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    Saturday, March 13, 2021

    Android Questions: Can dropping your phone reduce battery life, even if there is no visible damage?

    Android Questions: Can dropping your phone reduce battery life, even if there is no visible damage?

    Can dropping your phone reduce battery life, even if there is no visible damage?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 07:34 AM PST

    When I first got my Pixel 5 in December, it reported a battery life of over 2 days. Now I keep dropping it out of my pocket when I'm sitting down. There's no visible damage. However now the battery life is closer to 1 day. Still enough for me but I'm concerned it could continue getting worse. Is it because I've been dropping it, or does it have something to do with the update that fixed the battery indicator getting stuck, and it was never actually 2 days before?

    submitted by /u/ekolis
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    Snapchat auto slowmos any vid i try to post ?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 02:15 AM PST

    Snapchat slows down the audio of any video i upload if i try to edit it (just putting a caption). i tried cancelling this out with the fast speed filter but it just ends up with fast video and normal audio.

    seen others with this problem but no fix.

    Using pixel 4 XL

    submitted by /u/yamumsda4
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    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:51 AM PST

    Hi everyone, i was worried about my phone, its cpu almost reached 70°C/158°F while playing games is this normal for gaming???

    submitted by /u/Flashy-Tennis-9318
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    How to get jailbreak like tweaks on android

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:49 AM PST

    How to get jailbreak tweaks like snapbreak

    submitted by /u/Inside_Ease_13
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    How do I determine the category of a notification?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 07:54 AM PST

    I try to disable unhelpful notifications. I get a notification I don't want and long-press it. There's an option to disable notifications. I can choose to disable "all" or I can disable different categories. How do I know which category a specific notification is?

    For example, Meetup categorizes notifications something like, "Messages", "Announcements", "Event updates", and "Other". I can guess which category a notification probably is, but is there a way to know for sure?

    submitted by /u/sooneday
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    Why did Google Voice Typing jettison the tap to correct options?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:35 AM PST

    Did this happen to anyone else in the last 2 weeks or is this some oddity with my specific phone?

    It used to be I could close the voice keyboard by hitting an X in the upper right corner of the app - now it's a back button on the upper left.

    I also used to be able to change words and sentences that it interpreted incorrectly by tapping them if they were underlined. Now NOTHING is underlined and it's as inaccurate as ever unless you're speaking like a goddamned automaton.

    Goddamnit, Google.

    Example image:


    submitted by /u/RyanMeray
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    Sudden battery drop. Is it safe?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 07:37 AM PST

    Hello. I think people have asked this question before but I can't seem to find all the answers. Also thank you in advance for the help.

    So for context I have a Samsung galaxy note 8 (SM-N950F). I turned it on after leaving it for a day and the battery level was fine it was at 42%. Thought nothing of it. notifications were going crazy because it missed so much. Anyway. I was updating some apps and when I last checked it was at 38%. Again thought nothing of it. I then locked the phone and put it down. After 5 seconds it buzzed. I checked and I got a notification saying it was down to 13%. This has never happened before.

    I then put it on immediately to charge (Via a cable). As of writing the phone has been recharged to 95%.

    I did some googling and found something about voltage sag? I don't know if that is the course or not.

    So I guess my questions are as follows.

    • Why did the battery drop so suddenly?
    • Did it actually drop at all or is it a miss reading?
    • Did I potentially damage the battery more severely by putting it onto charge as soon as I saw the notification? (I am aware that batteries degrade over time).
    • By charging it the way I did (by putting onto charge immediately), have I accidently made a fire hazard? (More bluntly, is it going to explode?)

    Thanks again in advance.

    submitted by /u/Xeno_Zeke
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    Dragon city problem

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:08 AM PST

    Basically when I run the app it prompts me to app info screen saying that I should give the app permissions for best experience.

    On that screen I can only give the app storage permission and that is apparently not enough.

    When I go to permission manager there is no option to give permissions to Dragon City (or almost any game for that matter).

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Cicvaram
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    Changed name, but Google message app still showing old name in top left corner of pictures

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:44 AM PST

    Latest version of Android, Pixel 4A. I changed my name last year and updated it literally everywhere in life, including with all of my Google accounts and my carrier (visible). But, when I'm in the native message app, if I open a picture that I sent to somebody, it still shows my old name in the top left corner. Pretty sure it's only something I can see, but it still bothers me. Anybody know how to update this name? I'm wondering if I need to reset my phone in order to fix it with a fresh setup. I changed my name everywhere I could in the phone so I'm not sure where it pulls this information from. I'm attaching a picture that shows a name in the top left corner to give you a feel for what I'm trying to change. I'd prefer not to reset up my phone if there's an alternative. any ideas if it's possible to change the name that's showing in this top left corner for myself? Thanks!


    submitted by /u/serendipitylongan
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    Encrypted SD, note 20 Ultra, cannot unlock (screen broke badly). They're sending replacement as they determined issues were beyond just screen. How do I get photos off the device, from encrypted SD, if I can't unlock it? I only see top 10% of screen.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:33 AM PST

    negative space (-4GB) on internal sD, can't delete files, camera and other apps no longer work

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:32 AM PST

    16GB Moto G5, Android 8.1.0

    I have a 64GB SD card formatted as internal storage. This has been the case for around three years.

    Out of nowhere, all the following started to occur simultaneously:

    • In Settings -> Storage -> SD Card under "Other" it says I'm using -4.0 GB. Overall it says I'm using 7GB out of 64GB.
    • Trying to take a picture gives me an error "Camera Error. Please restart camera." and crashes the camera app.
    • Trying to take a screenshot gives me an error "Couldn't capture screenshot. Couldn't save screenshot due to limited storage space."
    • Cannot download images on WhatsApp with the error "Download failed. The download was unable to complete. Please try again later." Backing up fails with "Unable to backup messages."
    • Microsoft OneDrive crashes with the error "OneDrive has stopped", then a few seconds later crashes with "OneDrive keeps stopping". I tap "Close App" and it goes away. This occurs every few hours.
    • Trying to delete a file fails and says "Couldn't delete 1 item" and when pressed for details says "This file wasn't deleted: <name of file>". If I connect to PC and delete the file in Windows Explorer, the file remains on the phone, and reconnecting it to PC shows that the file is still there.
    • Certain apps fail to launch, for example Kanji Tree just sits on a black screen before crashing with "Kanji Tree has stopped".
    • Cannot download files through Chrome.

    Things that surprisingly continue to work:
    * Fanfic Pocket Reader can still download stories from AO3.
    * Can still receive emails, WhatsApp messages, texts etc.
    * Microsoft Lens can still take pictures (very strange considering the camera app can't) and can store documents.
    * Deleting videos seems to be possible, although this doesn't reduce the size under "Videos" in Settings -> Storage.

    Things I have tried:
    * Restarting the device.
    * Ejecting and re-mounting the SD card.
    * Clearing cache and data from the system app "Media Storage".
    * Clearing cache from the special boot menu. * Entering safe mode - camera error persists, the others I can't check in safe mode.
    * Using various third-party apps to try to delete files, no success.

    I have a sinking feeling the only solution is to forget the SD card and reformat it. Is there any other way?

    Bonus question: Is formatting an SD card as internal storage usually reliable? If this is gonna happen again I'd rather get a larger built-in storage or format it as portable.

    Thank you very much for any advice, I'm a techy guy but have little experience of Android.

    submitted by /u/otah007
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    Samsung Galaxy A50 won’t turn on after forced reboot

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:36 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Came here to say something weird happened to my Galaxy A505G/DS. It was in "emergency calls only". So I performed a forced reboot (holding the power button + vol down) and I got stuck in the "Galaxy A50" screen and after a few minutes nothing happened, so I performed a forced reboot again, but this time the device did nothing. Black screen, no vibration, nothing.

    Some time ago I got to solve that black screen issue with the forced reboot but this time didn't work.

    I connected the A50 to a PC. Samsung drivers and Odin are installed but it cannot recognize it. All I got is the sound Windows 10 plays when a device is connected and I if open the device manager it shows like "Exynos 9610" with the yellow triangle saying there are no drivers installed for that device.

    It was running Android 10. Also, I can't get to download mode.

    I tried removing the back and unplugged the battery and plugged it back but nothing changed.

    What could have gone wrong? Is there any way I can bring this phone back to life?

    Any help or advice is welcome. Have a nice day.

    Edit: typo.

    submitted by /u/DarkMidnightBoo
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    Are there any apps that will cause a phone to reboot after installation? My phone's volume and power keys are broken and my back and home and multitask capacitative buttons just glitched...I need to restart in order for them to function again but its proving a dilemma...

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:59 PM PST

    How do you open the sidebars with nav gestures

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:14 AM PST

    Alright so I'm a pretty techie person but I don't think this is even possible when navigation gestures are turned on. To get to the sidebar on Sync for Android I need to swipe from the right side of the screen.... Which just goes back. Because swiping from any side of the screen does the "back" command.

    I'm using a oneplus 8 pro

    Surely there's a way right? They wouldn't make a feature thin some programs like this

    submitted by /u/frappim
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    Does your phone heat up if you have multiple users in your android device?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:12 AM PST

    Hey I have a question, I have two users on my android device !! I wanna use two accounts in the same social media but without logging out . I know I can use app cloners instead but they seem to drain a lot from my battery !! So I thought maybe I could open a second user on my device, does it have any side effects on the phone battery and performance ?! Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/Ghadiz983
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    Is there a way to force an app to use data only?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 05:13 PM PST

    I have an app on my phone for starting and locking/unlocking my car (Drone mobile). The problem I keep running into is if I'm in my driveway trying to use the app, my phone is still connected to my WiFi and the signal is pretty weak. So most of the time the app times out.

    Is there a way to force Drone to use only data? I tried to search for an answer but the results came up with the opposite, for apps to not use any data.

    I can try to set something up with tasker if there is no other option but if there is an android setting for this that I can't find it would be much simpler. TIA.

    submitted by /u/2948337
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    Anyway to display alternative calender on the lockscreen

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 07:34 AM PST

    On iOS if we enable alternative calender it shows the date in the lockscreen is it possible on android ?

    submitted by /u/ztaker
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    Experiencia en Android

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 07:15 AM PST

    Hola, soy usuario de iPhone y he estado viendo cambiarme a un Samsung S21, pero no me convence cambiarme por los lag que se da en los android (al menos cuando me cambien a Apple), soy un usuario que tiene el celular con muchas aplicaciones y juegos que demandan mucho la capacidad de los procesadores. Por los precios me interesa mantener el celular por unos 3 o 4 años, necesito de su experiencia si los celulares android aguantan tanto tiempo sin tener mayores inconvenientes, como ocurre con los iPhone. Por último saber si hay un modo fácil y gratis de traspasar los mensajes de WhatsApp's al Samsung.

    submitted by /u/Vernestor
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    How to set the camera app on my phone to automatically enable airplane mode?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:45 AM PST

    I am a vlogger, and I have had my vlogs interrupted by phone calls while recording. I also use a lapel microphone which interferes with the Bluetooth on my Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus. I have to put my phone in airplane mode to avoid any interference with the microphone. Sometimes I forget to turn airplane mode on before recording, and if I don't I hear a loud buzzing and humming sound In the playback when using the lapel microphone.

    I don't want any methods that require rooting. I also don't want to have to dish out $1,000 for a vlogging camera, so if someone could please help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Ironman2000015
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    HELP! Stuck in BOOTLOOP, cant access safe mode or fast boot mode

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 02:54 AM PST

    Tried to root Tecno Spark 5 pro (KD7) with magisk and after unlocking bootloader everything was working smoothly until i rebooted with the patched magisk image and now its stuck in bootloop.

    Pressing power button and volume up to access boot menu doesn't work nor does connecting it to pc and trying to use adb shell.

    I thought maybe the solution would be to try to let it run our of battery and try again but that will take a hell of a long time.

    PLEASE!!! If there is any help or suggestions just let me know. Its a brand new phone as well fuck

    submitted by /u/HeWhoSmelt
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    Shops in-apps don't work for some reason

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:37 AM PST

    So, in games, when I open the store, the game freezes and now I cannot even open Google Play store. It shows that Im offline. And same in reddit, I cannot do anything in the store because it tells Im offline. What issue?

    submitted by /u/SantaGamer
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    YouTube app no longer allows screen time out. (Google Pixel 4)

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:32 AM PST

    Hey there!

    I'm not too sure where else to put this and googling oh didn't give me many good results.

    I listen to YouTube every night before bed. I put a video on, put my screen face down and fall asleep. I wake up in the morning with my screen locked and about 2-3% less battery. I also should mention I don't charge my phone over night while doing this.

    Recently however, the past week or so. YouTube no longer allows for a screen timeout. I've checked my display settings and YouTube's autoplay to make sure that I didn't have any changes. As soon as the video ends, my screen is just left on all night to the end card of a video.

    I tested if it was related to having the video in full screen or not as well but no changes.

    I tried using the mobile webpage and desktop page from Google chrome to play my videos but it's the same thing.

    Even trying to play them with the screen locked from the chrome app has it autoplay the next one.

    I don't know if this is a new thing that YouTube is being rolled out to have but if so, I absolutely hate it.

    submitted by /u/Lifelight77
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    Phone lights up randomly, i suspect an app which i have blocked notifications from. Anywhere to check what notifications are coming in from blocked and unblocked apps ?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:24 AM PST


    So, i recently started noticing my phone will light up for like 20'ish seconds and then go back to the screen being off. As if a notification came in, but nothing shows up.

    Googling says it may be a blocked notification coming in and then ... you know.... becomes blocked. but i don't know which of my apps notifications are doing this, since i have almost all of my apps blocked from sending me notifications.

    I have a OnePlus 5 running OxygenOS 9.0.9

    submitted by /u/blasharga
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    Revvl 4 tokyo 5007w

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:16 AM PST

    Can this phone be rooted? Of so? I've looked everywhere and haven't found a definitive answer.

    submitted by /u/Responsible-Row4827
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    Having trouble syncing contacts to Toyota Highlander

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:06 AM PST

    I'm helping someone sync their phone with their 2020 Toyota Highlander. When we sync the contacts it gets stuck at 15/203 and freezes. Any advice on how to complete the sync?

    submitted by /u/atdonsm
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