• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 15, 2021

    Android Dev - Released workflow v1.0.0

    Android Dev - Released workflow v1.0.0

    Released workflow v1.0.0

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    How to implement code completion for an android application ?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Are there any android API's similar to this but for source code completion ? ( it can be for any programming language) Say, you are building a mobile IDE for android and you want to give the user a feature for code auto completion.

    I looked into N-IDE ( a open source android IDE) and they do *some* auto completion here . The code is quite complicated (its also from like 4 years ago). Does anyone know of a better, perhaps more efficient/easier way to do this ?

    submitted by /u/muchIsHere
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    Currency Exchange App in Kotlin with Dagger2 and RxJava2

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    It displays real-time currency rates, shows a chart for any currency pair in the world to see their currency history and provides a currency converter to convert over 180 currencies implemented in MVVM Architecture with Dagger2 and RxJava2.

    Link: GitHub

    submitted by /u/Marwa-Eltayeb
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    Play Store ratings changes announced values inconsistent?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    So Google starts to warn about rating changes in the countries that will have most impact.

    To improve the usefulness of ratings, we're changing how Google Play calculates them. From November 2021 users on phones will see ratings that come from other users in their country.

    Based on current data, the list below details how the rating displayed for xxxxxx may change in key countries and regions (ones that account for at least 5% of your listing visitors). To help you evaluate these changes, we've also included the median-average rating change in each region for apps or games like yours:

    India: -0.32★ change to 4.30★ vs. a -0.03★ median change.

    Brazil: -0.27★ change to 4.35★ vs. a -0.11★ median change.

    Changes to ratings for your app in other key countries or regions are likely to be minimal.

    To understand your users' experiences, you can check your country/region ratings and evaluate your reviews.

    Sounds nice to warn with calculations and everything.

    But then let's analyze what the console gives:

    Last 28 days:

    Brazil 4.000 1

    India 5.000 1

    Last 90 days:

    Brazil 4.857 21

    India 4.714 7

    So why on earth am I supposed to understand why Google decide that :

    - Brazil rating goes down by 0.27 points with those information?

    - India goes down by 0.32 when last 28 is 5 and last 90 is 4.714?

    Do others have similar results and Play console give them absurd lower ratings in some countries despite the data saying it's not possible?

    submitted by /u/Tolriq
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    Local caching/persistence difficult to implement/maintain

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    Let's say you want to implement in-memory caching or persistence of "feeds" for sake of

    1. Better user experience. Much less loading spinner.

    2. Mobile data cost/server cost

    I am working on a code base of such "feeds" that uses in-memory caching. There are hundreds of different places where this in-memory cache is read/updated. It looks like a nightmare to maintain.


    1. Is there a true way of implementing this properly with caching? I can't see a way. If you use RX properly, you can reduce pain of reading cached data since you are just working with observables. But to fix ton of updates coming from different sources? No way….

    2. What if just get rid of caching of this "feeds"? Just pull latest data from server always. Problem solved….but at what cost? Mobile data would increase (less of concern). What is server impacts? Let's say this is just 20 items of json data. Would we see server team complain of spike or server traffic? (Over 10m users)

    submitted by /u/ynkm1692
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    Should I cancel this tech interview?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    I have ~6 yrs of experience in Android but I don't have a college degree so I don't have a lot of knowledge in complex algorithms.

    Next Monday I have a technical interview and the recruiter sent me the feedback of another candidate and most of the stuff they qualified him on were sorting algorithms, searching algorithms, data structure and rxjava.

    I'm sure I'm going to get leetcode problems and while I'm practicing them for my job hunt I struggle with easy leetcode so I don't have enough time to be prepared for them (also I don't like it very much that the interview is focused so heavily in this subjects instead of Android but I guess it depends on the company)

    So I'm going to 100% bomb the interview, should I just cancel it and wait until I'm a little bit more experienced with leetcode?

    submitted by /u/Diegogo123
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    Mediarecorder and AudioRecord

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    Does anyone have any experiences using both the mediarecorder class and audiorecord class together. For example, how would one record a video with mediarecorder and an audio with audiorecord and then save them into an mp4 file? Audiorecord only records pcm audio and mp4 doesn't support pcm.

    submitted by /u/Ok-Tangelo9366
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    Unable to scroll vertically when touch horizontal recyclerview within item in recyclerview

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    Hello, i have created a recyclerview inside a NestedScrollview. In this recyclerview, I have items in which there is an other horizontal recyclerview. When I touch the horizontal recyclerview of the item and scroll up/down, I can't scroll vertically (through the outer scrollview). The scroll works on horizontal recyclerview.






    Item Hierarchy:


    <TextView />

    <TextView />

    <RecyclerView /> <--- Horizontal


    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Billosp
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    Creation of a flashable zip

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 03:08 AM PDT

    I installed a custom ROM (crdroid) in my phone and flashed Gapps. Now I want to use a custom launcher with gestures and the only way to do it is a system launcher. Someone knows how to create a flashable zip with a custom launcher (ex. Hyperion)?

    submitted by /u/LionHeart105
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    Taking screenshots on Android 12 emulator - is the status bar sizing correct?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Taking screenshots on Android 12 emulator - is the status bar sizing correct?

    I'm would like to take screenshots of my app running on latest & greatest Android 12. However the sizing (extra padding on the right) of the status bar seems asymmetric to me. Do you know whatever this is intentional or some OS/emulator bug? I don't have any Pixel so I can't say.

    (Posting images isn't allowed in /r/android_beta so I'm kindly asking fellow devs here)


    submitted by /u/moneytoo
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    5 Reasons Why I Pick Android Over iOS as a Developer

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 11:35 PM PDT

    ML/Blockchain real life implementation

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    Any real life implementation of AI/ML/Blockchain in mobile environment that devs like us can follow or get to know?

    submitted by /u/xaahaan
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    Material you for developers.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    is that Google officially released material you support supports for developers or its just exclusive for pixel and some native applications.

    Or if it's there so how we can use it in developments like a flutter, Jetpack, XML.

    submitted by /u/Prashant_4200
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