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    Thursday, May 6, 2021

    Android Dev - AndroidX Camera is now stable!

    Android Dev - AndroidX Camera is now stable!

    AndroidX Camera is now stable!

    Posted: 05 May 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    Feedback on my latest Android project

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    In the past few months, I have been working on a client-server application for swapping unused clothes. The server part is implemented using Flask web framework with various extensions and the client part is implemented with Kotlin and multiple Jetpack libraries. I did my best to follow MVVM architecture with dependency injection; however, I haven't studied clean architecture yet.

    The main features are user authentication, paginated list of offers, search by text query or category with filters (size and location), creation of your own offer with up to 5 images, category, title, description, size and location, real-time p2p chat using Socket.IO with FCM push notifications support and caching of offers, chats and messages. You can find a more detailed description, short video demonstration and source code on Github: https://github.com/t3ddyss/Clother.

    So, as the title says, I would appreciate feedback from experienced developers. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/t3ddyss
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    How good is Admob actually?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    How good is Admob actually?


    Just wanted to share this quick to show you that the "ad-serving" limit is just a bullshit scam performed by Google. As you can see from the picture the money generated by invalid traffic is £0.29. This is the reason my account is being assessed/limited for invalid traffic. This is beyond retarded.


    submitted by /u/kovachxx
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    Should I use ConstriantLayout as layout root in a list element for RecyclerView?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 01:10 AM PDT

    As I've understood it ConstraintLayout is most efficient when there's one and only one root ConstraintLayout view in the hierarchy. When you have a RecyclerView with a bunch of elements that doesn't have a relationship with the container of the RecyclerView one have to resort to either nested views or a new ConstraintLayout root for each element.

    My feeling from what I've read about performance for ConstraintLayouts (1) tells me nested views are just as efficient or even more effecient than new ConstraintLayouts in this case. Am I right?


    <ConstraintLayout> <!-- A bunch of other views --> <RecyclerView> <MyElement> <MyElement> <MyElement> </RecyclerView> </ConstraintLayout> ..where "MyElement" for instance could be: <LinearLayout orientation="vertical"> <TextView> <LinearLayout orientation="horizontal"> <ImageView> <TextView> <LinearLayout> </LinearLayout> .. OR <ConstraintLayout> <!-- you get the drift --> </ConstraintLayout> 

    (1) I don't have other sources than my head but I believe I've read that ConstraintLayout starts out slow (larger overhead) but wins over nested layouts as the complexity grows

    submitted by /u/Nilzor
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    Is the associate android developer certification worth it?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Is it worth it to get Google's Android Associate Developer certificate? Does it actually help in finding entry level jobs?

    submitted by /u/tnxol
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    Why does the Google Play console require 16:9 ratio *tablet* screenshots?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    I'm preparing my app for release on Google Play, but there seems to be a weird contradiction as I'm trying to upload screenshots. They request 16:9 ratio phone-screenshots (which is fine and normal), but then they also request 16:9 tablet-screenshots, for both 7-inch and 10-inch tablet screens. That isn't usually the ratio. It's usually something like 4:3 (which would become 16:12), or 5:4.

    So I literally don't know what to upload. This isn't a problem that should be specific to me... this is the official documentation for everybody. But nobody seems to think it's a problem, so maybe I'm missing something?

    I uploaded a (slightly edited) screenshot to show that it requires the same aspect ratio for two differently-shaped screens. I didn't upload a screenshot of the 10-inch display, but it's identical to the 7-inch listing, and also required.

    How to I square this circle? What am I missing?

    Also, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. It's not exactly a stack-exchange issue.

    submitted by /u/pattmayne
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    Google Play app url and package name not recognized?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    Hey guys hoping someone can help as google support links just aren't working and if I do get through they are always not equipped to deal with my issue and send me back to the developer support link arrrggghhhhhh which inevitably does nothing.

    Our app is in Open testing, not full launch and for some reason when I try and use the store page URL for the app on any third-party system it doesn't work - it just doesn't seem to validate the link, like the app URL doesn't exist?

    we tried on FB Ads and FB developer and it doesn't like the app link "there was a problem verifying the package name... on google play. Please check the package name and try again. If your app isn't publicly listed you can ignore this message"

    same on ad mon mediators - vungle and unity its like the app doesn't exist

    PLEASE HELP has anyone run UA and served ads in game while in open testing and had any issues?

    Thanks in advance...

    submitted by /u/cherrypopgames
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    GenericRecyclerView | Kotlin

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I have created GenericRecyclerView which is custom recyclerview component. Now you don't need to create seperate adapters for each recycler view.

    Please check the below link to learn more. https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/what-is-genericrecyclerview-63f940f65139

    submitted by /u/developerspace
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    Assistance needed on creating a Google developer account

    Posted: 06 May 2021 01:48 AM PDT

    It says my phone number is invalid. I added the + and country code as requested. It says it is invalid.

    I apologize if this is against the rules, I'm not certain, it's kinda 50/50.

    submitted by /u/andrewbounds164
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    Getting View Ids of third part applications

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    I was wondering what is the best wsy to fetch view ids of other applications. I was able to do it for WhatsApp using Accessibility options but that doesn't work for Messenger and the ids have "Name Removed" in it.

    submitted by /u/Abikdig
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    Auth0 and Lock UI for Android got a major update that uses AndroidX dependencies, drops the use of Jetifier

    Posted: 05 May 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    App rejected for upload phone

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    I sended an update of my app... but application has been rejected. I changed only a string.

    APK HAS A PROMINENT DISCLOSURE BUT THE DISCLOSURE IS NOT ADEQUATE Your app is uploading users' Phone Number information to https://digitail-prod.xxxx.it without an adequate disclosure. For further details on the valid prominent disclosure requirement, please review the "Prominent Disclosure & Consent Requirement" section under the User Data policy. 

    there is any phone permissions in Manistest to get user phone.

    there is any form where user can write his phone.. but some mobile phone arrives from some api and app shows this number, stop.
    how can i improve disclosure if app don't upload mobile phone?

    submitted by /u/gsources75
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    ContentProvider in Android Libraries Considered Harmful

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Jetpack Compose LazyColumn laggy

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:28 AM PDT

    I've been making an simple app in Jetpack Compose lately. It's a simple app, just display list of items containing full of text but I feel my app is quite laggy when scrolling the list (LazyColumn). I tried to improve my code to see if it's fixed but still the same. I have no experience in android native and kotlin before so I'm not sure if it's the problem in my code or LazyColumn itself (hence jetpack compose is till in beta)

    I don't find any topice related to LazyColumn performance so I want to know if anyone has the same problem.
    This is repo in case anyone want to take a look at the code. I'm still very confused about livedata, coroutine.. things

    submitted by /u/cuongtd
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    Does Android have some kind of problem resolving subdomains of localhost? Browsers can, but it seems that internal connections from my app fail.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    Pretty much just what the title says. Everything works, I add a subdomain, and I find myself with "no address associated with hostname" errors.

    Linux isn't affected, so the only thing I can think of is this being a low level issue, and browsers are doing their own integrated resolution and bypassing it.

    Am I on the right track here?

    submitted by /u/EternityForest
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    CameraX is now stable

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    How do I know if my projects (and resume) are good enough to start applying for Junior Android Dev jobs?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Hello all.

    I've been learning Java and Android since January of this year. I have a full-time job so I've been coding mostly after work and a lot on the weekends. I make small amounts of progress each week because I work full-time, but I'm almost done with my first app and I intend to release it to the Play Store sometimes this month or next month.

    It's a simple, two-activity monthly expenses tracker that uses Java, XML, and Room for the database. The user is able to create/save an expense, edit/delete it via RecyclerView onClick, and add monthly income information. I intend to add notifications after the initial release.

    A little bit of a background: I got my chemical engineering degree in spring 2020 with a 3.40 GPA, have been working as an Environmental Project Engineer since Sept. 2020, and I have a significant position in a non-profit engineering organization as a volunteer.

    My goal is to make the switch to CS, even if I have to take a lower pay. I enjoy CS more than ChemE.

    I'm hoping that although though my Android application is very basic, I can rely on my quick learning skills, professional engineering experience, and volunteering experience to fill in some gaps.

    I intend to continue learning and working on new, more complex projects after this. I have my eyes set on learning all or some these topics: Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, architecture best practices, data structures and algorithms, and doing Leetcode.

    I guess what I'm trying to ask is should I even try to apply to junior postings once my app is released? Or should I continue learning?

    Thank you all.

    submitted by /u/jimboNeutrino1
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    A sample Android application to including Hilt + Coroutine + Flow

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    Hi! I published a small project built with modern Android libraries and approaches. Hope it'll be helpful for learners. Also, please feels free to contribute it.


    submitted by /u/mertceyhan
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    Unable to compile the Android Emulator on Windows?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    I plan to make some modifications to the emulator, but first I'm just trying to get it to compile. I followed the instructions here word for word and it's not working. I tried using chocolatey to install the dependencies, and I tried building it on a fresh install of windows and I ran into the same errors every time so I'm pretty sure this issue is not limited to just me.

    Running under Python 3.9.4, Platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 Clearing out C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\objs Considering Visual Studio Community 2019 Accepted, setting env with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" variable 'VSINSTALLDIR' is not set, but was required to be available. variable 'VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR' is not set, but was required to be available. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\cmake.py", line 20, in <module> cmake.launch() File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\aemu\cmake.py", line 357, in launch main(args) File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\aemu\cmake.py", line 154, in main configure(args) File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\aemu\cmake.py", line 130, in configure run(cmake_cmd, args.out) File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\aemu\process.py", line 105, in run local_env = get_system_env() File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\aemu\process.py", line 81, in get_system_env raise Exception("Missing required environment variable") Exception: Missing required environment variable 

    Obviously, the problem is that vcvars64.bat isn't setting the appropriate env variables, but I'm not sure why it isn't. I've tried using the official Visual Studio installer and selecting all of the tools required in the windows development document, and I've tried using the provided chocolatey script to get all of the dependencies.

    One thing I did try was to run the rebuild script in the "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019" from the start menu, and apparently this provided the required env variables, but then I ran into another problem. Here is the log of rebuild.cmd:

    Running under Python 3.9.4, Platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 Clearing out C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\objs Considering Visual Studio Community 2019 Accepted, setting env with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" Running: cmake.exe -BC:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\objs -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\cmake\toolchain-windows_msvc-x86_64.cmake -DOPTION_CRASHUPLOAD=NONE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DQTWEBENGINE=True -DOPTION_SDK_TOOLS_REVISION=30.6.5 -G Ninja C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu in C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\objs -- Configuring native windows build using clang-cl: clang-r416183b -- Configuring native windows build using clang-cl: clang-r416183b -- The C compiler identification is Clang 12.0.5 with MSVC-like command-line -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 12.0.5 with MSVC-like command-line -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - failed -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Users/Andrew/src/emu-master-dev/external/qemu/objs/clang_cl.cmd -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Users/Andrew/src/emu-master-dev/external/qemu/objs/clang_cl.cmd - broken CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/CMake/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:66 (message): The C compiler "C:/Users/Andrew/src/emu-master-dev/external/qemu/objs/clang_cl.cmd" is not able to compile a simple test program. It fails with the following output: Change Dir: C:/Users/Andrew/src/emu-master-dev/external/qemu/objs/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command(s):C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~2/2019/COMMUN~1/Common7/IDE/COMMON~1/MICROS~1/CMake/Ninja/ninja.exe cmTC_38377 && [1/2] Building C object CMakeFiles\cmTC_38377.dir\testCCompiler.c.obj [2/2] Linking C executable cmTC_38377.exe FAILED: cmTC_38377.exe cmd.exe /C "cd . && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\CMake\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E vs_link_exe --intdir=CMakeFiles\cmTC_38377.dir --rc=C:\PROGRA~2\WI3CF2~1\10\bin\100190~1.0\x86\rc.exe --mt=C:\PROGRA~2\WI3CF2~1\10\bin\100190~1.0\x86\mt.exe --manifests -- C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\prebuilts\clang\host\windows-x86\clang-r416183b\bin\lld-link.exe /nologo CMakeFiles\cmTC_38377.dir\testCCompiler.c.obj /out:cmTC_38377.exe /implib:cmTC_38377.lib /pdb:cmTC_38377.pdb /version:0.0 /IGNORE:4099 /DEBUG /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT /MANIFEST:NO /debug /INCREMENTAL /subsystem:console kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib && cd ." LINK: command "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\prebuilts\clang\host\windows-x86\clang-r416183b\bin\lld-link.exe /nologo CMakeFiles\cmTC_38377.dir\testCCompiler.c.obj /out:cmTC_38377.exe /implib:cmTC_38377.lib /pdb:cmTC_38377.pdb /version:0.0 /IGNORE:4099 /DEBUG /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT /MANIFEST:NO /debug /INCREMENTAL /subsystem:console kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" failed (exit code 1) with the following output: lld-link: error: <root>: undefined symbol: mainCRTStartup ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project. Call Stack (most recent call first): -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! CMakeLists.txt:1 (project) See also "C:/Users/Andrew/src/emu-master-dev/external/qemu/objs/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "C:/Users/Andrew/src/emu-master-dev/external/qemu/objs/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log". Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\cmake.py", line 20, in <module> cmake.launch() File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\aemu\cmake.py", line 357, in launch main(args) File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\aemu\cmake.py", line 154, in main configure(args) File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\aemu\cmake.py", line 130, in configure run(cmake_cmd, args.out) File "C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\python\aemu\process.py", line 122, in run raise Exception("Failed to run %s - %s" % (" ".join(cmd), proc.returncode)) Exception: Failed to run cmake.exe -BC:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\objs -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu\android\build\cmake\toolchain-windows_msvc-x86_64.cmake -DOPTION_CRASHUPLOAD=NONE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DQTWEBENGINE=True -DOPTION_SDK_TOOLS_REVISION=30.6.5 -G Ninja C:\Users\Andrew\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu - 1 

    If anybody has some up to date compilation instructions, please share. I'm following the official instructions word for word and it's not working.

    submitted by /u/asumpsion
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    Question about new Google Play verification process and privacy

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    Hi all!

    TLDR at bottom.

    I am a standalone developer of a single app I made when I was in HS. I have "donation" in-app purchases enabled on it as the app is free and I have spent a lot of time on it. It's not super profitable but I have made around $200 in donations since its inception, and I'd prefer not to turn off in-app purchases.

    This morning I received an email:

    As you may know from your existing banking relationships, financial regulations require that payments providers take steps to verify the identities of their customers. Google has designed procedures to comply with those requirements while protecting and respecting the confidentiality of your personal information.

    In order to verify your account, we require additional information about your business that was not requested during the sign-up process.

    For more information, and to learn how to verify your account information, please access the following form.

    After we have received all of the requested documentation, you will be contacted within two to three business days.

    Whilst you can still continue to make sales, such as Play apps and in-app sales, you must provide us with the requested information in order to receive future payouts. Per financial regulations and industry standards, failure to submit the requested documentation may lead to delays in your payouts and ultimately the inability to continue making sales.

    For general product or account questions, please review our Help Center at https://support.google.com/payments/merchant.

    I clicked through the form and it wants government documentation of identity and proof of residence at current address. To be clear, I have no problem with providing these things to Google, frankly I'm a little surprised they took me at my word when I registered my app back in 2018. What I might have a problem with is a little checkbox they want you to click on the second page:

    * Your payments profile name & address will be updated to exactly match the ones that you have submitted on your Identity and Proof of Address documents.

    When I check my Google Payment settings, my "Public merchant profile" has the address I provided when I very first signed up, an old one I don't reside at anymore. My app listing, however, has a different address, one that I changed on the Google Play console, which is associated with an institution I'm a part of because I was worried about publishing my home address so publicly. This gives me a little bit of hope because it seems that they're treating/storing the two addresses separately, so maybe they won't touch the second one.

    I don't care about them overwriting the first address, the non-public one. I am worried about them changing the address visible on my app listing to one that I physically reside at. The language on that page in the Google Play Console says "Please provide a current, valid postal address where you may be contacted.", which the old address fulfills; any mail would definitely reach me.

    I wanted to ask if any of you have already finished this process and/or have a little more insight into what this change entails. I've already skimmed the FAQ and looked for other posts on this issue but didn't find anything.

    TLDR: Google Play is now requiring better documentation of who you are. Will they display the new address on our app listings?

    submitted by /u/mirrorkeydev
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    deleted the rom from android

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:24 PM PDT

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