I am struggling to understand what could explain why the resolution for AndroidTV on the 58H78G, I just acquired, is stuck at 1080p.
When setting up the TV on the first start, the interface looked like 1080p (poorly) upscaled - you could notice the logos and text not being sharp.
If I start Youtube app, it renders 4k content clearly but when I go back to AndroidTV it looks blurry.
I tried running Kodi which confirms the system it is running on, has a resolution of 1080p only (visible under the System information of Kodi), which makes AndroidTV fairly useless for any extra app that cannot recognize a 4K environment.
I tried a few others apps and it looks like there is no native 4K rendering on this TV which if true is the most disappointing marketing move I have yet to see. The point of that purchase was to collapse TV and smart player in one product. I was curious (and maybe worried) to see the kind of system on chip such a TV would have. While I understand the TV is classified as budget, it is sad to see such a limitation on the user experience.
I have an NVIDIA ShieldTV (running AndroidTV 8.2) that I connected to the Hisense on HDMI and that player displays its interface as a 4K resolution (showing on the on-screen input resolution notification).
I have even enabled the developer mode in Android to try some recommendations around changing the size of the window manager and density which did not change the actual resolution.
For reference, in debugging mode over the network:
xiaoyushan:/ $ wm size Physical size: 1920x1080
And the dumpsys window output:
WINDOW MANAGER DISPLAY CONTENTS (dumpsys window displays) Display: mDisplayId=0 init=1920x1080 320dpi cur=1920x1080 app=1920x1080 rng=1080x1080-1920x1920 deferred=false mLayoutNeeded=false mTouchExcludeRegion=SkRegion((0,0,1920,1080)) mLayoutSeq=220 Application tokens in top down Z order: mStackId=0 mDeferRemoval=false mBounds=[0,0][1920,1080] taskId=3 mBounds=[0,0][1920,1080] mdr=false appTokens=[AppWindowToken{fe005fb token=Token{1ba6b8a ActivityRecord{e75c1f5 u0 com.google.android.tvlauncher/.MainActivity t3}}}] mTempInsetBounds=[0,0][0,0] Activity #0 AppWindowToken{fe005fb token=Token{1ba6b8a ActivityRecord{e75c1f5 u0 com.google.android.tvlauncher/.MainActivity t3}}} windows=[Window{2a15143 u0 com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity}] windowType=2 hidden=false hasVisible=true app=true mVoiceInteraction=false task={taskId=3 appTokens=[AppWindowToken{fe005fb token=Token{1ba6b8a ActivityRecord{e75c1f5 u0 com.google.android.tvlauncher/.MainActivity t3}}}] mdr=false} mFillsParent=true mOrientation=0 hiddenRequested=false mClientHidden=false reportedDrawn=true reportedVisible=true mNumInterestingWindows=1 mNumDrawnWindows=1 inPendingTransaction=false allDrawn=true lastAllDrawn=true) startingData=null removed=false firstWindowDrawn=true mIsExiting=false controller=AppWindowContainerController{ token=Token{1ba6b8a ActivityRecord{e75c1f5 u0 com.google.android.tvlauncher/.MainActivity t3}} mContainer=AppWindowToken{fe005fb token=Token{1ba6b8a ActivityRecord{e75c1f5 u0 com.google.android.tvlauncher/.MainActivity t3}}} mListener=ActivityRecord{e75c1f5 u0 com.google.android.tvlauncher/.MainActivity t3}} homeStack=Stack=0 DockedStackDividerController mLastVisibility=false mMinimizedDock=false mAdjustedForIme=false mAdjustedForDivider=false PinnedStackController defaultBounds=[1367,778][1808,1026] movementBounds=[112,54][1808,1026] mIsImeShowing=false mImeHeight=0 mIsShelfShowing=false mShelfHeight=0 mReentrySnapFraction=-1.0 mIsMinimized=false mActions=[] mDisplayInfo=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", uniqueId "local:0", app 1920 x 1080, real 1920 x 1080, largest app 1920 x 1920, smallest app 1080 x 1080, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1920, height=1080, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@4a3d456a, rotation 0, density 320 (77.0 x 77.0) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 2000000, presDeadline 11666666, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0} DisplayFrames w=1920 h=1080 r=0 mStable=[0,0][1920,1080] mStableFullscreen=[0,0][1920,1080] mDock=[0,0][1920,1080] mCurrent=[0,0][1920,1080] mSystem=[0,0][1920,1080] mContent=[0,0][1920,1080] mVoiceContent=[0,0][1920,1080] mOverscan=[0,0][1920,1080] mRestrictedOverscan=[0,0][1920,1080] mRestricted=[0,0][1920,1080] mUnrestricted=[0,0][1920,1080] mDisplayInfoOverscan=[0,0][0,0] mRotatedDisplayInfoOverscan=[0,0][0,0] mDisplayCutout=com.android.server.wm.utils.WmDisplayCutout@3c1 WINDOW MANAGER TOKENS (dumpsys window tokens) All tokens: Display #0 AppWindowToken{fe005fb token=Token{1ba6b8a ActivityRecord{e75c1f5 u0 com.google.android.tvlauncher/.MainActivity t3}}} WindowToken{5071fc5 android.os.BinderProxy@dce063c} WindowToken{3be1a7a android.os.Binder@6f016a5} WallpaperWindowToken{a74db89 token=android.os.Binder@61a0690}
The dumpsys display:
xiaoyushan:/ $ dumpsys display DISPLAY MANAGER (dumpsys display) mOnlyCode=false mSafeMode=false mPendingTraversal=false mGlobalDisplayState=ON mNextNonDefaultDisplayId=1 mDefaultViewport=DisplayViewport{valid=true, displayId=0, uniqueId='null', orientation=0, logicalFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080), physicalFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080), deviceWidth=1920, deviceHeight=1080} mExternalTouchViewport=DisplayViewport{valid=false, displayId=0, uniqueId='null', orientation=0, logicalFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), physicalFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), deviceWidth=0, deviceHeight=0} mVirtualTouchViewports=[] mDefaultDisplayDefaultColorMode=0 mSingleDisplayDemoMode=false mWifiDisplayScanRequestCount=0 mStableDisplaySize=Point(1920, 1080) Display Adapters: size=3 LocalDisplayAdapter VirtualDisplayAdapter OverlayDisplayAdapter mCurrentOverlaySetting= mOverlays: size=0 Display Devices: size=1 DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 1920 x 1080, modeId 1, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1920, height=1080, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], HdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@4a3d456a, density 320, 77.0 x 77.0 dpi, appVsyncOff 2000000, presDeadline 11666666, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS} mAdapter=LocalDisplayAdapter mUniqueId=local:0 mDisplayToken=android.os.BinderProxy@1045b50 mCurrentLayerStack=0 mCurrentOrientation=0 mCurrentLayerStackRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mCurrentDisplayRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mCurrentSurface=null mBuiltInDisplayId=0 mActivePhysIndex=0 mActiveModeId=1 mActiveColorMode=0 mState=ON mBrightness=102 mBacklight=com.android.server.lights.LightsService$LightImpl@28d7149 mDisplayInfos= PhysicalDisplayInfo{1920 x 1080, 60.000004 fps, density 2.0, 77.0 x 77.0 dpi, secure true, appVsyncOffset 2000000, bufferDeadline 11666666} mSupportedModes= DisplayModeRecord{mMode={id=1, width=1920, height=1080, fps=60.000004}} mSupportedColorModes=[0] Logical Displays: size=1 Display 0: mDisplayId=0 mLayerStack=0 mHasContent=true mRequestedMode=0 mRequestedColorMode=0 mDisplayOffset=(0, 0) mPrimaryDisplayDevice=Built-in Screen mBaseDisplayInfo=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", uniqueId "local:0", app 1920 x 1080, real 1920 x 1080, largest app 1920 x 1080, smallest app 1920 x 1080, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1920, height=1080, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@4a3d456a, rotation 0, density 320 (77.0 x 77.0) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 2000000, presDeadline 11666666, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0} mOverrideDisplayInfo=DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen", uniqueId "local:0", app 1920 x 1080, real 1920 x 1080, largest app 1920 x 1920, smallest app 1080 x 1080, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1920, height=1080, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@4a3d456a, rotation 0, density 320 (77.0 x 77.0) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 2000000, presDeadline 11666666, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0} Callbacks: size=50 0: mPid=2818, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 1: mPid=3715, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 2: mPid=3731, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 3: mPid=3751, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 4: mPid=3784, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 5: mPid=4113, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 6: mPid=4140, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 7: mPid=4251, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 8: mPid=4274, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 9: mPid=4286, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 10: mPid=4302, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 11: mPid=4314, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 12: mPid=4334, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 13: mPid=4345, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 14: mPid=4366, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 15: mPid=4375, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 16: mPid=4391, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 17: mPid=4410, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 18: mPid=4421, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 19: mPid=4436, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 20: mPid=4499, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 21: mPid=4525, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 22: mPid=4605, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 23: mPid=4615, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 24: mPid=4687, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 25: mPid=4727, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 26: mPid=4962, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 27: mPid=5026, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 28: mPid=5375, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 29: mPid=5626, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 30: mPid=5666, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 31: mPid=5818, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 32: mPid=6369, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 33: mPid=6519, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 34: mPid=6566, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 35: mPid=6695, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 36: mPid=7022, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 37: mPid=7353, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 38: mPid=7394, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 39: mPid=7503, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 40: mPid=7552, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 41: mPid=7903, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 42: mPid=7928, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 43: mPid=8089, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 44: mPid=8358, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 45: mPid=8377, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 46: mPid=8404, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 47: mPid=8431, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 48: mPid=8888, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false 49: mPid=8899, mWifiDisplayScanRequested=false Display Power Controller Locked State: mDisplayReadyLocked=true mPendingRequestLocked=policy=BRIGHT, useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=-1, useAutoBrightness=false, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=0.5, blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false, dozeScreenBrightness=-1, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN mPendingRequestChangedLocked=false mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked=false mPendingUpdatePowerStateLocked=false Display Power Controller Configuration: mScreenBrightnessDozeConfig=1 mScreenBrightnessDimConfig=10 mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum=10 mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum=255 mScreenBrightnessDefault=102 mScreenBrightnessForVrRangeMinimum=79 mScreenBrightnessForVrRangeMaximum=255 mScreenBrightnessForVrDefault=86 mUseSoftwareAutoBrightnessConfig=false mAllowAutoBrightnessWhileDozingConfig=false mBrightnessRampRateFast=180 mBrightnessRampRateSlow=60 mSkipScreenOnBrightnessRamp=false mColorFadeFadesConfig=false mColorFadeEnabled=false mDisplayBlanksAfterDozeConfig=false mBrightnessBucketsInDozeConfig=false Display Power Controller Thread State: mPowerRequest=policy=BRIGHT, useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=-1, useAutoBrightness=false, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=0.5, blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false, dozeScreenBrightness=-1, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN mUnfinishedBusiness=false mWaitingForNegativeProximity=false mProximitySensor=null mProximitySensorEnabled=false mProximityThreshold=0.0 mProximity=Unknown mPendingProximity=Unknown mPendingProximityDebounceTime=-1 (679943 ms ago) mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity=false mLastUserSetScreenBrightness=0 mCurrentScreenBrightnessSetting=102 mPendingScreenBrightnessSetting=-1 mTemporaryScreenBrightness=-1 mAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0 mTemporaryAutoBrightnessAdjustment=NaN mPendingAutoBrightnessAdjustment=NaN mScreenBrightnessForVr=86 mAppliedAutoBrightness=false mAppliedDimming=false mAppliedLowPower=false mAppliedScreenBrightnessOverride=false mAppliedTemporaryBrightness=false mDozing=false mSkipRampState=RAMP_STATE_SKIP_NONE mInitialAutoBrightness=0 mScreenOnBlockStartRealTime=0 mScreenOffBlockStartRealTime=0 mPendingScreenOnUnblocker=null mPendingScreenOffUnblocker=null mPendingScreenOff=false mReportedToPolicy=REPORTED_TO_POLICY_SCREEN_ON mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator.isAnimating()=false Display Power State: mScreenState=ON mScreenBrightness=102 mScreenReady=true mScreenUpdatePending=false mColorFadePrepared=false mColorFadeLevel=1.0 mColorFadeReady=true mColorFadeDrawPending=false Photonic Modulator State: mPendingState=ON mPendingBacklight=102 mActualState=ON mActualBacklight=102 mStateChangeInProgress=false mBacklightChangeInProgress=false BrightnessTracker state: mStarted=false mLastBatteryLevel=NaN mLastBrightness=-1.0 mLastSensorReadings.size=0 mEventsDirty=false mEvents.size=0 mWriteBrightnessTrackerStateScheduled=false mSensorRegistered=false PersistentDataStore mLoaded=true mDirty=false RememberedWifiDisplays: DisplayStates: StableDeviceValues: StableDisplayWidth=1920 StableDisplayHeight=1080 BrightnessConfigurations:
I am no expert but as I was browsing the full dumpsys output, I noticed that:
h/w composer state: h/w composer enabled ======Mstar HAL Dump infomation Begin====== Capabilities: Unknown SidebandStream Hwcomposer Display Devices: Hwcomposer Primary Display 0: Type Physical Power mode: Off Vsync: Disable Color modes [active]: [0] 1 Config (* active) * 1920 x 1080 @ 60.0 Hz, DPI: 77.0 x 77.0 mGlobalTransform:[[1.000,0.000,0.000][0.000,1.000,0.000][0.000,0.000,1.000]] 1 HWC Layer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HWC Layer :34 (unknow) Visible Region Surface Damage [0, 0, 1920, 1080] [0, 0, 1920, 1080] Compostion Type : Device Z = 0 Buffer handle/Fence = 0xf42d8b00/-1 Foramt = RGBA_8888 mPlaneAlpha = 1 Transform = None Blend = None Source crop (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] Display frame (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] layer buffer's memory type is CMA_MIU0_CONTIGUOUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HWC Layer :0 (Client Target) Visible Region Surface Damage [0, 0, 1920, 1080] None Compostion Type : Client Target Z = 0 Buffer handle/Fence = 0xf42d8600/-1 Foramt = BGRA_8888 mPlaneAlpha = 1 Transform = None Blend = Premultiplied Source crop (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] Display frame (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- curTimingWidth = 3840, curTimingHeight = 2160 panelWidth = 3840,panelHeight = 2160, panelHStart = 0 display region = 1920 x 1080 OSD mDisplayQueue size 0 Mi window 0: Mi window[0xf42a72b0] ,acquireFenceFd = -1,releaseFenceFd = 52,blending = 1 planeAlpha = 255 layerindex=0 bFrameBufferTarget=0,layer[0],handle = 20000,Layer custom size src:1920 x 1080,dst [0,0,3840,2160],window handle = 40001,window rect[0,0,1920,1080],surface width x height :1920 x 1080,buffer type = 2,Color format = 7,pixel alpha = 1, is full flip = 0, Surface han dle = 80006,bReArrange = 0,eColorFormat = 7,eMemoryType = 2, eOwner = 0,phyAddr = 2f83000,width x height = 1920 x 1080,pitch = 7680. hwcursor idx[-1],op=0,alpha=0,layer[0]:hnd=0,customSize=[0x0,0,0,0,0].window:hnd=0,hLayer=0,W/H=[0x0],rect=[0,0,0,0],bufType=0,color=0.SrcSurf:hnd=0,memType=0,Owner=0,phyAddr=0,W/H/Pitch=[0,0 ,0],DstSurf:hnd=0,memType=0,owner=0,phyAddr=0,W/H/Pitch=[0,0,0],mSrcRect=[0,0,0,0],mDstRect=[0,0,0,0] ======Mstar HAL Dump infomation end====== Allocated buffers: 0xd4d0e000: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | Sys2023:dream#0 0xeeb57f00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0x1e02 | FramebufferSurface 0xeeb7b000: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 0xeeb7b700: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 0xeeb7ba00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 0xeeb7bc00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | Sys2023:dream#0 0xeeb7bd00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | Sys2023:dream#0 0xeeb7be00: 16.00 KiB | 64 ( 64) x 64 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper#0 0xeeb7bf00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | Sys2023:dream#0 0xf0d35d00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0x1e02 | FramebufferSurface 0xf0d35e00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 Total allocated (estimate): 81016.00 KB
Which seems to confirm everything is running at 1080p for the launcher.
If I issue a 'wm size 3840x2160' command, the physical resolution remains the same, only the window manager changes which does not address the problem:
$ wm size Physical size: 1920x1080 Override size: 3840x2160
I tried the the 'wm density' but, as far as I can tell, this is only for the way the ratio of the rendering looks like. I experimented a bit however, that does not address the native resolution.
Then the hwComposer section reports the following:
Hwcomposer Display Devices: Hwcomposer Primary Display 0: Type Physical Power mode: Off Vsync: Disable Color modes [active]: [0] 1 Config (* active) * 1920 x 1080 @ 60.0 Hz, DPI: 77.0 x 77.0 mGlobalTransform:[[1.000,0.000,0.000][0.000,1.000,0.000][0.000,0.000,1.000]] 1 HWC Layer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HWC Layer :34 (unknow) Visible Region Surface Damage [0, 0, 1920, 1080] [0, 0, 3840, 2160] Compostion Type : Client Z = 0 Buffer handle/Fence = 0xf42d8200/-1 Foramt = RGBA_8888 mPlaneAlpha = 1 Transform = None Blend = None Source crop (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 3840, 2160] Display frame (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] layer buffer's memory type is CMA_MIU0_CONTIGUOUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HWC Layer :0 (Client Target) Visible Region Surface Damage [0, 0, 1920, 1080] None Compostion Type : Client Target Z = 0 Buffer handle/Fence = 0xf42d8600/-1 Foramt = BGRA_8888 mPlaneAlpha = 1 Transform = None Blend = Premultiplied Source crop (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] Display frame (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- curTimingWidth = 3840, curTimingHeight = 2160 panelWidth = 3840,panelHeight = 2160, panelHStart = 0 display region = 1920 x 1080 OSD mDisplayQueue size 0 Mi window 0: Mi window[0xf42a7390] ,acquireFenceFd = -1,releaseFenceFd = 55,blending = 2 planeAlpha = 255 layerindex=1 bFrameBufferTarget=1,layer[0],handle = 20000,Layer custom size src:1920 x 1080,dst [0,0,3840,2160],window handle = 40001,window rect[0,0,1920,1080],surface width x height :1920 x 1080,buffer type = 2,Color format = 8,pixel alpha = 1, is full flip = 0, Surface han dle = 80003,bReArrange = 0,eColorFormat = 8,eMemoryType = 2, eOwner = 0,phyAddr = 7fe9000,width x height = 1920 x 1080,pitch = 7680. hwcursor idx[-1],op=0,alpha=0,layer[0]:hnd=0,customSize=[0x0,0,0,0,0].window:hnd=0,hLayer=0,W/H=[0x0],rect=[0,0,0,0],bufType=0,color=0.SrcSurf:hnd=0,memType=0,Owner=0,phyAddr=0,W/H/Pitch=[0,0 ,0],DstSurf:hnd=0,memType=0,owner=0,phyAddr=0,W/H/Pitch=[0,0,0],mSrcRect=[0,0,0,0],mDstRect=[0,0,0,0] ======Mstar HAL Dump infomation end====== Allocated buffers: 0xd4d0e000: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | Sys2023:dream#0 0xd4d0e500: 32400.00 KiB | 3840 (3840) x 2160 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | Sys2023:dream#0 0xeeb57f00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0x1e02 | FramebufferSurface 0xeeb7b000: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 0xeeb7b700: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 0xeeb7ba00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 0xeeb7bc00: 32400.00 KiB | 3840 (3840) x 2160 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | Sys2023:dream#0 0xeeb7bd00: 32400.00 KiB | 3840 (3840) x 2160 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | Sys2023:dream#0 0xeeb7be00: 16.00 KiB | 64 ( 64) x 64 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper#0 0xf0d35d00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0x1e02 | FramebufferSurface 0xf0d35e00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 Total allocated (estimate): 153916.00 KB
And after a reboot (still showing resolution at 1080p while UI is trying to show 4K)
Hwcomposer Display Devices: Hwcomposer Primary Display 0: Type Physical Power mode: Off Vsync: Disable Color modes [active]: [0] 1 Config (* active) * 1920 x 1080 @ 60.0 Hz, DPI: 77.0 x 77.0 mGlobalTransform:[[1.000,0.000,0.000][0.000,1.000,0.000][0.000,0.000,1.000]] 1 HWC Layer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HWC Layer :4 (unknow) Visible Region Surface Damage [0, 0, 1920, 1080] [0, 0, 3840, 2160] Compostion Type : Client Z = 0 Buffer handle/Fence = 0xe85d8500/-1 Foramt = RGBA_8888 mPlaneAlpha = 1 Transform = None Blend = None Source crop (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 3840, 2160] Display frame (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] layer buffer's memory type is CMA_MIU0_CONTIGUOUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HWC Layer :0 (Client Target) Visible Region Surface Damage [0, 0, 1920, 1080] None Compostion Type : Client Target Z = 0 Buffer handle/Fence = 0xe85d8600/-1 Foramt = BGRA_8888 mPlaneAlpha = 1 Transform = None Blend = Premultiplied Source crop (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] Display frame (l,t,r,b) = [0, 0, 1920, 1080] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- curTimingWidth = 3840, curTimingHeight = 2160 panelWidth = 3840,panelHeight = 2160, panelHStart = 0 display region = 1920 x 1080 OSD mDisplayQueue size 0 Mi window 0: Mi window[0xe85a72b0] ,acquireFenceFd = -1,releaseFenceFd = 55,blending = 2 planeAlpha = 255 layerindex=1 bFrameBufferTarget=1,layer[0],handle = 20000,Layer custom size src:1920 x 1080,dst [0,0,3840,2160],window handle = 40001,window rect[0,0,1920,1080],surface width x height :1920 x 1080,buffer type = 2,Color format = 8,pixel alpha = 1, is full flip = 0, Surface han dle = 80003,bReArrange = 0,eColorFormat = 8,eMemoryType = 2, eOwner = 0,phyAddr = 7fe9000,width x height = 1920 x 1080,pitch = 7680. hwcursor idx[-1],op=0,alpha=0,layer[0]:hnd=0,customSize=[0x0,0,0,0,0].window:hnd=0,hLayer=0,W/H=[0x0],rect=[0,0,0,0],bufType=0,color=0.SrcSurf:hnd=0,memType=0,Owner=0,phyAddr=0,W/H/Pitch=[0,0 ,0],DstSurf:hnd=0,memType=0,owner=0,phyAddr=0,W/H/Pitch=[0,0,0],mSrcRect=[0,0,0,0],mDstRect=[0,0,0,0] ======Mstar HAL Dump infomation end====== Allocated buffers: 0xc7e08600: 16.00 KiB | 64 ( 64) x 64 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper#0 0xe7cd7c00: 32400.00 KiB | 3840 (3840) x 2160 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 0xe7cd7d00: 32400.00 KiB | 3840 (3840) x 2160 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 0xe7cd7e00: 32400.00 KiB | 3840 (3840) x 2160 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 0xe7cd7f00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0x1e02 | FramebufferSurface 0xe9eb5d00: 8100.00 KiB | 1920 (1920) x 1080 | 1 | 1 | 0x1e02 | FramebufferSurface 0xe9eb5e00: 32400.00 KiB | 3840 (3840) x 2160 | 1 | 1 | 0xf02 | com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0 Total allocated (estimate): 145816.00 KB
I am trying to understand whether the AndroidTV can run the launcher at 4K or whether the system on chip cannot handle that 4k resolution.
If anybody has any guidance on what else to check or try through ADB shell to confirm what I observed, that would be helpful.
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