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    Android Dev - App Feedback Thread - October 24, 2020

    Android Dev - App Feedback Thread - October 24, 2020

    App Feedback Thread - October 24, 2020

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    This thread is for getting feedback on your own apps.


    • must provide feedback for others
    • must include Play Store, GitHub, or BitBucket link
    • must make top level comment
    • must make effort to respond to questions and feedback from commenters
    • may be open or closed source


    • must give constructive feedback in replies to top level comments
    • must not include links to other apps

    To cut down on spam, accounts who are too young or do not have enough karma to post will be removed. Please make an effort to contribute to the community before asking for feedback.

    As always, the mod team is only a small group of people, and we rely on the readers to help us maintain this subreddit. Please report any rule breakers. Thank you.

    - Da Mods

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I want to revise and relearn the android development after working 4 years as a Android developer.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:40 AM PDT


    I have been working as a android developer for last 4 years and worked on many projects. But still i find myself lost when i try to go in depth of any complex issue. I was a lazy developer and didnt give much time for learning new things and go in depth. I didnt use any design pattern in my projects. And when i give any interview i cant show confidence. This is making me frustrated.

    so i want to relearn everything and go in depth of everything. I wanna know everything about android development and architecture.

    Now i need your suggestion. Please suggest me which things i should learn to be a good android developer and save me from my frustration? Please guide me.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/halfBloodPrince013
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    Improving TextView & Spannable Performance

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    I think Google should give Google Play Billing api the similar treatment they gave to Camera 2 with CameraX

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    I don't know about you, but looking at Billing library, it is a whole lot of too many stages, too many setups, too many listeners, etc... I wish they simply it further for 90% of uses cases just like they did away with CameraX.

    submitted by /u/Snoo_64233
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    Reverting to a previous version in Play Store console?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Is there any way to revert to a previous version in the Google Play Store Console?

    I inherited a project, updated the SDK version and pushed it to production from the developer console.

    That version is broken and I want to "undo" that version and revert to the previous (working) version but can't figure out how.

    Any ideas?


    submitted by /u/n0k0
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    Firebase carshlytics not shown crashes in pannel

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Hi to everyone As I faced this problem I saw that very large amount of people has this problem after upgrading from fabric to crashlytics. Just to say If any one faced this issue and solved it 😭😭

    submitted by /u/viper7239
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    Observations of "requestLegacyExternalStorage" behavior on Android 10 and Android 11

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    I have tested an app on emulator running Android 10 (API 29) and Android 11 (API 30), with the addition of the line:



    This is the method suggested by Google to allow apps to continue to work as before (avoiding the new "scoped storage" restrictions in Android 10 and Android 11).

    Results on Android 10 (API 29)

    When the app is targeting Android 10 (API 29) - i.e. using build.gradle:

    compileSdkVersion 30

    targetSdkVersion 29

    then the app works as before (legacy behavior) on BOTH Android 10 and Android 11:

    • emulator running Android 10 (API 29)

    • emulator running Android 11 (API 30)

    That is, the files your app creates in a top level folder on internal storage ARE created correctly.

    The app can also delete/rename files as well.

    AND these files remain visible and accessible when you try to view them using the built-in Files app (file manager).

    This means if you choose to transition to one of the "shared storage" folders like Music or Downloads - you will be able to copy over files there, and you will be able to delete the files from the old location.

    Results on Android 11 (API 30)

    However, when you target Android 11 - i.e. using build.gradle:

    compileSdkVersion 30

    targetSdkVersion 30

    then the app works as before (legacy behavior) on Android 10 (API 29):

    • emulator running Android 10 (API 29)

    but does NOT work as before on Android 11 (API 30):

    • emulator running Android 11 (API 30)

    i.e. on Android 11, it no longer supports the legacy behavior fully - details:

    • the app can read the files it had created before

    • but the app cannot write files in the old location

    • the app cannot delete/rename files in the old location

    Essentially the app retains access to the old top level folder in read-only mode only.

    This means that once you target Android 11 (API 30) - you will be able to copy over the old files (to the Music or Downloads "shared storage" folder using MediaStore methods), but you will NOT be able to clean up the old files (since will not have write access).


    This means there IS a way to make your app work as before for storage (legacy behavior) - on Android 10, and on Android 11.

    Just target Android 10 (API 29) - with build.gradle:

    compileSdkVersion 30

    targetSdkVersion 29

    This will cover devs up to late 2021 or thereabouts - at which point they will be forced by Google to start targeting Android 11 (just as they are being forced to target Android 10 by Nov 2020).

    And as described above, if you choose to target Android 11 (API 30), your app will not fully support legacy behavior for storage.

    • the app will still be able to read old files

    • but will not be able to create new files, or delete the files it created before

    For those thinking of transitioning files to a MediaStore location

    This means if an app wants to transition from old location to new "shared storage" locations (like Music or Downloads using MediaStore methods) - it will be able to copy the files even if it starts targeting Android 11 (API 30).

    But if it wants to also cleanup (delete) the old files - it will only be able to do so while it is still targeting Android 10 (API 29) - not once it starts targeting Android 11 (API 30).


    Android 11 emulator did demonstrate bad behaviors - sluggish notifications (not disappearing when they should) - this issue has also been reported by others on stackoverflow.

    Same app targeting Android 11 misbehaves when run on Android 11 emulator - widgets misbehave (perhaps this requires some change to code for this to work on Android 11).

    submitted by /u/stereomatch
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    Legitimacy of a post that claims: Aarogya Setu app, the covid 19 tracking app of India is recording video while in background.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Hi all, while my usual reddit scrolling, I found a post on r/India claiming that the Aarogya Setu app, the covid 19 tracking app of India is recording video while in background.

    Here's the link to post : https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/jgrbt1/the_aarogya_setu_app_on_my_moms_phone_was/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    Here's my comment on the same post : https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/jgrbt1/the_aarogya_setu_app_on_my_moms_phone_was/g9sz2zg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3

    What are your thoughts? This feels somewhat important as it can totally be a fake news and people are overreacting to it. Or at the same time, something really messed up is happening.

    submitted by /u/hamir_s
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    Curated UDACITY free course A-Z Android Development

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    I made an app that uses TextRecognizer to extract links from images and opens them. Basically cheap google lens

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Android Root devices

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 07:51 AM PDT


    I have a question about how to make your app secure and block users with rooted devices from accessing it.

    I know this question is being asked a lot, and i've seen many suggestions and solutions for this out in the internet like safetynet api and some programmatic solutions, but no one seems to be good solution to take because all of them have disadvantages and many Android os and firmwares maybe blocked aven if the device isn't rooted.

    I'm wondring how many apps out in playstore have control for rooted devices, and is it something we developers we should take seriously and if someone had experience on applying this; what did they do to control this in safe manner.

    Any suggestion will be much appreciaed.


    submitted by /u/medfd
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    3 Practical Steps To Master Android DataStore

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    3 practical steps with migration: a brief story of how we implemented Jetpack DataStore in Dott.
    Do you use it in your project? 😊

    submitted by /u/vladsonkin_com
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    Material icons seem to be down?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    [OC] Top 10 Most Popular Programming Languages (PYPL) - 2004/ October 2020

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    How to keep foreground service running even if i kill the app manually?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    I have created a foreground service which works on main thread i.e Service and not Intend service and it is working fine if i open all of my phone app. The service keeps running in background but as soon as i kill the app from task bar it get stopped. So how do i keep the serving running even if i kill the app manually. (now some of you may say after android O, services can't run in background but im using foreground service and user is being notified through notification that service of X app is running in background)

    submitted by /u/tehleel_mir_official
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    “Custom column types” in SQLDelight: Android

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Free messaging for Android app

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    Is there any service which gives you ACTUALLY free messaging for your app? What I mean by this is not having the indirect costs of Firebase.

    submitted by /u/BorderTrader
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    Play Console not allowing production release rollout

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I have been trying to make a release of my app. On the Review release page it shows App Permission error specifying Location Permission. I have already submitted the location permission declaration form which states that if the app access location in background we need to specify. My app does not access location in background. It uses location permission in the foreground for scanning and connecting with nearby WiFi based devices.

    I am not sure what to do here. A critical release with crash fixes is withheld because of this.

    Can somebody here help or point in the right direction?

    Let me know if any more information is needed from my end.

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/sshntt
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    Emulator broken by AS 4.1

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    Emulator broken by AS 4.1

    After the last Android Studio update (4.1) the emulator seems to be broken, and I'm not able to restore its functionalities. It is displayed with a small screen size and cannot be interacted with.


    Has this happened to anyone before? Do you know a solution?


    submitted by /u/Dave_1v
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    An app to change wallpapers periodically

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    Hey, I need to make an app that would iterate the images in a folder in my android device in a given time. It doesn't need any bells and whistles and is strictly for personal use. How to do that. I know the basics of android app making and android studio

    submitted by /u/RevilTS
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    Playstore merchant/dev account currency exchange rate

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:15 PM PDT


    Hope you are well.

    Apologies if this post is not the usual topic in this sub, however I wonder if anybody may have any experience with the matter.

    I would like for customer/users to be able to make payments for in app purchases in their local currency, which I know is possible.

    I know Google will then convert the currency the user pays in to the currency of your merchant account profile of the domestic account connected.

    E.g. for myself I am UK based and my domestic account would be in GBP, so if my user pays in USD, Google will do the conversion.

    My question is, does anybody have any info on what exchange rate they use? Do you have any experience in whether it is reasonable or whether they put a large mark up on the exchange such as the banks do?

    Appreciate any advice you can offer.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/2020Corp
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    Mobile Developers Cafe - Weekly Issue #11 with amazing Android blogs and tutorials

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:58 PM PDT

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