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    Friday, May 20, 2022

    Android Dev - Android devs, what are some things that are better to use a prebuilt tool or SaaS solution rather than build yourself?

    Android Dev - Android devs, what are some things that are better to use a prebuilt tool or SaaS solution rather than build yourself?

    Android devs, what are some things that are better to use a prebuilt tool or SaaS solution rather than build yourself?

    Posted: 20 May 2022 06:24 AM PDT

    Context - I have been building androids apps for a couple years now, and I feel the need to create everything myself (to learn). But I am realizing now that there are inexpensive or free tools or product that can greatly enhance the app and save tons of time in development. What are some of these tools/products?

    submitted by /u/bowed_snack
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    Compiler removes Application and MainActivity file from .dex files after migrating to Gradle Kotlin DSL

    Posted: 20 May 2022 03:11 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    We just started a new project, and it was the perfect opportunity to migrate to Kotlin DSL from Groovy. The migration was painless enough, but since then, the compiler throws Application and MainActivity files from the .dex files.

    I have no clue why this is happening but this causes an instant runtime crash, with a ClassNotFound DexPathList error.

    I've attached both build configs to APK analyzer and it is clear that the files are not here in any .dex sets.

    Screenshots of the analyzer (imgur is down right now, I'll change this to imgur sources ASAP)


    Here are my before-after builds files:

    Groovy DSL build:
    build.gradle (app) - https://gist.github.com/.../3305ced97754da3f92bf8c2acc593270
    build.gradle (project) - https://gist.github.com/.../5b165d23a01d80905b0f32c8b478ec89

    Kotlin DSL build:
    build.gradle.kts (app) - https://gist.github.com/.../98698336526d16ec74d6b9110093e2ac
    build.gradle.kts (project) - https://gist.github.com/.../36e388799e6e184667be92d6ae8ef364

    Anybody got any ideas on why this could be happening? I'm puzzled and I have no clue how to proceed. Is this perhaps a known bug?

    No other changes were made besides the migration.

    submitted by /u/NoExits
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    Opinion: Is it ok to have a dynamic composable?

    Posted: 20 May 2022 06:06 AM PDT

    I'm doing a shipping form on my app and most of the fields look and act practically the same with some minor exceptions. One of the devs at my company insists on all different composables. It's just a function, I don't understand what the big deal is.

    submitted by /u/techartist
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    problems pushing from AndroidStudio with git

    Posted: 20 May 2022 08:10 AM PDT

    Have used AS for a good few months now and have never had problems with version control, suddenly yesterday noticed that I was getting an error:

    fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No such file or directory 

    and then today trying another project:

    Push failed Invocation failed Unexpected end of file from server java.lang.RuntimeException: Invocation failed Unexpected end of file from server at git4idea.GitAppUtil.sendXmlRequest(GitAppUtil.java:30) at git4idea.http.GitAskPassApp.main(GitAskPassApp.java:58) Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server 

    Any ideas on what I can do?

    I havent ever actually used git from the command line, so if that's the next step any advice on that?

    submitted by /u/yerba-matee
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    Jetpack Compose Canvas API Tutorial

    Posted: 19 May 2022 07:49 PM PDT

    Headless Flipper - what it means for plugin developers | Flipper

    Posted: 20 May 2022 11:06 AM PDT

    CameraX - bad distorsion / quality when saving picture

    Posted: 20 May 2022 10:37 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    So I have implement CameraX in my new application but the pictures when saving are looking very bad with distorsion. Like the image is blurry and with lines everywhere. I tried multipile converters from imageProxy to Bitmap but the result is the same. I tested on 2 devices: Samsung A72 and Samsung S20 FE.

    // Camera Provider Future ------------ cameraProviderFuture.addListener({ imagePreview = Preview.Builder().apply { setTargetAspectRatio(AspectRatio.RATIO_16_9) }.build() imageCapture = ImageCapture.Builder().apply { setCaptureMode(ImageCapture.CAPTURE_MODE_MINIMIZE_LATENCY) setTargetAspectRatio(AspectRatio.RATIO_16_9) setFlashMode(ImageCapture.FLASH_MODE_AUTO) }.build() val cameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get() cameraProvider.unbindAll() cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this, cameraSelector, imagePreview, imageCapture) binding.dtcCameraPreview.implementationMode = PreviewView.ImplementationMode.COMPATIBLE imagePreview?.setSurfaceProvider(binding.dtcCameraPreview.surfaceProvider) }, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this)) // Function to convert ImageProxy.image to Bitmap ----------- private fun Image.toBitmap(rotationDegrees: Int): Bitmap { val buffer = planes[0].buffer val bytes = ByteArray(buffer.remaining()) buffer.get(bytes) val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.size, null) val matrix = Matrix() matrix.postRotate(rotationDegrees.toFloat()) return Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, matrix, true) } // imageCapture --------------- imageCapture?.takePicture(ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this), object : ImageCapture.OnImageCapturedCallback() { @SuppressLint("UnsafeOptInUsageError") override fun onCaptureSuccess(imageProxy: ImageProxy) { val stream = ByteArrayOutputStream() imageProxy.image?.toBitmap(90)?.compress( Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, stream ) IntentHelper.addObject(stream.toByteArray(), "dtc_camera_data") val result = Intent().putExtra( DTCCameraContract.DTC_CAMERA_ACTION, DTCCameraAction(false, isPictureTaken = true) ) setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, result) imageProxy.close() finish() } 
    submitted by /u/EurofighterTy
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    Anyone received this email today, "Your AdMob account has been deactivated"

    Posted: 20 May 2022 03:03 AM PDT

    Hi, my apologies for this unrelated programming post.

    Today, I received an email from AdMob telling me that my AdMob account has been deactivated because it hasn't served ads for at least six months.

    I'm using AdMob since 2017, and the ads are serving since then, also my account is working fine right now, with zero issues, and I just wonder why I've received such an email.

    I've contacted the AdMob support about this, and I'm waiting for their reply, I will update my post when they reply to me.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Heromimox
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    Removing RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED Permission Added by AdMob

    Posted: 20 May 2022 09:54 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if it is safe to remove the RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permission (using tools:node="remove") added since AdMob version 19.6.0, which started depending on WorkManager thus the added permission? From searching, I found this, but they weren't sure about the side effects at the time.

    If anyone here removed it on their apps, did it cause any unintended effect/behavior?

    submitted by /u/idontwantcancer
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    How can Google Assistants can send Whatsapp message without opening Whatsapp app?

    Posted: 20 May 2022 08:25 AM PDT

    Normally an app should call Whatsapp intent to open Whatsapp app to send a message, but I found that Google Assistants not need to open Whatsapp to send a message. How can it do that?

    submitted by /u/sieunhanchevoi
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    Status bar "no connection"

    Posted: 20 May 2022 08:13 AM PDT

    I apologize if the title is a bit misleading. I just didn't know how else would I describe this.

    I've only started working with Android recently, and I was wondering how would one go to achieve the following results: https://github.com/IdleHandsApps/StatusBarOverlay

    I found something similar for Kotlin but I can't find it anymore. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/hex_peson
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    this pops up on either my phone or tablet very occasionally... what on earth does it mean?

    Posted: 20 May 2022 08:04 AM PDT

    Which kind of metric is good for content filtering votes like Reddit or star rating based system

    Posted: 20 May 2022 02:27 AM PDT

    I am building a purely text based application where people will share posts, I want to show that content in the feed (without AI - maybe later but not now) so i was wondering which kind of system would work best a system like reddit where there are up and down votes or a star rating system (1-10 stars). )

    There will already be these things




    saving the post

    submitted by /u/Player91sagar
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    Android Dev Courses

    Posted: 19 May 2022 03:13 PM PDT

    Can anyone suggest a good online course on learning how to develop Android apps? I have decent knowledge on Java so I'd prefer Java over Kotlin. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/dookie168
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    Why my app logo (released for internal testing) doesn't show in console or google play but shows when installing the app ?

    Posted: 20 May 2022 05:38 AM PDT

    This is my first app i released to google play but it doesn't show the app logo in play console or google play is that normal ?

    submitted by /u/madafuka
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    Change app language natively with new Apis, is it safe to use in production?

    Posted: 19 May 2022 10:50 PM PDT

    Finally, Google realized that many users want to use multiple languages based on their apps, so they introduced a new Apis on API 33 and above with backward-compatible, so I would like to ask if there is anybody who used these Apis to share us his/her thoughts about it and is it safe to use in production with ALL android versions?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/AmrJyniat
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    who else thinks automoderator suck left nuts and bolts?

    Posted: 20 May 2022 08:06 AM PDT

    Firebase alternative

    Posted: 19 May 2022 08:56 PM PDT

    Do someone know a alternative to firestore?, I want to try a different database but in the most of the cases they are free only certain time instead of firebase that is free until certain number of actions.

    submitted by /u/jjcr03
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    Jatpack compose navigation organization

    Posted: 20 May 2022 02:08 AM PDT

    Hello there. I am looking for few days how to organize my navigation. We have Auth screens ( login, sign in, sign up ) and Main screen that with tab bar that contains four different routes ( Feed, Network, Messages, Profile). I can not find any good documentation how to organize it. I can create two NavHost one for auth one for main ok. But then again on Main i want to hide tab bar on some screens. Any article, idea or whatever what is recommended/best way to do this.

    submitted by /u/PotentialPeace5148
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    Making Android App A Library Module Instead

    Posted: 19 May 2022 06:03 AM PDT

    Would anyone know how the threshold of 700ms is determined in android for the Frozen Frame?

    Posted: 19 May 2022 11:50 PM PDT

    For any metric's threshold definition, there must be some kind of reason backed by some kind of research or logic. I'm curious about the frozen frame 700ms threshold. I couldn't find anything online.

    submitted by /u/footballbloodyhell
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    Android 13 will natively support braille displays

    Posted: 19 May 2022 10:15 PM PDT

    My indie fitness app: no more linking to Google Fit

    Posted: 19 May 2022 02:29 AM PDT

    A couple of years ago during the lockdown, I wrote my own WearOS fitness app to address my frustrations with tracking runs using other apps. One of the nice features has been to be able to upload the run details to Google Fit and see the route on a map, see heart rate and other statistics. But now that's changing. In fact it's a double-whammy.

    Firstly, when Google announced Heath Connect they also announced that support for the current Android GFit APIs is stopping at the end of 2024. Health Connect doesn't currently record location data, so it's not possible to show any routes/maps there. But at least we have more than two years longer with GFit, right?

    Probably not. So I received an email yesterday which explains that Google Fit OAuth scopes are being re-designated as Restricted. There are several implications to this, the most notable being that apps using these GFit APIs will likely need to go through an independent security assessment, potentially at a cost of several thousand dollars to the developer. Clearly this is not sustainable for a free app from an indie developer.

    So I'll need to remove all Google Fit functionality from my app and probably a lot sooner than the end of 2024. Yes, there's Health Connect. No, it's not going to give my users the same features as Google Fit.

    submitted by /u/malbry
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    Can the developer of a game app have access to the users gaming account or is that against privacy policy?

    Posted: 20 May 2022 01:21 AM PDT

    I am a gamer but I was contacted by the developer on something I wouldn't know how he knew about if he had not logged into my account or another tool to watch my actions.

    Is that okay?

    submitted by /u/paradiseisntyou
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    Speeding up Kotlin Multiplatform

    Posted: 19 May 2022 06:28 AM PDT

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