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    Friday, July 10, 2020

    Android Dev - Weekly "anything goes" thread!

    Android Dev - Weekly "anything goes" thread!

    Weekly "anything goes" thread!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    Here's your chance to talk about whatever!

    Although if you're thinking about getting feedback on an app, you should wait until tomorrow's App Feedback thread.

    Remember that while you can talk about any topic, being a jerk is still not allowed.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    AppScreens - New developer tool for App Store screenshots

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    AppScreens - New developer tool for App Store screenshots

    I've recently launched AppScreens.com and would love to receive your feedback!

    As a fellow Android developer, I've muddled for years with Photoshop & 50 different PSD files, tried every frustrating/limited screenshot system out there & overpaid for the pleasure. Over time we've created some great content but we knew we could be doing better for our time, money, sanity and App Store Optimisation.

    AppScreens a state-of-the-art screenshot creator for designing and exporting standout screenshots for both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store at the same time, from one responsive design.

    AppScreens helps developers & app businesses save significant time & money where typically a designer or specific skills-set is required. Using our beautiful launch ready templates, apps can boost their app store impact by over 35%.




    AppScreens is the most technologically loaded and fully featured screenshot creator tool out there. The tool enables you to have panoramic backgrounds, language localization, integrated 3D perspective phones, hundreds of device & colour combos, rich text and unlimited layout flexibility.

    AppScreen's top 5 highlight reel;

    1. Automated panoramic backgrounds (Important for ASO engagement)
    2. 3D devices & image warping
    3. Unlimited layouts and element (text/img/device) layering / stacking
    4. Full rich text & emoji support
    5. Project translations / localization

    Providing you have an idea what you want to say & and the screens you will show, you can be in-and-out in less than 15 minutes with 50+ images ready for upload. That's a huge efficiency!



    We believe AppScreens is the tool a lot of app developers are missing and would love to hear your feedback! You can use the full system for free in the playground https://appscreens.com/user/playground

    If you try it and like it we can give you a coupon to get 1 years access for the cost of 1 month - leave a comment or DM us.

    Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/RalphGS
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    What is the MOST annoying part of actual Android development to you?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Which process/action/library or anything (any part of the dev process) causes you the most frustration or what part of the dev process feels like a chore?

    Just really interested in hearing as many different opinions or points of view as possible on this front?

    Edit: Sorry folks turned out i accidentally posted this same post 5 times on this sub-reddit, totally did not mean to do that, not sure what happened! So just incase you responded to one of the other posts i removed the duplicates, sorry about that! Great answers so far folks!

    submitted by /u/bkthedeveloper
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    Nearly 70% of Android users will deny tracking permissions if they are requested in-app to opt-in (if similar to iOS14 privacy changes come to Android)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    Any way to handle 3rd party SDK errors from crashing your live application

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Today our live application was down for close to 5 hours because of an error in the Facebook SDK. Facebook SDK bug

    Is there any way to handle errors in SDK so that it doesn't crash your apps during runtime. What will be the best way to deal with such issues , is it remotely disabling SDKs

    submitted by /u/melgo44
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    What did you think of the AMA?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Since the AMA is over I was wondering what the community thought about the team responses.

    Were your questions answered? Did you like the answer provided?

    To me it felt kinda underwhelming with a lot of PR answers and the "we're working to make developers experience positive" along with "we will still not enforce OEMs for developers to have a consistent experience" type of answers

    submitted by /u/su43berkut17
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    11 Android Studio Plugins to Promote Faster Development

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    Modern Android and Parallelized Computing

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Hi, Android Reddit.

    I'm working on a camera application with extensive image processing features. HDR frames merging, demosaicing RAW images, tone mapping, color correction, bilinear chroma denoising, etc.

    It is a lot of computations that can be parallelized and run on GPU. What modern tooling for parallelized computations can be offered by Android 11?

    RenderScript seems to be received no updates for a while.

    And have issues with Exynos SoC, it always runs on a slower path.

    Currently, I'm using the OpenCV Android library for processing and parallelized computing stuff.

    And I'm curious is there something existing out of the box in modern Android SDK except RenderScript.

    Should I try some sort of Compute Shaders(e.g. Vulkan Compute Shader)? If yes, does Android studio has debugging tools for this?

    Maybe u/AndroidEngTeam suggest me something as well.

    I will be glad for any help.


    submitted by /u/sergeyfitis
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    Which browser is this?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I'm trying to debug a problem our customer has with our website and this is a screenshot they sent us. I'm not too familiar with the Android ecosystem but tried various browsers in the emulator and still cannot figure out which browser is this according to the frame. According to the toolbar at the bottom it seems to be some kind of web view embedded within an email client (Outlook maybe) but I'm not able to reproduce the scenario. Would anyone be able to identify this setup?

    submitted by /u/tmp621
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    Kotlin can't handle range requests?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    I'm new to Kotlin so I might not make any sense. But I need help and I can't find the answer I need browsing the net.

    I'm trying to make a media app similar to YouTube or Netflix where you can just stream videos from my server. I'm trying to make a request to my server which is made from Node.js. My server sends streams to the client to handle partial content. The server is originally made for a Vue.js app for the same purpose as the app I'm currently making. It is working for the Vue app but when I try to use it in the videoView I'm getting a java.io.FileNotFoundException: No content provider: [IPADDRESS/PATH].

    I compared the toString() Uri from my Kotlin app to the Uri from the Vue app and they're exactly the same. So I'm out of ideas.I followed this tutorial as a Crash-course and this one for the video tutorial.

    submitted by /u/Marviuz
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    Add Youtube channel link to app

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Can we add a youtube channel link in the android app menu? Can we promote the channel? Is it violate any Android Policy.

    submitted by /u/phishbloop
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    Selectable Card Views

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:31 AM PDT


    I was trying how to make CardViews selectable and came up with this solution. An example usecase would be a tier-selector for a subscription like this

    An example can be found on GitHub here: https://github.com/thilojaeggi/SelectableCardViews

    Hope I could help someone.

    submitted by /u/Zarkex01
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    Noob looking for some advice for frameworks

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:38 AM PDT


    I have a great deal of experience in developing for web and desktop applications but i am a complete noob in mobile. I've been put in charge of developing an app that needs to have:

    • User profile
    • Questions (Yes/No or on a Scale of 1/10)
    • Notifications
    • Chatbox

    From what i can gather, i will need to have some sort of webservice or backend that the admins can use to approve users, send questions and gather results. What would be the best platform/framework to do this? I am experienced in Java and C#, so i started looking at Xamarin, but i'm not sure if there would be easier ways to get this done.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/phirestarter1
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    Do "beta feedback" reviews count to the app's rating score?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    The beta tester can still give a star rating, hence the question.

    submitted by /u/cmalex
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    PINkman is a library to help implementing an authentication by a PIN code in a secure manner.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    Question About Privacy Policy for Play Store

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    I'm a novice android developer. My first app is a simple game, that as far as I'm concerned, requests no sensitive user or device information--the only device hardware it accesses (besides screen and speakers) is the magnetometer. I don't even have ads on this first version, so there's no network requirement or anything. I uploaded my app without a privacy policy (which appeared to be legal, since I'm not using sensitive permissions) but it got suspended. Frustratingly, the Google Play team provided next to no information about why the app was suspended, but I can only assume it got flagged for not having that privacy policy.

    Anyone have any similar experiences, or advice about how to build a privacy policy? If Google thinks my app is using a sensitive permission, they'll expect that permission to be called out in the manifest file as well, right?

    GitHub link to my source code and .apk if anyone wants to take a look. I'm feeling pretty lost right now, so any help is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/BefuddledMonkey
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    Java, Kotlin or Flutter for freelancing?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    Me and a friend want to start freelancing in android development during summers we have experience in other languages like c++ and python but none in android dev. We both have googled quite a bit but cant seem to decide between Java, Kotlin and Flutter. We want to get into freelancing as soon as possible, so what should we go for.

    submitted by /u/substance_99
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    Should I use one activity with different fragments if I have a complex UI with many menu items?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    I am quite noob at Android development. I just watched this video explaining how to implement a Navigation Drawer with fragments. So there is one activity that manages different fragments (one fragment for each menu item). As far as I understood, every UI component (e.g. buttons) is managed in the activity and not in the fragments, using an interface.

    Now my question is: if I have a complex app with several menu items and many buttons, should I use one activity like in the tutorial, or different activities? In the first case I would have a lot of callbacks to be managed in the same class and I think it would be a mess...what would be the advantage?

    submitted by /u/fralbalbero
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    Good, active forom for Android App development in Android Studio?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Hey! We have created an android app for our embedded project, talking over bluetooth and displaying some data. Have been working with it for 6 months and have been set back at almost all updates of Android Studio - there is always something breaking. Since we are relatively fresh in the android world, we are looking for a active forum for posting development questions especially regarding Android studio. Is XDA still valid? Any good place within reddit? Is this the place for these questions?

    submitted by /u/prastus
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    Costumer service and help: what would you prefer ? via Whatsapp, Telegram or Email ? or something else ?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    it's a question that was bothering me about what developers and people who install the app find most comfy when they want to ask the developer questions or complain to him about serious bug issues.

    the 3 methods i thought about were:

    1. email.
    2. whatsapp (WhatsApp Business app)
    3. Telegram + telegram bots.

    i think that email is the worst solution, and Telegram + bots will be the best solution, mainly because of the bots that can make handling costumers much more easily.

    do you have a preference ?

    submitted by /u/OriTheHealer
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    MVP and actions when View is not attached

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    My implementation of MVP is that the Presenter class is updating View through an interface. The presenter doesn't hold much of the View state, it rather "tunnels" actions to view with some logic.

    But how to handle cases, when View is detached and action has to be performed. (For example when it's permission granted call) The only way I see here is to save the action in a field and then perform in onViewAttached() of the presenter.

    I don't like this solution, because it's an exception from the general way.

    What's your way to do that? I am usually working with MVVM which has this issue solved.

    submitted by /u/rbnd
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    Making a Loadable Kernel Module for summer research project

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm doing a summer research project to build a LKM to monitor sys calls and I'm having trouble starting to make a LKM. Is there a guide out there for making a LKM post 2017 when android studio supports LKM naively?

    Resource: https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/kernel/loadable-kernel-modules

    submitted by /u/NowhyKnot
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    Clarification needed for the new ad policies

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Are the new ad policies in here https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9914283#ads-monetization only for the designed for families program?

    I'm in particular asking about:

    Ad format requirements

    Ads and offers for in-app purchases must not have deceptive content or be designed in a way that will result in inadvertent clicks from child users. The following are prohibited:

    • Disruptive ads, including ads that take up the entire screen or interfere with normal use and do not provide a clear means to dismiss the ad (e.g. Ad walls)
    • Ads that interfere with normal app use or game play that are not closeable after 5 seconds. Ads that do not interfere with normal app use or game play may persist for more than 5 seconds (e.g. video content with integrated ads).
    • Interstitial ads or offers for in-app purchase displayed immediately upon app launch
    • Multiple ad placements on a page (e.g. banner ads that show multiple offers in one placement or displaying more than one banner or video ad is not allowed).
    • Ads or offers for in-app purchases that are not clearly distinguishable from your app content
    • Use of shocking or emotionally manipulative tactics to encourage ads viewing or in-app purchases
    • Not providing a distinction between the use of virtual game coins versus real-life money to make in-app purchases
    submitted by /u/instantbitsapps
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    First app!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I have recently published my first app to the play store. It is a basic notes in which you can store your notes. The app is pretty generic but I wanted to start somewhere and get my hands dirty. I used the mvvm architecture to build the app. I would look like other experience developers to review my code and give me some feedback on what I could improve upon.

    Github Link : https://github.com/ikassim9/Notes-app

    submitted by /u/Ikassim9
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