• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 14, 2021

    Android Questions: So let's say I finally give in and get my first smartphone, but I'm not the biggest fan of Google. What does an Android phone allow you to do without a Google account?

    Android Questions: So let's say I finally give in and get my first smartphone, but I'm not the biggest fan of Google. What does an Android phone allow you to do without a Google account?

    So let's say I finally give in and get my first smartphone, but I'm not the biggest fan of Google. What does an Android phone allow you to do without a Google account?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 03:09 AM PDT

    EDIT: Thanks all for the responses! I am still weighing buying a smartphone vs. buying one of the newer Nokia dumbphones, but I still have research to do before I decide. On the one hand, I hate the fragility, short battery life, and intrusiveness of smartphones; on the other hand, the Microsoft-developed Series 30+ OS was a trainwreck, and HMD global hasn't fully gotten rid of all of its issues. So I haven't decided which one to go with - but now I know that using a smartphone without a Google account is at least an option.

    If I do buy a smartphone, we'll see if I keep it as-is without a Google account or decide to root it and install a FOSS operating system.

    Thanks again!

    submitted by /u/AlbertWhiterose
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    [Pixel4a] whatsapp web won't work while on hotspot

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    I use my desktop PC as a mobile hotspot to have a wifi network in my room. This works perfectly fine with my laptop. Speed is good, and connection never drops.

    On my pixel 4a it also works flawlessly while using the phone. However, when I put it down and use Whatsapp Web on my desktop, for some reason it cannot connect. The web page just goes into 'hone not connected' mode. The phone is still connected to wifi, it's just that whatsapp web doesn't work.

    Anyone got an idea why this happens and what I can do about it?

    submitted by /u/FederalHeight8
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    Is there any Rotation Lock magisk module or app for rooted Android?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    I want YouTube to be locked at Landscape mode all the time.

    submitted by /u/IamVenom_007
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    Will the repair shop look through my phone?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    I dropped my Galaxy S10 on concrete from my bike and the touchscreen doesnt work, it has a black spot where it shows no color and it shows some weird colors too.

    I'm taking it to a repair shop to get it fixed, I have a password on the phone, will they still somehow be able to get into the phone and look through my files even if I dont tell them my password?

    submitted by /u/Spit-ShineTommy
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    Blu Vivo XI+ OR Google Pixel XL

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    I have the blu vivo xi+ and i am gonna be given a google pixel xl..

    overall which is the better phone to use?

    i noticed at night the camera is crap on the vivo xi+ but looks amazing on the pixel xl.. but other than that im not sure which is the overall better device.

    submitted by /u/expanddong-69420
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    Notifications don't go away when viewed

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    When I go into apps like Instagram, reddit, Gmail and others notifications don't go away, they are still at the top of the screen and have a number on the app icon. No matter what I do they stay so if I view a message on Instagram the app icon still says one and I just keeps going up when I get new messages. The only way it goes away is if I clear it from notification box which is annoying and pointless because I already looked at it. Is there a way to make it so that they go away when viewed?

    submitted by /u/matthew403717
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    Does anybody know how to manually tag photos in samsungs secure folder gallery?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    As the title asks, i am unable to manually tag my photos that are in my secure folder, however auto tag is still available and i can tag pictures normally in the original gallery. If i try to move manually tagged photos from the normal gallery to my secure folder it removes all tags except the auto tags. I am also on a Samsung Galaxy A31 if that helps in anyway. Thank you

    submitted by /u/hamzaalli21
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    Transferring WhatsApp messages from Android to iPhone or Vice-Versa ( FREE and very easy work around)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    I spent a few days looking for ways to move my WhatsApp messages from Android to iPhone, turns out there was no easy solution until Now! You can now move all your chats + media in a few minutes

    The solution is very simple

    1. Download Telegram onto your android
    2. Export your WhatsApp messages from WhatsApp to telegram on android (very simple , takes 30 seconds) - https://telegram.org/blog/move-history
    3. Then download telegram on your iPhone and Voilà all your WhatsApp messages are there!!

    NOTE: you can't move these messages from telegram back to WhatsApp on your iPhone but all these messages will be available for you to see on your telegram

    You're welcome

    Transferring WhatsApp messages from Android to iPhone or Vice-Versa ( FREE and very easy work around)

    submitted by /u/DeepMFinValue
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    Gmail and Outlook apps never notify whenever new mails pop up

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    I checked both settings and they're allowed to notify. Disturb mode is off.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_GALLOWB00BS
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    Edge light not existing on samsung s10?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    After the latest update, edge light just disappeared. I knew exactly where it was in the settings, but it's gone. If I search for it, nothing comes up? What is this???? I want to remove it for some app. But I can't.

    Has anyone else had this happend?

    submitted by /u/Naixee
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    What app for password manager would you recommend ?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    I've been thinking about starting to use a password manager, for myself but also to install on other devices for family members who keep forgetting their passwords. I know that there's a bunch of them out there and wanted to know your opinions.

    I'm looking for something where I'm not surrendering all of my passwords to google, something that would survive losing access to my Google account and something that would survive having my phone die unexpectedly.

    Both of those situations happened to either me or family members for which I was doing tech support and made me realize the fragility (how easily we can lose) of our data and accounts.

    submitted by /u/DeliciousMetal
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    Why companies don't use Viper4Android as their default sound system?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:58 AM PDT

    The question is self explanatory. What's stopping them from doing it?

    submitted by /u/IamVenom_007
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    How to look up a saved password for an app on Android

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    passwords.google.com doesn't have the password for the app listed but it's stored somewhere only not in my head. Is there a way I can see the password? I might not need it when I switch to new phone but then again who knows, I log in to it via fingerprint sensor. Actually I can't see some other apps passwords in the link above.

    submitted by /u/g0g060
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    Updating apps

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 04:09 AM PDT

    Simple question... Does anyone else's phone refuse to auto update ANY apps that you have moved onto the SD card?

    Mine just sits there with a growing list of updates 'pending', until I laboriously move them back to internal memory (one at a time due to space issues on internal), then update that one manually, then move it back to SD. Rinse and repeat for every app.

    submitted by /u/StrobingFlare
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    Some apps can't see sdcard

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    I can't get many apps to see or use my sd card, set up as external storage on Android 11 on Samsung Tab S6. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/dbasinge
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    Bootloop and no access to stock recovery or fastboot

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Hello everyone. Please excuse my noob question. I need some advice.

    A backstory

    My device is a redmi note 9 pro global version (joyeuse) running miui 12 based on android 10. I had flashed a custom rom that was tested on my phone and the custom Rom worked. However i quickly realised that there was a bug in said custom rom. I decided to Flash the stock firmware through twrp. I made sure the stock firmware matched my phone and it did. However installing the stock firmware failed.

    The error message: "This firmware is for joyeuse, this device is curtana" or something along the lines of that.

    So I Downloaded the curtana version of the firmware and flashed it. The firmware flashed successfully and I pressed 'reboot into system' after clearing cache and dalvik. The phone is now rebooting constantly and doesn't get past the redmi logo.

    I am currently downloading the joyeuse firmware (as my phone is most definitely a joyeuse device).

    My question is: how would i flash the fastboot rom I am downloading as I cannot access fastboot mode

    Once again please forgive the noob question.

    submitted by /u/kxllswxtch_
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    How to turn off my default notification shade?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:34 PM PST

    I want to use Power Shade/ Mi control Center but sometimes appears the original shade.

    submitted by /u/Toxzr
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    How do I transfer WhatsApp chats from iCloud to Android?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:27 PM PST

    Scheduled power on/off android 11

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:55 AM PST

    Hi everybody, I'm using android 11 and I want to know If anyone knows how to schedule the power on and the power off? I've been looking in the settings but I found nothing.

    submitted by /u/kabanichy
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    Circle Icon with bent slash, making whole thing look like a giant "Q"

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    My Galaxy Tab A's touch screen isn't working and I've tried everything to fix this. It may be a hardware problem as a bad repair earlier left the glue loose on the glass and plastic. Or, it may be a software update that went haywire, that happened too. Or it may be daylight savings time, who knows. Regardless, I see a circular icon with a bent slash in it on the front of the non-operational touchscreen, looking, in a way, like a giant 'Q.' Does anyone know what that might be?

    submitted by /u/mms42
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    How the heck do you figure out whether you're on 2.4 or 5.0 wifi?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:25 PM PST

    I recently got a brand new S20 and the wifi performance has been garbage (I'm getting like 12 down and I can't even get a reading on upload). The wifi in my house is admittedly pretty bad already but with this performance I have to somehow be connected to a 2.4 GHz network, however with the way my networks are named I have no way to tell which one I'm connected to. For some reason I can't find anywhere in the WiFi settings that will tell me what I'm on. Any ideas on how to figure that out?

    submitted by /u/Shortugae
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    Is there a version of Google camera compatible with wide camera (0.6x) fov on Xiaomi phones?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:36 PM PST

    It's really a bummer when I have to switch to stock camera just for that feature. Otherwise Google camera is better at everything.

    submitted by /u/OversubtileTornado
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    IntsigLog folder in Phone Storage

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:29 PM PST


    Found a folder on my oppo phone reading: IntsigLog, with 1 file inside labelled: IntsigLog.txt

    The contents of the file when read in html text viewer reads:

    时间:2020-5-1---error:请将下面日志发送给合合信息技术支持:com.android.contacts 323E37DD9ADDE08F03F432 Appkey:c2c4eb519d3f8650f0-BCCB ExpireDate:20681231 init code:0 init msg:初始化成功

    I translated the Mandarin, which reads in order: 时间, Time

    请将下面日志发送给合合信息技术支持,Please send the following log to Hehe Information Technical Support

    初始化成功, initialized successfully

    I have removed parts of the long string after com.androids.contacts incase it can be used to identify me/my phone (not sure how these things work, just taking precautions) - likewise I have removed some of the appkey for the same reason...

    Tried to do some research with mixed results, not sure what this is or why this is on my phone ---

    Any help or insight much appreciated, Cheers

    submitted by /u/RattyRusty1
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    Erratic location updates send me more than a kilometer from home, then back again sometimes minutes later.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:08 PM PST

    I don't know what's causing these location updates. I understand that the phone can be going into lower power and doing "less accurate" location service, but I dont know why that should send me a kilometer away with an accuracy that is less than (edit: tighter than) the erroneous distance of the update. I would be fine with updates with a properly coarse accuracy but that's not the case.

    Anyway, anyone else have this problem? Any fixes? Owntracks and tasker and homeassistant all see the erratic locations and do annoying things that they're only supposed to do when I actually leave home, like turn up the volume or close the garage door.

    submitted by /u/vontrapp42
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    How to great rid of Gaming Tools notification for good using gesture navbar

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:51 PM PST

    I currently have the Metro-by-Tmobile variant of the LG Stylo 5 (LM-Q720MS) running Android 10 (stock, with OTA update Feb 1st, 2021 Q720MS20e).

    I recently switched to gesture navigation and ever since I am having issues with a problem I thought I had solved. This phone comes with a extension in the settings menu that includes Game Launcher, Game Tools, Game Graphics, and Break Time mode. Everything is shut off and/or default settings and the app Gaming Launcher is disabled and the system app Gaming (that can't be disabled, box is greyed out) i was able to block the notification.

    Everything was Gucci until I switched to gesture navigation and now this notification automatically appears whenever I play game. There's no way to shut off this notification. The timer in the picture is to snooze it for a bit up to 2 hours. The settings button brings me to here again.

    I tested my theory about it being caused by gesture navigation by switching back to the old 3 button setup and it does not appear. I didn't really care at first because this is mostly just a minor cosmetic annoyance but for some reason my games lag and disconnect and force close constantly now.....

    Any advice besides shutting gesture navigation off?

    Thanks for reading this novella lol

    submitted by /u/DeliciousMeatPop
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