in your apps and is it allowed by google?. There's might be some other rules that I'm missing. I want to make sure that it's allowed before implementing since it's quite a big feature.

    Also there will be a request system as well, users will request a content to be made with a price and other content creators can accept the request and get paid for it (kinda like fiverr)

    I'll send an email to google later but if you have implemented something similar in your apps then any advice is appreciated. Maybe give the name of the app so I can check it out would great. Thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/kok3995
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    Flutter Login and Registration UI Tutorial with Source Code

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 11:35 PM PDT

    Background service much less used now?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    Work manager might have been changed. The background processing guide says don't use it for immediate tasks, but I read workmanger can be used for immediate background tasks. (I know the android guides are confusing and might not be updated correctly)

    So is there still a common use case for background service?

    1. For downloads, music….you can use fourground service.
    2. Most other type of tasks u want to run while app is not visible could be done by work manager.
    3. Due to background execution limit of background service, you could still use it for short immediate task. But why not use work manager

    You can read it here Developer.android.com/guide/background

    "For tasks that should be executed immediately and need continued processing, even if the user puts the application in the background or device restarts, we recommend using WorkManager……"

    But if you go to WorkManager guide, section "Use WorkManager for Reliable Work", it says it is not intended for work that requires immediate execution.

    Very confusing.

    submitted by /u/ynkm1692
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    How much does it cost to develop a fitness App like yoga

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    SaveInstanceState. Do you use it?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    Practically speaking, if you are using viewmodel, the only use case for save instance state is to handle system initiated process death.

    On iOS most apps when you come back after prolonged period of time, it starts in a fresh state. And many android app is the same.

    If you want to implement handling system initiated process death, you'd better implement it for majority of your app.

    For example, Activity A - activity B - activity C. If you want to handle it for activity C, most likely you want to handle it for activity B. If you don't, your activity C is recreated and you press back button your activity B could be in an inconsistent state.

    Practically how many of you actually even care to handle system initiated process death. It's so much work for little gain and UX impact.

    Often times large complex app is really complex, and handling this for most activities and app wise states is just impractical. Also for large custom object, you need custom parcel logic…

    "For the truly desperate, you could do a check for a process death in the "OnCreate()" method of all your activities, and then re-launch your launcher activity."

    submitted by /u/ynkm1692
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    Is it possible to add another app into Media Management?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    Only Photos is allowed, but I use Gallery GO. Any way possible to add?


    submitted by /u/sexandbacon
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    For an app with a MapView, should we support approximate location?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    I'm talking about apps like Google Maps that has a button to show a location pointer (but I use Mapbox for this).

    Should we support approximate location or should we just require precise location and show a dialog why?

    submitted by /u/VincentJoshuaET
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    What's the best android location library.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Hi, I have developed apps using location libraries like fused location provider and location manager. I found them very cumbersome to use. I mean these libraries needs a lot of initialisation and when combined with location permission and gps availability checks, they turn into big chunk of boilerplate code and areas where they sometimes fail and are not easy to debug or do logging.

    Recently I have come accross this library. It looks like easy to integrate with appropriate callbacks in place and whole lot of helper methods like permission availability etc.

    I would like to know if u guys use this or any similar library. And are there any drawbacks to use them. Like them sucking at scale?


    submitted by /u/shubh_420
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