• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Android Dev - App got suspended, meanwhile other copies of my app are still up! Can/Should I take legal action?

    Android Dev - App got suspended, meanwhile other copies of my app are still up! Can/Should I take legal action?

    App got suspended, meanwhile other copies of my app are still up! Can/Should I take legal action?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    A month ago my app got suspended due to manipulated media policy(which after reading them I think I am complying with), the appeals got rejected. Google is not responding to my emails.

    Meanwhile another app which has 100% similar functionality is up on the Google Play.

    Is there anything in the Google's policies that they should treat all apps fairly?

    Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/theFreeBirddd
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    Good News I think Admob Ad serving has Been Lifted

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    After 3 months of waiting for my AdMob Ad serving Ban has Been Lifted today really don't know I think they gonna ban after I start to show ads.

    submitted by /u/Null_Execption
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    27 September — 3 October Android Newsletter

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    Stay up to date with Android development, in this week's edition:
    🏇 Android 11 Package Visibility
    👻 Busting Android Myths
    🖼️ Custom Views Performance
    🧰 ViewModel Testing
    and much more!

    💚 Enjoy https://vladsonkin.com/android-newsletter-14/

    🔥Featuring @Zheko_A @elye_project @revolutinsider @imShreyasPatil, and many other great authors!

    Subscribe and receive new editions directly to your email. Weekly, no spam, unsub anytime.
    Here is an email version of this issue: https://mailchi.mp/9ab2978bd25f/android-newsletter-14

    submitted by /u/vladsonkin_com
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    App developing as open or closed source?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    Hello everybody,

    I started a new android app project. I will develop an application for my university. I have an own gitlab server and all my projects are there stored. But for this project, a fellow student (I hope it's the right word) give me an advice to take the app from the beginning to GitHub and making the project open source.

    I do this never before, so, what would me bring this? What do you thing about the idea?

    submitted by /u/rescuemod
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    What is the current consensus about Data Binding in the Android Development community?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    So I've inherited a two and a half year old codebase which basically implements DataBinding architecture using MVVM architecture almost exactly as laid out in this Youtube video:


    It doesn't use Android ViewModel classes or LiveData but instead custom ViewModel classes which extend the Databinding Observable interface and LifeCyclerObserver. The Activities and Fragments then observe the ViewModel which basically then propagates changes to the UI Layer or calls methods in the UI layer (all written in xml) using notifyChange() or notifyPropertyChange() methods.

    Now my instinct is to not really like this pattern, as I feel that it makes the code a lot less readable and too abstract, and having all the methods written in the xml layer (and all the recycler view adapters attached in the xml layer) makes the code a lot harder to debug. It also seems to require quite a learning curve for the developer, and if we were to hire some junior developers I would worry that it would take quite a while for them to get used to this way of writing code, which is a time and money overhead for the business.

    On the other hand, I do appreciate the beauty of having your UI automatically responding to the state of your model, and making booleans etc. observable cuts down a lot of code and makes it more difficult to introduce logical errors. It also means that activities and fragments are about a third of the size in terms of lines of code (although I'd also argue that although there are less lines of code to write, the mental effort of understanding the observable pattern and ensuring your xml and Viewmodel adheres to the class names automatically generated by the Data Binding library doesn't necessarily make it more efficient)

    In short- I'm not sure whether to propose a rewrite of the architecture to make it more readable and understandable for new developers, or whether to propose a partial rewrite to utilise LiveData rather than the Databinding Observable (which seems outdated now), or whether I'm just being ignorant, and not appreciating the advantages and the full beauty of Databinding.


    submitted by /u/reddit_police_dpt
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    Is it possible to migrate a SQLite database belonging to an Android app from internal storage to external storage or vice versa?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    The app I want to contribute to only supports internal storage. Users want to store their data on an SD card. I'd like to add a setting you can toggle along the lines of "use external storage". But then if you currently have any data stored it would have to migrate the db from internal to external as it would be too buggy and messy to have two SQLite db's. Any idea how to do this?

    submitted by /u/FearlessProgrammer1
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    Have you done any startup-related optimization in your app? Please explain in detail how you optimized the startup process.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    Is this a scam?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    How to switch to the live build if you were an internal tester?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    We just released our first game on the play store after utilizing internal testing and betas. When I go to the play store link it shows (Internal Beta) after it and "You're an internal tester." I disabled all testing tracks, I removed all testers from the list, I uploaded an empty release for internal track even but I still show up as internal build instead of release build.

    Any way to fix??

    submitted by /u/SuperBounceGames
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    Do you pay taxes in the countries where Google does not for your In-App purchases or subscriptions?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I just added an in-app purchase in one of my apps for the first time of my life.

    After reading the official doc I decided to deploy the app only in those countries where Google does the tax payment for me, just to avoid the overhead of having to pay by myself in each country.

    My question is, for those of you that have in-app purchases, how do you manage that? Do you sell in all countries and in that case, how do you manage this tax payments?

    submitted by /u/svprdga
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    Where can i find the oem drivers for Motorola g5?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Android Package Visibility And Horse Blinkers

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    What is Android 11 Package Visibility, what benefits it brings, and what does horse blinkers 🏇 have to do with it?

    Enjoy 💚 https://vladsonkin.com/android-package-visibility-and-horse-blinkers/

    submitted by /u/vladsonkin_com
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    Third party app not full screen

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Anyone here knows how can I make a third party app use the entire screen on a Pixel 4? I also have a OnePlus 6T running Android 10 and the app works just fine full screen there. On the Pixel 4 it looks like this (splash screen of the app, notice bottom black area) on Android 10 and 11. Anything I can do to make it work like on OnePlus? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mmgherasim
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    Best language(s) to learn in late 2020-2021 for android dev?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I want to create a chat app using kotilin, like Snapchat. With features like search and add friend using username and chat with them. Suggest me a good course for that. I am begginer so please suggest me some easy ones

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Actually I've done some udemy courses and some youtube chat clone tutorials but none of them helped me to create a chat app as a i want to other than the way they build.. so please suggest some courses wherw i can learn everything so i can create this app in a easy way

    submitted by /u/mukeshvoleti
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