• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 16, 2021

    Android Dev - I want to interact with this context menu. Where do I start?

    Android Dev - I want to interact with this context menu. Where do I start?

    I want to interact with this context menu. Where do I start?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    Has Android discontinued Intel emulator images?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    Has Android discontinued Intel emulator images?

    From earlier releases of Android Q, the SDK manager provided an option of Intel X86_64 emulator image but this isn't the case since R+. Is there another repository where I can download the non-Google API image for testing system apps (which require the system keys).


    submitted by /u/masterZoso
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    Remote Collaborative Projects

    Posted: 16 May 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    I'm working on an Android project with another person online. Our main challenge is that we can't be online at the same time. Have any of you done remote collaboration on an app? How did you do it?

    submitted by /u/Test-Normal
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    A little form for my Final Project of my Studies.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:32 AM PDT


    I am doing a programming superior grade and I am doing an app to collect different exercises(how you can do it, the repetitions etc...)

    One of the steps of this project is doing a little form and get people to fill it.

    If you have time (max 1-2 minutes) you can help me alot!

    English Version-https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1oUQ3iFI6o-EpJtvlaMzM6fvLVO4R3HrJuDZJXIh77Ss/viewform?edit_requested=true

    Spanish Version-https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qV4If4BLeuWXjho9W8vXejiTs08lpwlL-qtAd1FlaL0/viewform?edit_requested=true

    Many thanks for your time and your help.

    submitted by /u/Capeca
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    Hd wallpapers android source code

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    anyone interested to this source code , you can test apk from here : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jabbaWockeezwallpapers.fullhddancebackgrounds

    source code of hd wallpapers with options of categories and crop before applying as wallpaper

    the app works online with host

    make an offer

    submitted by /u/MobSoft-apps-games
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    Any tips for replicating one android to another?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    I need to copy all information from one android tablet to many others. I'd like to avoid using 3rd party kiosk softwares.

    Anyone know how I can easily replicate/copy/mirror one android to another new one? I'm talking apps, background, settings, and data (or as much of the above given criteria as possible)?? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/re-fine
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    How much time it takes for facebook audience network to show real ads after creating an account?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    Hii How much time it takes facebook audience network to show real ads after an account is created. Like in admob it takes 24 hours to build inventory.

    submitted by /u/NANOwasFound
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    All my smartphones batteries drain much quicker with wifi/gps/bt/nfc/data OFF?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    First off, apologies if this is not the correct sub, but it seemed the best out of all the subs that were listed. The batteries on all the smartphones Ive ever had have drained about 2-3 times faster when all the radios (wifi/gps/bluetooth/nfc/data etc.) are turned off. Anyone have any idea why that is? Just to test it, Ive bought two of several kf the phones Ive had and before fully setting them up, Ive had one with all the radios turned on and the other with all the radios turned off and the batteey of the one with all the radios turned off drained about 2 to 3 times faster than the one with them on. Now, correct me if Im wrong, but wouldnt it make sense that the radios being turned on would use up more power even if the radios are only being used in the background? Ive tried the same experiment with several different variables, i.e. different locations inside a building or outside, screen kept on all the time or off all the time during the tests, standard apps I use installed and running or not installed, etc. And every time I get the same results. Anyone have any idea why this happens?

    submitted by /u/Livid_Layer_5893
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    Getting knowledge in developing advanced apps

    Posted: 16 May 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    I have more than 3 years of experience in Android App Development (Java). I am good at Rest API Integration, Payment gateway integration, push notifications, deep links/dynamic links, location, Maps, 3rd party libraries (provided enough doc). But still have no idea for apps like Photo editing, full fledged music/video player, short video creating apps, Drawing/Sketch apps, accessibility apps, AI, VR/AR etc. Where do Android Developers (who don't know any senior developers) get enough knowledge to build advanced apps? How will you react & respond to your project manager when you are required to do a project where you don't have any ideas for the requirements?

    submitted by /u/jaroos_
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    How to remove title from fullscreen webview

    Posted: 16 May 2021 01:38 AM PDT


    I'm trying to remove the top title and bottom navigation from an app, this is the code: https://github.com/suoko/fullscreenApp

    Is it a problem with the android version ?

    submitted by /u/suoko
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    what do you predict is the future of cross platform mobile development?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    Change app function completely.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    I have published an app in the google play store. The app has 1M+ downloads. But due to storage API changes, this app can no longer execute the old functionalities. Instead of letting this app die, I'm planning to make this app into an image cropper. Is it against google play poilices?

    submitted by /u/Beginning_Ad6035
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    Custom class initiates multiple times

    Posted: 15 May 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Hello,lets say I have an Activity and a custom class that handles various scenarios and in one of them a new activity is started. After the work there is finished, I send and intent to start the previous activity. The previously mentioned handler holds some data that I want to keep,but every time the first activity is started the onCreare is called and a new instance of the handler gets created. What would be the best way to keep the handlers data,or avoid the onCreate method maybe?

    submitted by /u/elzero1999
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    A "Scala on Android" meetup, May 18, 19:00-21:00

    Posted: 15 May 2021 08:27 AM PDT


    On Tuesday. May 18, starting from 19:00, I'm talking about Scala on Android on a virtual meetup of Berlin Functional Programming Group:

    The talk will consist of things you can already find elsewhere, that is:
    a) the history of Scala on the Android platform,
    b) what is its current situation,
    c) what are the alternatives to the standard Android app development which make it possible to write apps in Scala (but also in other languages)
    d) an overview of one of the possible stacks: GraalVM Native Image + Gluon Mobile + JavaFX

    But then there will be also a bit about newer development:
    e) how to write a simple, but not trivial app, and a step-by-step tutorial
    f) where can we go from here and what are the obstacles

    And then, I hope, there will still be time for Q&A and discussion.

    The registration is free. Hope to see you there 😊

    submitted by /u/makingthematrix
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    Looking for an USB IO Library to stream data

    Posted: 15 May 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Hi I there any way to stream data in realtime via usb to the connected PC?

    submitted by /u/dekonta
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    I want to get into mobile (mainly android) dev with programming background and some mobile development shortcuts background (like Unity and Appinventor and tiny bit of android studio), what is the best programming language or thingy?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    I have programming background in C, C++, Python, Java, C#, HTML&CSS, PHP, and some similar stuff.

    I have done some moblie dev in game engines such us Godot and Unity, And used Appinventor and Android studio.

    I want a capable programming language or library or something similar to get started with moblie dev (mainly android), what do you recommand?

    On another note (maybe it needs it's own post...) I want to create a simple app that will either look at a certain Whatsapp group and search for a specific message (maybe 🛑) and when it's see's that it will trigger an alaram, that or just an app that has a button that you press and it will trigger an alaram to anyone else with this app (It does needs to be a closed app not for the play store). Do I need servers for the second idea? and for the first one is it easily possible to read Whatsapp messages? (with user's permission)

    submitted by /u/TheEitan
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