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    Sunday, July 5, 2020

    Android Questions: GF's ex is in my devices via a little router exploit... Need a little guidance if anyone's willing

    Android Questions: GF's ex is in my devices via a little router exploit... Need a little guidance if anyone's willing

    GF's ex is in my devices via a little router exploit... Need a little guidance if anyone's willing

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    He seems to know what my girl and I talk about in the privacy of our own home... His temper gives him away when he goes on these little temper tantrum's and has an awful lot to say behind his phone.... Anyways, I've had 2 ISP's I'm the last year and a half and the first was always showing a new device attached every time I looked.. And also my Google account was showing the same... And my GF's account.. I know what's going on, so I was really hoping I could get lucky and someone could give a little guidance on how to identify (or try) via an IP or Mac address.. last device attached to my GF's and my own Google account was a note 8, neither of us have ever had one! I just want to know if I can get a phone number, or anything to help with that physical link to him.. it's been hard and I've tried to learn but just can't do it fast enough. Family courts involved in the family I basically adopted, for GOOD REASON, and he always knows what to do to manipulate a terrible situation for the kids into one where he's the victim and he can continue doing the harm he's doing to them... With the few hours he gets them 1 day a week.. it's destroying the kids and I need to find a way to make it stop. Getting that link to him, directly, in my router and my devices attached to my router would resolve a lot.... A lot! Is someone willing to give me a little direction or guidance on how to do this? I am more than willing to return the favor in one way or another!!

    submitted by /u/mysticstylezzzzz
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    Why no dark mode in Gmail for everyone?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    So, we have dark mode for the Play Store, for Google Fit, and others, but why don't we have dark mode in Gmail for every account?

    Technically it shouldn't be hard to implement, and Google already did it for other apps, so why the artifical scarcity? Do they think that having Gmail in dark mode is the reason for someone to buy a Pixel phone or something? 😅

    submitted by /u/xtremis
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    Just Updated to Android 10 and Everything is Slow

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    My LG Escape Plus just updated to Android 10 today. Now everything is slow. Opening apps can take 30 seconds. Web pages load really slowly. The keyboard takes 20-30 seconds to load and when typing the letters can take 20 second to show up after I type them.

    Is this normal for Android 10? Is there a way to go back to 9?

    submitted by /u/jjj49er
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    UPDATE: Mystery Sound - No Idea What's Causing It, or Heard It Before Anywhere Else. Now managed to record it. Anyone know where this is from?!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Hi All - really hoping someone can shed some light on this, because it's been driving us mad for ages.

    So my father has a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone, on Vodafone. About 2 weeks ago, it suddenly started making this odd notification sound - we'd never heard it before, by the system, or an app. He hadn't installed anything new recently that might be causing it.

    I did post about this previously, but got no replies. It didn't help that we hadn't yet been able to capture the sound (previously I had just done an impression of it - poorly). However, using screen recording software we've now managed to catch it! It still just happens at complete random during the day.

    Here's a Soundcloud link to it.

    On the advice of a forum thread, we tried using the software 'Nice catch' to see what it might say it was (here's a screenshot of that, but no real luck there - it said 'Android System' or 'System UI'. Here's an imgur screenshot of that..

    I did ask the Samsung S10 subreddit - they didn't have any ideas, but thought it might be linked to a security issue - so we've reset all his paswords.

    Any help or advice greatly appreciated - we're thinking we might have to flash/restart the whole thing, but were hoping it wouldn't come to that. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/hardyflashier
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    Looking to Install Remote Management Software/App for Family Member

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    I'm looking for what software exists for remote controlling another Android. This spyware is common for businesses to use for employees devices, but im actually just interested in using it to help my mother. She has Parkinson's and the shaking makes using the phone near impossible.

    She's in a nursing home and with covid she can't have any visitors so it's been really hard.

    I want to be able to do actions for her remotely, like buying audio books and downloading them to the device.

    I don't think I'd be able to get debugger enabled for ADB sshing in, that'd be hard to describe over the phone, but installing an app might be feasible.

    My concern is finding reputable software that allows for this level of access and is still secure and not some BS app in the play store that will mitm access.

    Any suggestions? Is this even feasible?

    submitted by /u/DirtyTendies
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    Any way to automatically delete texts containing a keyword?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    The vast majority of spam texts I receive misidentify me as "Tina", someone I've never met. I'm wondering if I could use this against the spammers, with an app or some kind of script that will automatically delete texts containing the keyword "Tina."

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Dragnerok_X
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    My wife, the person I text the most, doesn't show up in my Share menu

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    I'm using Android Messages for texting. When I hit the share button, her contact never shows up as an option for Messages. Other contacts,who I've recently texted, DO show up. She never does. I have to tap "Messages" and then she's the first one on the list but otherwise, she doesn't show up directly in the share menu. Any fix? This also happens to her on her phone.

    Both of us using Galaxy S10+

    submitted by /u/OnSugarHill
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    My first Android. Is the level of ads in YouTube normal

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    I bought my first Android phone last week (a Samsung A71) and I've noticed way more ads on the YouTube app. I also own an iPad and haven't noticed the ads at all. I see the app ads that encourage you to download and I see constant annoying Tik Tok ads too. I'm only experiencing the issue on my android.

    Here's what I'm talking about.


    Is this normal and is there anything I can do to reduce the ads. The app feels like a free mobile game with the constant ads or is this just a dummy move to persuade users to join YouTube Premium?

    submitted by /u/GnorcDan
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    Moto G7 power - Can't hear any sound at all.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    I can't hear any sound at all, not even low volume. Not on speakerphone during a call. No sound from YouTube videos. Nothing.

    Phone has only been dropped a couple of times and the sound still worked fine afterwards. Last drop was several weeks ago.

    I have tried:

    • Turning up the volume.

    • Blowing out the headphone jack.

    • Disabling Google Assistant.

    • Rebooted phone.

    • Switched off Bluetooth.

    • Booted into safe mode and tested sound.

    Any ideas? Anything is worth a try.

    Android version 9 Carrier: TMobile

    Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/Gotitaila
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    Help! I need stock firmware for Realme Q

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    So I bought the Realme Q (RMX1971), not realising that I wouldn't be able to change the region from China to anywhere else.

    Everything that I've read online says that it is literally the same phone as Realme 5 pro.

    Is it safe to load the stock ROM for the Realme 5 Pro on my Realme Q?

    If so, what is the safest way to do this?

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you

    submitted by /u/Seveniche
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    Remote Control Question

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I have 2 tablets (one a fire hd8 and the other a pure android) and want to remote control plex on the tablets either using an old android/iphone or via another device. The tablet won't have internet access so really looking for a bluetooth controller that would work with tablets (and be reasonably cheap) or a way to do this without requiring internet access to both devices.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/IsThereSomethingNew
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    My phone keeps vibrating when playing music.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    My phone keeps vibrating when my music plays, pauses and when it switches songs. My phone has only been doing this for the past 2 weeks. I don't know how I turned it on, nor do I know how to turn it off. I'm using an S8+.

    submitted by /u/J0E_The_Psych0121
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    Android smart phone use as bluetooth speaker

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    I want to know any method to use android phone as a bluetooth speaker. I need to listen to my smart tv using the wired head set which connected to the smart phone. Is there any method or softwear to do that?

    submitted by /u/scorp12scorp12
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    Name Displayed on Image??

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    I have an xperia compact xz2. When I open the messages app and text an image to someone, if I click on the photo, it shows the photo menu as it should. However, at the top of this it shows a name on the top left next to the X. How on earth do I change or remove this (a person's) name in this menu? I have checked every single setting on the phone, messages app, contacts, and google accounts and there is absolutely no record of this name existing anywhere on the phone. I am absolutely baffled as to how it exists in this single menu.

    submitted by /u/milocricket
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    Your Phone alternative to connect Android and Mac?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I was wondering, is there an app or any kind of software that would give us Microsoft's Your Phone like features if you use a Mac and and Android device? It doesn't have to be a 1-1 match.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/reddicted82
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    Does anyone have a Kyocera Echo that they are willing to sell/trade?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    I've looked all over the internet for a Kyocera Echo and I can't seem to find one. If anyone knows or is someone who owns one of these and is willing to sell please let me know!

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/noahtheshittyitguy
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    Videos have this weird bug.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    When I'm playing a video, I'll occasionally get the screen bugging out and it has this weird blue/purple filter over it basically making the video unwatchable

    submitted by /u/ReeceReddit1234
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    Anyone knows of a non-SU (forcing you to root your device) app that clones your phone to another one and keeps everything permanently synced so if one of the two phones dies you have the other

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    So basically like I explained in the title, I'm searching for a good (free or paid doesn't matter to me) Android application that would be "non-Super User" (forcing you to root your device) that clones your phone to another one and whether or not you use the two phones or only one (so the second one would not be used and only be used if the first dies), the two phones would be identical to the exception of the IDs that cannot be identical (Wi-Fi MAC address, Bluetooth MAC address, IMEI, etc)

    So all the applications, SMS (messages), contacts, applications data, literally everything that you can possibly backup with non Root access, everything that I quoted on this sentence would be accessible on the second phone if the first phone dies.

    Anyone knows a good app like this ? It doesn't matter if the app needs your computer to run a server on it, or the data goes to a third party, all I want is a failover for my current phone (I bought the same phone as the one I own currently, so the phones have the same model/brand/hardware.)

    submitted by /u/Sivejean
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    Do curved screens break more easily?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Please mention if you used a case/screen protector.

    submitted by /u/lurkacc777
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    Fullscreen mode bug

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Hi, I don't like nav bar, so I installed Simple Pie on my phone Galaxy A8. When I go on a picture in Twitter I get a message telling me how to use the nav bar. But as I remeoved it I can't use it or simple pie to get out of the message. The only solution is to restart my phone to make this screen block message. That's a screeshot of the message : https://imgur.com/qwjO2RV How can I remove it ? Thanks

    submitted by /u/DFurax
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    backup file without debug usb and black screen

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    hi guys i have broked my xiaomi redmi s2, the lcd is completaly black but the device is power on i know because the vibs and the sound is on, how can backup my files and my apps? all cloud serviced are disabled ... i try with airdroid, google photo, google drive but nothing ...

    the debug usb i think is disabled because when i connect the device at my pc he is know the device but i dont see the folders. but i have also the pin for lock the screen ( maybe this is the cause?) i tryed with fastboot and adb control but maybe is so more hardly for me. sorry for my english... i hope if any people can help me thx.

    submitted by /u/vandam993
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    Camera app problem

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    How do i fix the lag of my camera app? When i use my camera the screen is lagging

    submitted by /u/skrtskrt1099
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    Just got my FOTA on Zenfone Max Pro M1

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Why did it take so long ? It aired on May 2019 and I'm been stuck on 8.1 until today.

    submitted by /u/Sezum3
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    How do I disable the power button emergency trigger ( 2 times tap) for LG Aristo 2 Android 8 Oreo?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    I see there is an option to disable this in Pie https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePlus6/comments/9j4hi1/you_can_finally_disable_emergency_call_trigger/?utm_source=reddit-android .

    But how do I do it on Oreo. My LG Aristo 2 seems to have a misfiring power button and it dials 911 a lot of the times.


    submitted by /u/nerdrap
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    Open Google Calendar App instead of Chrome

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Whenever I click a calendar link in my email from the daily agenda, Google Calendar opens in Chrome. How do I get links to open in the Google Calendar App?

    submitted by /u/redcodefsu
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