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    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    Android Dev - ViewPager2 example I did.

    Android Dev - ViewPager2 example I did.

    ViewPager2 example I did.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:56 AM PDT


    I made this simple application to show some basic concepts like a smooth change of background in a ViewPager and a very simple API I made. I thought it may help some people working with some of these.The idea is that everyday the app shows you a Leaf thats like a interesting quote.

    Everyone can publish and It shows a new Leaf every day.

    Right now its showing a quote from a book I love called "The way of kings - Brandon Sanderson" .

    Here is the Github


    submitted by /u/MissNalgas
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    need position sensor orientation information in relation to image data (rbg/color)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    I want users to be able to scan (completion is more important then speed) an area and for my app to know their (the phones) relative position to the objects in the scene. For instance, if far in the background (out of sight) was a mountain. I could add that information to their scan.

    The best i can phrase this is that this requires knowing:

    1. the posotion and orientation of the camera

    2. the position of the object (e.g the mountain)

    I have seen several "augmented reality" apps that do this. I'm curious if anyone has any any additional hints or resources they think i should look at. I'm just starting off on this project so anything is useful.
    I found the position sensor oreintation data here, a possible next step would be to see how to relate this to the data collected from a photo image. But there might be a more _direct_ way to do that. As the end goal isn't showing the user an image, but doing some analysis on the scanned area. Of course the user is responsible for the scan, so they will need feedback on how much they have done. So showing them the full scan (photo sphere?) willl be nessary.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/crawldown
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    HOWTO: Running Java programs directly on Android (without creating an app)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    I have an idea and i need help (not a dev)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT


    Where would I go or who can I talk to regarding an app idea i would like to make?

    I've looked into how to make apps for phones but I didn't understand it. I work in IT but I'm more on the hardware and windows troubleshooting than any code related work.

    My idea is fairly simple although I have no clue if it would be simple to create. Also, what kinda cost are involved in creating an app and what rights would I have to it if I got someone else to make it?

    submitted by /u/High_Quality_H20
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    How stable is Android Studio Canary for everyday usage ?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Currently using AS 4.1 RC3 on Linux.


    It works fine, but it is bundled with JetBrains Rutime 1.8.0_242 (JBR). JBR is a tweaked version of the 1.8 OpenJDK with some fixes and enhancements, mostly font rendering and HiDPI support.

    However, The JBR introduces focusing bugs with a tiling manager such as i3, that do not exist with a regular OpenJDK release. For example, displaying the navigation bar with Alt+HOME does not focus the breadcrumb. This issue and more are however fixed in AS Canary which has updated to JBR 11 based on OpenJDK 11. Unfortunately, it is not possible to force AS 4.1 to use JBR 11 as it will make the IDE crash due to a layouting plugin wanting Java 8.


    So I'm contemplating switching to AS Canary but I'd like to have some feedback first on how stable it is for daily usage. And if it is possible to easily switch back to AS 4.1 after projects have been imported into Canary.

    submitted by /u/bubbleguuum
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    how to enable eis on android 9/10?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    will persist.camera.eis.enable=1 in build.prop work ?

    submitted by /u/singleplant
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    what is the best widget to implement my design?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    How to convince a dev team to avoid bad practices?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    I think it's safe to assume that, in every development team on every project, for whatever reason, something forces the team to make a decision to get past an issue, and usually, mostly because dev teams tend to have little time to comply with deadlines, the solution chosen is the "easiest" one, which most of the times, is also a very ugly one.

    I don't believe anybody has the right answers, there are just ideas that are better than others (based on facts) for each case, and they all have their tradeoffs and, most of the times, a good solution for a particular case might not be the best one for another one, and I think that's fine, that's not what I wanted to talk about here, what I'd like to understand is why dev teams keep on choosing "easy wins" even though there are several reasons why it could cause issues in the future?

    I think a great example of what I'm trying to say, is this story I found in an article of a particular case where someone was trying to store an Activity Context inside a WeakReference, in order to "solve" a memory leak issue... The author quickly says that he managed to explain why it wasn't good to go with that "fix", but he doesn't mention how he did so.

    It is difficult to me when it comes to explaining issues like these because they are not likely to cause a crash or get spotted by users all of the times, so it seems to be annoying for people when I start talking about "probabilities" that this could cause an issue in the future, or when I start to describe scenarios that I cannot reproduce right away because there will be the need of several conditions for that to happen, and it would take quite long to achieve them just to explain my point, so most of the times, the things I'm trying to explain are treated as "edge cases" that are not prioritized until get start getting lots of "heisenbugs", which I'm terrified of.

    I simply don't want to deal with these weird, almost impossible to reproduce bugs all the time, and it seems to me that, the less a team takes care of these small things, little by little, the odds that some of these unreproducible bugs come up, keep on increasing until, probably, there will be so many of them at some point that, in the worst cases, the project might even have to be redone from scratch because it would take less time to do so rather than finding the root cause for so many of these heisenbugs.

    So I was wondering if there's a way to explain some people that, usually with quick wins, we might end up with really painful bugs in the future, or even with the fact that, each time we need to add even the smallest new behavior to a class, we might end up forced to modify multiple classes because at some point we decided to take these shortcuts that made several classes get tangled with others that might not have anything to do with them, but it was easier to pull off a fix or specific change by doing so.

    I was also wondering if maybe there's nothing to explain and, it's all based on the culture of each company where they may or not decide to give priority to good practices, so maybe it's just a matter of choosing a company where they care of these things. Or perhaps I'm being too picky about these things and maybe, working on these bugs and having even longer feature dev times every sprint is considered as "normal dev work" that we shouldn't try to avoid. Or maybe the only way to avoid it is to start from the very beginning in a greenfield project with good practices in mind. I have even thought at some point that, I probably shouldn't care about these things since "I don't even own this company anyway", but I just keep on feeling frustrated even when I think that.

    This post ended up being longer than I wanted to 😅 Anyway, thanks for reading and, I just would like to know if someone else has ever felt the same way, and if so, how did you deal with it or how do you think this should be addressed (or if you think it shouldn't, then why).


    submitted by /u/LikeTheSalad
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    Kotlin Public Roadmap Through Spring 2021 – Kotlin Blog

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Implementing Navigation Architecture in Android - CodeSource.io

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    RecyclerView doesn't update UI (background color) using DiffUtil.ItemCallback with DataBinding

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    could anyone please help me with this, I'm new to DiffUtil and Kotlin .. here is the question I posted on StackOverflow :


    submitted by /u/TheSaver23
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    Google Play Policy - Declared permissions and in-app disclosures

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Getting to know RecyclerView

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Is there a specific reason why the drawable package doesn't support subfolders?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    How to open a custom dialog box in Android ?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    Best Flutter Courses, Books, and Free Resources to Master Flutter framework in 2020 | thecodingpie

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Best Flutter Courses, Books, and Free Resources to Master Flutter framework in 2020 | thecodingpie

    Hey friends, I have curated a list of the best available online courses, books, and free resources to learn Flutter in 2020.

    Whether you are getting started or already an intermediate flutter developer, whether you prefer books or online courses, there is something for everyone.

    You can find the list here on my blog - https://thecodingpie.com/post/top-5-best-courses-to-learn-flutter-in-2020-beginners-intermediates/


    This list contains both free and paid resources and courses. You will find every single useful flutter resources out there! If you are interested in Flutter then feel free to check this out.

    I am damn sure these courses will help you to learn the ins and outs of the Flutter framework in no time!

    If you have any doubts or If you think I had missed any course names then feel free to comment on my blog. Thank you ;)

    submitted by /u/thecodingpie
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    Android Interview Question: How to show current time updating in recycler view

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    I was asked this recently in an Android Interview with a well known silicon valley company. I came up with a hack-ey solution, but was really stumped. I want to know how the experts would solve this problem.

    The interview required you to build a simple app with a recycler view that shows current time for each cell in recycler view in format (mm:ss). The time should start at 00:00 and count up every second, and the recycler view cells should reflect that. If the user scrolls down to the bottom of the list, a new item should be added to recycler view and that cell should start counting up from zero (infinite scrolling). How would I achieve this type of design?

    submitted by /u/atman171
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    How to programmatically create and schedule multiple animations on layer-list layers (a very niche post!)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    How to incentivize users to play a single-player mobile game online, instead of going offline to avoid ads?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    Why Coding Apps Are OVERRATED!!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Kotlin Flow in Android — Process asynchronous stream

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT

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