• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 18, 2021

    Android Dev - I can't keep up with many Android ecosystem updates and it is making me burnout.

    Android Dev - I can't keep up with many Android ecosystem updates and it is making me burnout.

    I can't keep up with many Android ecosystem updates and it is making me burnout.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 04:48 AM PST

    As the title says, I just can't keep up with the development.

    I'm native developer for 5 years(Kotlin and Java if needed) and lot of people are "shocked" that I don't use anything else.

    Such as Flutter, Kotlin multiplatform, React native, Ionic, Typescript.

    Also recruiters tend to mix "android" with all of these platforms. They want all of these in the job postings.

    How can anyone be a good developer in 3 or more languages? When do people find the time to learn everything? Why did the scope of work increased so much but the salaries are almost the same?

    I can barely keep up with the native ecosystem, RxJava vs coroutines, koin, dagger2, hilt etc etc. I still don't use compose and I don't see how it is better/faster to develop than Constraintlayout. Also it looks similiar to flutter. What's the point?

    I don't see why I need to know multiple crossplatform tools to do, basically the same job. And it is making me burn out.

    It is like development is losing focus and people just try out "hyped" stuff.

    Is the problem in me? Any advices or comments on mentioned techologies?

    submitted by /u/InsideIndividual3355
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    Activity recreation problem is solved with Jetpack Compose ��

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 08:53 AM PST

    Hi. During experiments with Jetpack Compose I find out that I can disable recreation of Activity in Manifest by listing all possible configChanges:


    Jetpack Compose still updates UI when orientation, language, theme and so on is changed. I have created ViewModel (usual class, not AAC ViewModel) just right in Activity and it isn't destroyed.
    I don't see any problems with this approach. What's your opinion?

    submitted by /u/aartikov
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    Current wait times for app rejection appeal?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 07:53 AM PST

    Anyone waiting on an appeal response?

    Tomorrow will be two weeks since we submitted our appeal, with zero response or sign of life from google since the appeal submission confirmation email.

    submitted by /u/tncx
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    App not installed.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 11:09 AM PST

    I can not get this app to run on emulator :/ hmm what other options?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 11:00 AM PST

    I can not get this app to run on emulator :/ hmm what other options?



    it runs find on my Pixel 4a 5G Android 11

    I also tried installing the .apk it self to no avail :/

    in Android Studio as you can see I tried

    Pixel 4 API 29, 40

    Pixel 3 API 29


    why can't I get it to run?

    what else can I try?

    installing from .apk


    thank you

    submitted by /u/Multiversal_Love
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    ComposableRoutes - I have wrote a library to help with Android Compose Navigation routes

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 10:59 AM PST

    Anyone know what I am doing wrong? I just started trying Android Studio.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 10:22 AM PST

    How can we expose LiveData more elegantly and simpler?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 09:54 AM PST

    Hi folks,

    You know that, lots of us define 2 variables to expose LiveData correctly. One of them is MutableLiveData to change it in ViewModel and the other one is readOnly LiveData to access from view like that:

    private val _someData = MutableLiveData(true) val someData: LiveData<Boolean> = _someData 

    But it feels like a code smell to me. We do 2 line job for one variable. Do you know more elegant way? Maybe an extension function or maybe a kotlin language feature like defining get() to variable to reduce it in a single expression. There must be a more idiomatic way to express it.

    submitted by /u/onrk
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    Anybody also received this type of email? How to fix this? Google play wants to verify my business and i dont have any registered business since my apps cant even earn $1 . it says that my sales will gonna be suspended if i dont verify? Is that permanent?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 03:40 PM PST

    Heatmap and location tracking

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 08:01 AM PST

    Hello, I am sorry if it is not allowed to ask such question, but anyone have suggestion what is best, when it comes to tracking user's movements inside the house and draw heatmap of some data as per the user movements?

    submitted by /u/Samalvii
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    Android 11 thinks I'm contantly in-call

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 07:53 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I own a brand new Oukitel WP15 with Android 11. From few days I spotted that the phone constantly thinks I'm in-call. Notifications sounds are exactly like while in-call(non-disruptive), ringtone level is way lower, when is use volume up/down buttons I actually control the in-call volume(not the normal phone multimedia volume when not in-call) etc. I hope you understand what the problem is. IMO some app is causing that but is there some way to find which one is it or how should I approach this problem?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Ex0HanZ
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    Triggering python scripts inside Android

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 05:43 AM PST

    Hello everyone. After my android phone camera got hit, several vertical lines of hot pixels appeared on selfie images. As a solution, I managed to make a python script that erases these hot pixels by using an image processing library but this is currently only working after exporting those images in my local PC. My question is: is there a way I can port this python script into my android phone in order to trigger it directly after capturing a new selfie image? And if not, is there any other workaround I could try using android studio? [Note that I am not too experienced on Android development]

    submitted by /u/savvassavvas
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    Multiple Google Play accounts

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 05:00 AM PST

    I have noticed that my competition (a software development company with around 30 employees) is using multiple developer accounts to publish their apps, and continue to publish new apps from multiple accounts. I am pretty sure they are all from the same company, because of their email addresses, website and same apps being published on the AppStore from one single account. I am not sure if it has to do with them trying to circumvent the higher Google Play service fee of 30% for earnings over $1M. By using many accounts, they could split up their earnings on multiple developer accounts and lower the total earnings below $1M for each, becoming eligible for the lower 15% fee on all their earnings.

    Is this even allowed?

    While I am not a fan of Google Play's service fee, I feel like this behaviour is unfair towards myself and the remaining competition.

    submitted by /u/Michael_K14
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    How to share state between two composables

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 04:17 AM PST

    Hello all.
    I have a composables that shows a list list of items and I have another that hold a bottom nav. The goal is to hide the bottom nav when a user scroll through the list and show the bottom nav otherwise.

    What I've tried so far. Created a view model, initialized it on setContent function and passed it down to both composable. The composable with the list is recomposing but not the one with the bottom nav. basically is there a way to share a viewmodel between composable just like the way it is with fragments

    // Edit
    Apologies if it's not well formatted.

     AppTheme { val scrollViewModel: ScrollViewModel = hiltViewModel() Scaffold( bottomBar = { BottomNavigationBar( items = listOf( BottomNavItem( name = "Home", icon = Icons.Default.Home, route = "home" ), BottomNavItem( name = "Favourite", icon = Icons.Default.Favorite, route = "favourite" ), ), navController = navController, onItemClick = { navController.navigate(it.route) }, scrollViewModel = scrollViewModel ) }) { Navigation(navController = navController, scrollViewModel = scrollViewModel) } @ExperimentalFoundationApi @Composable fun Navigation(navController: NavHostController, scrollViewModel: ScrollViewModel) { NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = Screen.HomeScreen.route) { composable(Screen.HomeScreen.route) { ListScreen(navController = navController, scrollViewModel = scrollViewModel) } composable(Screen.FavouriteScreen.route) { FavouriteScreen(navController = navController) } composable(Screen.DetailScreen.route + "/{cocktailId}") { DetailScreen(navController = navController) } } } @Composable fun BottomNavigationBar( items: List<BottomNavItem>, navController: NavController, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onItemClick: (BottomNavItem) -> Unit, scrollViewModel: ScrollViewModel ) { val backStackEntry = navController.currentBackStackEntryAsState() val state = scrollViewModel.state.value if (backStackEntry.value?.destination?.route == Screen.HomeScreen.route || backStackEntry.value?.destination?.route == Screen.FavouriteScreen.route) { Card(shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp), modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 16.dp, start = 30.dp, end = 30.dp)) { Log.e("Scroll State","state $state") if (state == true) { BottomNavigation( modifier = modifier .fillMaxWidth(), backgroundColor = Color(0xFF342F2D), elevation = 5.dp ) { items.forEach { val selected = it.route == backStackEntry.value?.destination?.route BottomNavigationItem( selected = it.route == navController.currentDestination?.route, onClick = { onItemClick.invoke(it) }, icon = { Icon(imageVector = it.icon, contentDescription = it.name) }, unselectedContentColor = Color.Gray ) } } } } } } @ExperimentalFoundationApi @Composable fun ListScreen( navController: NavController, favouriteViewModel: FavouriteViewModel = hiltViewModel(), scrollViewModel: ScrollViewModel ) { val listState = rememberLazyListState() scrollViewModel.isScrolling(listState.isScrollInProgress) Log.e("Scroll State","list state ${listState.isScrollInProgress} viewmodel state ${scrollViewModel.state.value}") LazyVerticalGrid( state = listState, modifier = Modifier .fillMaxSize() .padding(start = 8.dp, end = 4.dp, top = 8.dp), cells = GridCells.Fixed(2), contentPadding = PaddingValues(start = 4.dp) ) { items(state.success) { item: Cocktail -> ListItem( onClick = { navController.navigate(Screen.DetailScreen.route + "/${item.id}") }, cocktail = item, onFavouriteItemClick = { favouriteViewModel.save(it) }) } } } } @HiltViewModel class ScrollViewModel @Inject constructor() : ViewModel() { private val _state = mutableStateOf(false) val state = _state fun isScrolling(value: Boolean) { _state.value = value } } 

    submitted by /u/raynold17
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    Which programming language would you prefer or you use in Android Studio?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 06:53 PM PST

    Add to Homescreen Feature On Android 11+ Broken?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 02:44 AM PST

    Android allows browsers to send Pin Shortcut request to the default launchers when a user clicks "Add to Homescreen" and then the default launcher handles the requests by declaring an activity with CONFIRM_PIN_SHORTCUT Intent filter.

    But this seems to be broken on Android 11+... Trying the official demo Shortcut Launcher some something weird happens, The confirmation dialog to add to Homescreen doesn't show up the first time you click "Add to Homescreen" (but It displays in the layout inspector on Android Studio though).

    You can try to comfirm this by cloning the demo above or just simply implementing the feature.

    I would appreciate your feedbacks.

    submitted by /u/elnuru
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    Chat / Messaging / Video Call App Source Code for Android, iOS and Web

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 01:23 AM PST

    Any possible to show permission dialog after I disable permission for more than 1 time after android 11?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 11:58 PM PST

    After android 11 the permission dialog is visible after we click deny permission for more than 1 time. But for users it's not good to use to let them go to app setting to enable the permission.

    Do we have any possible to force app to show permission dialog after user deny permission or maybe we have some way to let user enable permission in app not just toast message to talk to user that they should manually enable permission in system?

    submitted by /u/z19970615
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    App update rejected: We have determined your app contains code to facilitate disruptive ads

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Hi Devs!

    I appeal to write here because I have been getting rejections from Google Play for weeks after updating my app. This post: https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/p8rlsc/app_removed_due_to_disruptive_ads_policy/ has certain similarities with mine, but in my case the message seems to be a bit different as it talks about the possibility of having code that allows to show disruptive ads.

    "We have determined your app contains code to facilitate disruptive ads"

    As in the case of the other post, it is already close to my tenth rejection, I wrote unsuccessfully to support, appeal, chat, etc. and they only respond with the same text and do not give me a single clue as to where the problem is. As in the other case, I chose not to show ads at all (but without removing the Admob SDK and FB Ads) but it was also rejected, which is really strange, how can you violate the disruptive ads policy without even showing ads?

    The big problem is that every time I try to upload a version with some changes, it takes at least 5 days to validate it and finally reject it.

    In my case the back button does not show ads, does anyone have an idea what could be going on? I don't have unknown SDKs in my app.

    Thank you very much for any help in this matter

    submitted by /u/Conexur
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