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    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Android Dev - Particle Clock made with Flutter/Dart

    Android Dev - Particle Clock made with Flutter/Dart

    Particle Clock made with Flutter/Dart

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:48 AM PST

    Android Styling: Themes vs Styles

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:11 AM PST

    What is this feature called and when was it introduced?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:19 AM PST

    In the activity class code it looks to be possible to directly access the views from the layout so I can do


    Where nameText is the TextView id in the layout, without any findViewById... code and without enabling dataBinding or anything. So it seems its being generated automatically somewhere.

    This is confusing because I am going though some tutorials and codelabs where you need to enable Databinging and wrap the layout in a <layout> tag and use DataBingingUtil to load the layout etc to achieve the same thing that works out of the box?

    submitted by /u/makonde
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    New Android SDK Command-line Tools 1.0 released (sdkmanager, avdmanager)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:51 PM PST

    You can find the links over here: https://developer.android.com/studio#command-tools (or inside Android Studios SDK Manager)

    This release should replace Android SDK Tools 26.1.1. Biggest change is support for running sdkmanager and avdmanager on JVM 9+, which was not possible before due to deprecated JAXB EE dependencies in the previous tools.

    This can be very handy for CI builds or systems that do not have JDK8 installed.

    I didn't find a changelog yet. But for more details you can read about it over here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/67495440#comment24

    submitted by /u/Hi_im_G00fY
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    Anyone facing ui freeze issues with Studio 3.6

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:14 AM PST

    Hi everyone

    I have updated my Studio to use 3.6 earlier this week and it is just so awesome in so many ways!!

    But I am kind of facing some UI unresponsive issues some times, especially for larger projects, and this happens mostly after launch or during a build. I was wondering if any one else is facing similar issues, or is it my bunch of plugins which is misbehaving.

    submitted by /u/som88
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    Should I set up the waterfall manually or use the mediation default set up?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Hey guys, any thoughts on how can I force ad networks to perform better eCPM?

    submitted by /u/ilyaxodasevich
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    Is it still OK to use Google Analytics (Not Firebase Analytics) in Android app?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:07 AM PST

    We have an app which is still using Google Analytics.

    I was wondering, is it still OK to continue use Google Analytics (Not Firebase Analytics) in Android app?

    As, according to https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/9167112?hl=en , they are sunsetting Google Analytics for Mobile.

    But, such sunsetting is not being mentioned in https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4

    Wondering is it still OK to continue use Google Analytics (Not Firebase Analytics) in Android app?

    submitted by /u/yccheok
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    What are your career goals?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:47 PM PST

    Where are you now and where would you like to be in the next few years?

    What are the main issues you have found to achieve those goals?

    submitted by /u/gabrielkou
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    Updating an Android App in China / Copyright Certificate?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:12 AM PST

    My company has been providing an Android version of their App on the Tencent QQ App Store for 2 years or so now. We wanted to update a new version and received an error saying we require a Chinese Copyright Certificate or we cannot upload the new version of the app.

    To receive a Copyright Certificate in China from what I can understand from the governments official site: http://www.ccopyright.com/index.php?optionid=1081 it seems that we have to give the government 60 pages of our source code.

    Our first reaction is obviously...what the fuck??

    After speaking with various Lawyers from China it seems "this is just the way it is"...therefore I'm wondering has anyone gone through this process getting this certificate? Was it a pain in the ass? Do you regret it?

    submitted by /u/tonofbasel
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    Anyone has experience publishing in chinese app stores?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:23 PM PST

    I have a fairly popular app and would love to expand to a new market.

    I'm wondering how to go about it though. Do you have to partner with a local publisher? Or set up a chinese entity? What's the process like?

    Would love any links or resources. I'm also really curious to hear other's experiences when publishing to China.

    • How has has your experience been?
    • How's the outcome, are you seeing good adoption?
    • What service did you use?
    • How many chinese app stores do you publish to?
    • How do you manage publishing to so many stores?
    • How do you manage using play services outside China?
    • Is there a replacement for chinese stores?
    submitted by /u/ulterior-motives
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    How should I start learning?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:58 PM PST

    So I've built one app so far (~3000 downloads) but that was through extensive googling. This wasn't a problem because the app was something that I'd taken on as a personal project, so I had all the time in the world to stumble through android studio and get stuff done.

    But someone saw my app and is offering me a paid internship to build a mobile app for their company (the company offers its clients a secure way to perform financial transactions on the web). I don't want to refuse this offer as it would be an amazing learning opportunity, but I'm guessing there won't be any mentors for me in the company itself (or else why would they call me?), so I'll have to be self-sufficient.

    Where should I start learning? I'm familiar with console programming, and know java (well enough to search up stuff I don't know). But I don't know the foundations of android app development at all. If I'm stuck, I actually don't know what to search for; for example, I had to search up various variations of 'drop-down menu' until I finally found out that it's called a 'spinner'. I don't know what manifest, gradle, or all those other files are, other than the XMl and the MainActivity.java.

    All help is appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/stuffingmybrain
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    Facebook Payouts ( RIB or AN )

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:36 AM PST

    Hello, I dont know what should I type on " Account number " Should I put account number or BANK RIB Thanks

    submitted by /u/azilio95
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    Top 10 Android Libraries of February 2020 (While this is still relevant)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:55 AM PST

    Framing Android screenshots

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:23 AM PST

    What made you go into App development instead of some type of Web development or other areas?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:44 PM PST

    What made you go into App development instead of some type of Web development or other areas like Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, FinTech etc? Why did you choose to do android development? How do you think android development compares to other areas of Software Engineering in terms of salaries, job avaiability, career growth, work culture, remote work avaiability, job satisfaction, entry level requirements etc If you can state what country and/or city your coming from that also cool!

    submitted by /u/newmanstartover
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    Android Styling: Themes Overlay

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:27 AM PST

    Build.VERSION in Unit Testing

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:33 AM PST

    No notification popup in older phones

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:32 AM PST

    I have function that creates popup notification messages. It works fine on newer phones, but fails on older ones. For example Android version 6 API 23 does not show popup window, but notification exist in notification area.

    How to enable older phone show notification popup like newer phones does

    Notification function code:

    public void sendNotification(String title, String message) { int NOTIFICATION_ID = 234; NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); String CHANNEL_ID = "my_channel_01"; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { CharSequence name = "my_channel"; String Description = "This is my channel"; int importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH; NotificationChannel mChannel = new NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_ID, name, importance); mChannel.setDescription(Description); mChannel.enableLights(true); mChannel.setLightColor(Color.RED); mChannel.enableVibration(true); mChannel.setVibrationPattern(new long[]{100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200, 400}); mChannel.setShowBadge(false); notificationManager.createNotificationChannel(mChannel); } NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_ID) .setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher) .setContentTitle(title) .setContentText(message); Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class); notificationIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); PendingIntent intent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0); builder.setContentIntent(intent); 
    submitted by /u/columncolumn
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    Ratings Stats in Google Play Developer Console not up to date since 17th February

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:36 AM PST

    Ratings Stats in Google Play Developer Console not up to date since 17th February


    the latest ratings I see in the dev console are from the 17th. Since then, no new ratings are displayed. However the reviews are accessible. Anyone with the same issue?


    submitted by /u/denny_weinberg
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    What’s new in CameraX: how to add advanced camera controls to your app

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:27 PM PST


    The Camera2 API is powerful but it can be tricky to get the most out of it, especially due to the variety of camera capabilities offered by different devices such as HDR or night modes. To address this, at last year's Google I/O, Google announced CameraX a new Jetpack library designed to take the frustration out of adding camera features to apps.

    Google Engineer Blog Post:


    submitted by /u/hotpot_ai
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    Any solo developers here?or people who were solo mobile developers?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:59 AM PST

    Hi.I want to talk to a solo mobile(android) developer.I want to get into it and i whould like to talk to someone who has some experience in this field.Is there anyone who can help me with this?We could talk in private. edit:person who develops apps for living

    submitted by /u/vld4k
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