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    Sunday, October 24, 2021

    Android Dev - What are the most underrated third party libraries for Native Android?

    Android Dev - What are the most underrated third party libraries for Native Android?

    What are the most underrated third party libraries for Native Android?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    I am doing Flutter and React native development for a while and I have noticed a bunch of exciting and impressive third party libraries. Does anyone know of good third party lib for Native Android which is actively maintained but does not get enough recognition or has helped you a lot in your project. I am already aware of popular lib like Retrofit, Ktor, Realm, Glide, Fresco, Picasso, Apollo Android etc.

    submitted by /u/BraveEvidence
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    EditText disappearing at Custom View usage

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 12:50 AM PDT

    EditText disappearing at Custom View usage

    I am trying to make a custom view that I'm planning to use across other modules, it's simple, an ImageView, then an EditText, then two Buttons:


    Because I want the EditText to fill most of the view I'm hooking it to the left and right views and setting the width to 0dp:


    I am using this XML file in my CustomView class through ViewBinding:


    But then when I try to use my custom view in another XML, it shrinks:


    As you guys can see the EditText is missing, also at runtime in my device.

    submitted by /u/Caballep
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    trying to find device specs from a fake android smarthphone

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Good day all, I have a clearly fake Huawei P40 Pro plus that has a claimed total amount of ram of 8GB, 1 TB or storage, and alledgedly a Kirin 9000 series but I doubt it even has 1 GB or RAM or 5GB of storage, I have no real Information on this device or even a recovery and a lot of adb commands seem to be removed including the bootloader oem unlock command and it's been almost 7 years since I last did anything like this, I am looking for some help on finding the real specs on this phone and a way to load a custom recovery as well as a real version of android

    submitted by /u/Paddiechimo
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    Android prototyping

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    Hi there, Which is the best way to prototype the pure native android app and send the designs to client? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Samalvii
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    What is the best way to read csv body from HTTP response?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    As a response from the server I get body which is in csv type. Which library would be best to use to read that kind of data?

    submitted by /u/klokan-zagorec
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    Looking for information how to design app icon to respect the colour of the background in Android 12 the same way Google stock apps do

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    My interview with Zebra Technologies about their barcode scanner solutions using the Android operating system!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    ADB Shell Error Closed

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I have a very annoying problem when I try to use ADB. I have enabled USB Debugging in dev options. On my pc I can launch ADB, and it can list my device when I write "ADB devices". But when I try to use "ADB Shell" it says "Error : closed"... I searched everywhere and I don't know where this error come from.

    submitted by /u/International-Owl793
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    Personal account vs business account

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 12:28 AM PDT


    I am going to make a Google play console account. But first i have to create gmail account. But there are two options one for business and other is personal. I am confused between these two which one i should choose.

    Kindly guide.


    submitted by /u/droidexpress
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    Jetpack Compose: filling max width or height

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    My interview with Realm about their open source library and new features they introduced at Droidcon Berlin 2021!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 03:32 AM PDT

    Android Emulator not responding in Windows 11 version 21H2

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 11:33 PM PDT

    Just updated to Windows 11 version 21H2 from Windows 10. I freshly installed android studio and created an emulator which is not responding at all. Is there any solution for this?

    submitted by /u/Chinky_Sight
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    Continue with flutter (android studio) or move to react native

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Hi. I just started learning flutter and i'm already having issues with android emulator. The emulator freezes my laptop. Is there a way to work around this. sidenote: I have 4gb of ram and no android device (if that helps knowing)

    One solution I saw was to create the app with react native and expo. Ive heard of react native but not expo. I don't mind stopping the course because i'm still on the first section.

    I would like to make my app, but i'm not having the easiest time. i now know why everyone loves stack overflow

    submitted by /u/sanso80
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    How do I put this thing in debugging mode with a screen like this?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    How Can I Convert My Design To Fragment In Android?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    I have created a Todo App which has three xml file googlesignin.xml file, homescreen.xml file and splashscreen.xml file

    I am new to app development, my client want to implement fragments and so he want a single activity which will have all three functionality of sign in splash and home screen

    How can i do this?

    submitted by /u/backslashflutter
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    Fullstack grpc tutorials?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Does anyone have good resources of full stack grpc with Native android and kotlin? I have taken few courses on udemy but had difficult understanding as those courses won't show end to end integration. I have tried the official grpc site but being an below average developer I find it extremely difficult to wrap my head around it. There are tons of Graphql tutorial but looks like not enough good resources on Full stack grpc. I am ok with any language for the backend as long as it shows integration with front end as well.

    submitted by /u/BraveEvidence
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    Reverse engineer an app

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    I would like someone to help me reverse engineer an android app that decode an encrypted QR code

    submitted by /u/Ghost0s
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    Im still confuse if its allowed for a single person to create multiple developer accounts? I know it states on the policy that only one developer account per user but whenever we login to play console we get to see a "choose developer account"(could be multiple?) after logging in using email.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    And I'm also confuse if it's really isn't allowed to create multiple developer account then what if you want to publish GAMES and APPS at the same time. You can't just publish them both to a single developer name .

    submitted by /u/Alert-Fault6435
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