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    Sunday, July 5, 2020

    Android Dev - Unique segmented arc view with rich customisation options!

    Android Dev - Unique segmented arc view with rich customisation options!

    Unique segmented arc view with rich customisation options!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    Unique segmented arc view with rich customisation options!

    Hello, I would like to share my open source library which I wrote yesterday during my free time!
    Stars would be appreciated, but only if you like it 😊



    Everything is highly customisable - amount of segments, individual gradients, separators, individual segments can be animated with custom alpha animation. Title can be set, value text can be set, custom text colors, fonts, vertical offsets etc. Sure there are custom settings for startAngle, sweepAngle.
    Hopefully it will be useful to you!

    submitted by /u/biomatic-1992
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    A comprehensive list of Android learning resources for android-kotlin app developers.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:57 PM PDT


    About: Awesome Android Learning Resources aims to be the starting point for Android App Developers to find the finest learning content for Android App Development.

    submitted by /u/jiayounokim
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    Best way to learn Android development as a Beginner

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:38 AM PDT


    I have been self learning Android development with Java for something now using diff YouTube channels and Android official documentation.

    But its frustrating as I don't have anyone to guide me.

    Pls, whats the best way to learn it, I know there some many professional here, who are self-taught or learnt from School?

    submitted by /u/seunnyi
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    App bundle: How to implement dynamic assets based on language?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    I want to decrease my apk size by using app bundles and serve database files based on the device language at install-time.

    I've read the documentation here, but it doesn't mention how to serve assets based on language.

    Does anyone have an idea how to do it? Do I just create language folders (en, de, etc.) in the directory of the asset pack?

    submitted by /u/oo-op2
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    Made a Gallery App using Grid view, how do I make it look attractive?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Newbie here ,sorry for stupid questions

    submitted by /u/pablopistachioo
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    Get back on track with an existing Android project

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, in a few days I am going to redesign a big chunk of an app that I started to develop 3/4 years ago when I started programming. The redesign is going to change a lot both design and business logic of the product.

    Most of the code is organized in activities and fragments with a lot of business logic mixed in them. However I'm also using singletons injected via dagger and I converted all my codebase in kotlin in the last two years. My question is: What technologies should I study and use in order to refresh all my project in the following months? As I said, I'm proficient with Kotlin and familiar with Dagger and I also quite confident with reactive streams (I'm using them in Angular projects).

    What about, for example: Coroutines RxJava Jetpack components New design patterns New approaches to navigation New approaches to UI DI

    I'm missing/should focus in something else?

    submitted by /u/temagno
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    What is holding back the supporting device/hardware more than 2 years?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:39 AM PDT



    Even after the Project Treble, GSI compliance and all these years what is holding Android platform from supporting devices that are 2 years old. After purchasing 900$ phone, 100$ in apps, the customers are left in the mercy of device manufacturer for proper software updates.

    Few custom ROM developers can make pretty stable Android build why isn't the Android team or the device manufacturers can make it happen. The latest Windows OS can support hardware more than 10 years old whereas for Android it is just for 2 years, which is pretty disheartening.


    submitted by /u/Metalhead_Rulz
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    Is it just me or is Android's documentation scattered?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    The beginner tutorials are really helpful, but you are pretty screwed if you try to do something even remotely different from what is presented on some of the tutorials, and then you are left having to search anywhere from 15 minutes to days.

    For example: The ShapeDrawable tutorial is fantastic if you want to draw on screen and have your shape take up the whole screen. Then you can try to add the ShapeDrawable to a LinearLayout or a Textbox or an ImageView and none of them will draw your Drawable.

    But then you see, that there is a tutorial on how to add Drawables to an ImageView! You paste the code into AndroidStudio and OH NO :( It throws an exception after building fine. Now you have to figure out how to fix that and you end up on a StackOverflow page. Oh, the many pages you must sift through to find the answers eats at your time.

    It ran! But the tutorial didn't draw the ShapeDrawable in the ImageView like it said it would and not you are stuck searching again.

    Over and over and over and over.

    I miss the warm fuzzy documentation of Oracle.

    submitted by /u/STOP_POLLUTING
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    [Promotion] Check out this android library 'TextWriter' that animates your text like its being hand written. Github link - https://github.com/sarnavakonar/TextWriter

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Access button from different class than MainActivity

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    I have this layout activity_main.xml:

    ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context=".MainActivity">

     <Button android:id="@+id/button" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Button" app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="parent" /> 

    </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout> ```

    This is my MainActivity.java

    ```java public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private Button btn;

    @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // DOES SOME STUFF } 

    } ```

    I have another class MyClass.java:

    java public class MyClass { public MyClass() { // ACCESS BUTTON WITH ID = button button.setEnable(false); } }

    How can i disable the button with id = "button" in MyClass ?

    submitted by /u/ncvescera
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    What type of app easily gets a lot of downloads/users?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Well I made a finance app (first app) that helps track spending, only a few days after publishing did i realize that there were already dozens of similar apps with hundreds and thousands of downloads, all of my users came from deep links :((

    submitted by /u/keinmeister_
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    Apple and Google block dozens of Chinese apps in India – TechCrunch

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    https://techcrunch.com/2020/07/01/apple-and-google-block-dozens-of-chinese-apps-in-india/ Apple and Google block dozens of Chinese apps in India

    Probably similar bans by China are honored by Apple App Store.

    And I suppose Google has little choice when a country requests an app be limited.

    But does Google respond to specific app ban requests by countries when the reason is political, and not anything to do with that particular app's behavior ?

    Context for this is the recent India-China border tussle - where India said they will ban 59 "chinese" apps in retaliation.

    https://theprint.in/india/full-list-of-59-chinese-apps-banned-by-indian-govt/451254/ Full list of 59 Chinese apps banned by Indian govt 29 June 2020

    submitted by /u/stereomatch
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    Looking for finance apis to implement into an android app

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Hey im newerish at coding and for my first project I want to be able to make a basic stock market watch list. I was wondering if anyone would know of any apis or leads on how to go about this.. Thanks for your time

    submitted by /u/stagfollow
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