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    Thursday, September 17, 2020

    Android Dev - The internals of Lottie Animation Library - Article

    Android Dev - The internals of Lottie Animation Library - Article

    The internals of Lottie Animation Library - Article

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    How do you all approach In-App Puchases/Subscriptions and multiple environments?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    I am curious how other's handle working with IAP while running multiple environments for development/testing (DEV/QA/Prod).

    Current Environment

    We currently use AppCenter to distribute for DEV/QA builds. We use unique bundleIds per environment so that our team can have the various versions installed side-by-side. We only publish the prod apks to the Play Console.

    Hurdles with IAP

    Since IAP requires a registered bundleId in Play Console to tie together products and testing accounts, we run into an issue.

    • If we add non-active apps to Play console for the non-prod environments, we're stuck duplicating products and testing accounts between multiple "apps"
    • If we only use the production bundleId, we blow up our current development flow/environment, and have to make changes to the production console configuration for testing.
      • Publishing apks pointed to non-production backends even to internal testing tracks makes me real nervous that someone could inadvertently publish the wrong archive out.

    Current Plan for IAP (multiple bundleIds in console)

    My current plan sounds plausible, but feels heavy handed, error prone, and dependent on a poorly documented API. I'm hoping I'm overlooking something much simpler and ya'll just point out how ridiculous I'm being:

    1. Setup billing-enabled, non-published apps for each environment with bundleIds like: com.mycompany.app.dev
      com.mycompany.app (current prod)

    2. Build a utiltity using GooglePlay Developer API (AndroidPublishingAPI) to add to our CI/CD pipeline to keep In-App Products in sync across DEV/QA/Prod

    submitted by /u/barryrowe
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    Should I use text size sp or dp?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Android Studio suggest using sp for text size. But if user makes device default text size highest or lowest all textviews are getting messy when using sp for text sizes. Do you think is it better using dp instead of sp? What's your suggest?

    submitted by /u/bossofchain
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    How to use AnimatedVectorDrawable as windowBackground for splash screen?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    I usually implement splash screen using theme with android:windowBackground set to the app icon. I was wondering if it is possible to use AnimatedVectorDrawable as the window background and make it's animation start automatically. I can use the AnimatedVectorDrawable as the background but it's animation won't start automatically.

    submitted by /u/susonthapa
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    It takes a lot time to review updating

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    Correct way to use dynamic feature

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    i am confused about usage of dynamic feature. I have been working on developing a new application. So I want to separate all of my feature to modules. I can do that with regular modules but as i read document of dynamic feature, it has lot of benefits. it provides these;

    -Faster build time

    -Enhancing refactoring

    -Improving process of development

    I think that the most important one is faster build time for me. Therefore, i want to make all of my feature module to dynamic.

    I have checked plaid example which is used dagger.

    I am confused about Is it right approach to making all of your modules to dynamic also all of them will be install-time.

    What are the disadvantages?

    I can write one of disadvantages:

    -If you want to implement Dependency Injection such as Dagger. It would be hard and complex Or you can use Koin which is much more easy and understandable.

    - UI testing is hard to write; if your app has only dynamic feature, your instrumentation test must be isolated with which activity you test.

    - It is not enough to getting unit test coverage of application / or i couldn't find a way for that.

    To sum up, What do you think?

    submitted by /u/WisneyGK
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    Dependency management for locally built .aar

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:59 AM PDT


    if I build a local .aar file which has some dependencies and distribute it to people, they will have to add the same dependencies in their build.gradle file so the library doesn't crash upon usage.
    Is there any way to ship a list of my dependencies as a .pom file within my custom library alongside with the .aar file, so gradle knows which dependencies the project is using?
    Or is there any other way to solve this nicely, without having people changing their projects to match the dependencies within my library?

    I need this specifically for local usage of the library, not through maven publish plugin

    submitted by /u/rogi19
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    [Question] Management API + Android Device Policy - Rooted Devices

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Hey y'all!

    So I've been searching and cannot find anything concrete on the above and would immensely appreciate any pointers.

    Is there an out of the box solution to detect a device being rooted, via device policies or using the above Management API on a managed device?

    To wipe a device via the EMM console this appears possible, but before we get there, looking for a solution to detect that the device has been rooted!

    submitted by /u/SamSepilol
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    is there any book for intermediate to advance android development

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    i know the basics of android development like (layouts, fetching data from website to app, fragments, list views, recycler view, and a lot more ) and I have a decent hold on java. I completed the head first android book and also completed free basic course of udacity and google on android development but now I wanna go from intermediate to advance. So is there any book for that?

    submitted by /u/tehleel_mir_official
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    Simple question Clean Architecutre

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    A use clicks on a button and it launches an API call (VM -> UseCase -> Repo -> DataSource).

    Now, if the user clicks on the same button and age is above 20, call different API. (Very similar to the first one).

    Do we have to create a new Usecase for this and verify this condition in the VM? Or should we just add the verification in the same usecase ?

    Hope it's clear.

    submitted by /u/Kruzdah
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    Android developer - resume feedback

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I've been a long time lurker sort of. I was hoping you guys could give me some help/pointers in making my resume better. I am not entirely sure the best way to incorporate the blog I have either. I've debated taking off the android project, as it isn't very complex and has been a few years. I have some projects I could add from college, but I am unsure about it since it isn't related to android development/capstone was for a company. I am currently doing google code labs with the intention of taking the test for the android associate developer certification. So I would love some pointers in making my resume better, as I feel it isn't the best. I'll include 2 links below. One to the drive where the resume is, and the other to the programming blog which also has a link to my resume. I should add I am from the US, but currently living in Japan and trying to land my first job out of college here. Thanks!

    Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c1MVdla8AMBHDaPWhQ7-mZYCOqUjFIE_PE-S1R8azWg/edit?usp=sharing

    Blog: https://devinannunzio.github.io/Blog/

    -If this isn't allowed, please let me know and I will delete immediately

    submitted by /u/Koopah_Toopah
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    Moving to Kotlin, how?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, i'm been coding in Java for a long time (around 8 years) and i think the change to Kotlin for Android Development is inevitable. My biggest problem is how to start the change, theres a lot of courses and YouTube videos but Is a little overwhelming. Any tip for the most experienced in this?

    submitted by /u/NecessaryTry4
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    Why I Chose to Write my Own Android UI Testing Tool

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Dokka Alpha for Kotlin 1.4 – Kotlin Blog

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Best framework for android dev

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm an experienced programmer very new to android development. I'd like to ask youehat you think is the best framework to work in, and if it's worth looking into cross-OS solutions to create appa that can run borh on android and iOS. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Putrid-Farter
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