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    Thursday, October 7, 2021

    Android Dev - The road to the K2 compiler

    Android Dev - The road to the K2 compiler

    The road to the K2 compiler

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Good resources to learn about Bluetooth and audio within Android dev?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    Starting a job that uses Bluetooth and audio. Can't find good documentation/ tutorials on either

    submitted by /u/jmora13
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    Lifecycle methods and Android Studio debugger

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    I'm trying to step through my first app with the debugger on Android Studio just to get a good grasp of how everything works. Everything works perfectly on the emulator and on my test device, but for some reason Activity and Fragment lifecycle methods are not showing up as being executed on the debugger console. I expect it to say something like "onCreate - method launched" but there isn't anything. Any ideas on why this might be the case?

    submitted by /u/Zwolfer
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    Kotlin Koders Europe 2021 - A conference for all Kotlin developers - December 1st & 2nd - Paris, France

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    How to get the total of a SqlLite column in kotlin?.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    Hi, i am a beginner android developer, i created an app to calculate sales. But i cant figure out how to get the total. I created a table sales with column id, name,price and quantity. I want to get price total. I have searched online but i haven't found a solution. So can anyone help me?.

    submitted by /u/MasterPama1
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    Is it realistic to expect my first app to make £10 a month?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    No outsourcing, just me me making a simple game in my spare time.

    submitted by /u/SpadesOf8
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    How to get the Child Count in FireStore Using Android Studio?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    So, I was trying the get the count of the documents in the FireStore collection. But I couldn't. If anyone have any idea, please let me know. I'm using Android Studio Java.

    submitted by /u/96xds
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    The first games compatible with Android 12 Game Mode are in the pipeline

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    Running Javascript and using an npm library inside Webview

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    I'm able to successfully run Javascript inside my WebView using

    webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); webView.evaluateJavascript("console.log('hello world!')", null); 

    Now I'm trying to use an nodejs npm library as well.

    In nodejs I have a library I can import and use:

    const randomizeLibrary = require('randomatic'); let testOutput = randomizeLibrary('Aa0!', 10);; console.log(testOutput); 

    How I can use this library inside the Android webview as well as running the javascript code?

    submitted by /u/Junior_Cress5394
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    Does anyone has good example or suggestion to learn how to create an app to do screen recording.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 03:49 AM PDT

    I tried to find so many resources to check how to do a screen recording but most of lib are Java and they have a lot of extra functions. Dear all, does there are any easier implementation of screen recording using Kotlin or has smaller projects size. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/TrifinityK
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    Transitioning from WebView to Custom Tabs when logging in with Facebook

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 03:24 AM PDT

    I have a problem migrating my Facebook login to Custom Tabs. The implementation on WebView is that in the response, there is SAML. Before the WebView return a response, it processes the authentication from the backend. Does the Facebook SDK support this? It just provided a token after a successful login. I can't find anything related to this in the documentation.

    submitted by /u/apprentice4ever
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    why is fragments better when language change happens in app?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    i read it somewhere that fragments are better to use then activity's becouse when something like language change happens in app its easier to tell every fragment that language changed than all activity's can anyone tell me why is that ?

    submitted by /u/EU_N1KA
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    Android machine learning using TensorFlow

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    Various Tools Used For API Testing for 2022

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    Android 12 source code has been published in AOSP

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 01:36 AM PDT

    Memory efficient way to write a scanner module that scans multiple docs in one session involving quality checks and transformations (custom ML models, OpenCV) on high quality images?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    I have to design a scanner module inside a finance app that scans multiple kinds documents (3-5 in one app session - e.g. invoice, birth certificate, driver's license, national ID, credit card) - one after another.

    • It involves Tensor Flow Lite or PyTorch with custom ML models (each 800KB - 1.5MB in size).
    • Constant images/frames coming in from camera and on every frame do various checks via various ML models e.g. finding 4 edges, checking for good quality (e.g. lighting, blurriness etc) on smaller sized images of high quality images received
    • So it involves constant image/bitmap modification
    • After 4 edges are found and quality checks passed it involves usage of OpenCV[1] to crop/transform the doc part out
    • After a document is done I've to keep its final scan/cropped copy in high quality
    • Then immediately moving to the next doc scan until all 4-5 scans finished
    • This means at any point I have [1 to 4 high quality images saved] + [current one under process] (which is going through transformation in ML lib and Open CV)

    The memory usage keeps on increasing. How to control that?

    • Should I keep finished images on disk instead of in memory and upload from disk one after another?
      • Only good part is I do not have to keep displaying these images anywhere
    • Or is it better to just keep in memory and keep uploading and keep clearing? And avoid writing to disk as it may take time?


    • How do I control memory usage doing bitmap transformations etc and avoid any memory waste whatever in a safe (i.e. avoiding crashes) but restricted way

    I am religiously doing bitmap.recycle (for bitmap) and mat.release for OpenCV. What else can I do?

    Also, I am trying my best to avoid any memory leak. Using Leak Canary etc even in builds I share with our testing team.

    • What should be some fundamental decisions I should make to avoid OOM?
    • Also is there a way to identify or catch OOM? A try/catch won't work, would it?
      • At least I can catch in coming from the sections where lots of processing/transformations are happening, can't I? Just to avoid app crash and exit with an error and let other parts of app work.

    tl;dr: Have to scan 4-5 docs in one session (quickly one after another) with image quality/edge detection checks and transformations (ML models, Open CV involved) and saving high quality final scans of each doc and uploading them to backend. How to plan it do avoid as many OOM as I can?

    [1] By the way is there anything else on Android that can do this -- cropping an image out based on co-ordinates and then doing perspective transform i.e. straightening etc if needed?

    submitted by /u/Any-Conference-Day
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    Best beginner friendly courses for android

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    I am a college student who recently enrolled into a practical course. Basically the tutors give out random projects to the students so we have roughly 4 months to complete the whole project. This is the project i got: "organize generated multimedia content in one multimedia document. We will call this multimedia document "Digital Diary". It is expected from the device to perform some analysis tasks on the generated multimedia content to identify some subjects that those content encode. You can consider this analysis task as an added value for our tool. Once those encoded subjects are identified, the device retrieves additional data about the subjects from open linked data provided, e.g., DBpedia, and includes those retrieved data in the Digital Diary."

    So from my understanding, the app has to perform some "scanning" on pictures, audio, video files and after that based on the generated key subjects, organize the files. One example would be an image with a football, so after scanning that image we should sort it into the "sports" category.

    My plan for the first month or two is to learn about Kotlin and Android dev, after that i will do my best to create the "Digital Diary" app. I know the basics of programming and am familiar with Java, but i am still a newbie.

    I need some recommendations for courses that could help me the most to create this app. I am open to free and payed courses. I looked up some on udemy but am not quite sure of their quality.

    submitted by /u/Mehrudin
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    how can I group my elements by section?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    how can I group my elements by section?

    I would like to group the elements by section as in the following screenshot, do you have an idea of the ViewGroup that should be used?

    thank you in advance for your help


    submitted by /u/liginm
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    Android visual design, how to

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    I'm an Android beginner. My background is in web development and design (mostly visual design).

    I am having trouble finding resources for learning how to do professional visual design for Android. It doesn't have CSS like a website (that I am aware of). And I'm sure people do not manually set the text size or fiddle around with manually placing each element. At least, I am hope not.

    Everything I can find on the subject is very basic, like it's for developers who just need something to appear on a screen, not look really nice and uniform throughout the application.

    Any professional design resources would be much appreciated. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/FalconBurcham
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    Is using an API on mobile app published to play store considered business use?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 11:59 AM PDT


    I am thinking of publishing my first app on google PlayStore.
    At the moment I am trying to figure out if it was possible to use the free plan of the API.

    The API docs state the following :

    Not for Business Use

    And their explanation for business use is as follows:

    What is business use?
    Business use of our API is the use of the API by a business entity for any purpose, including internal research, validating data obtained by another data source, etc. Business use is defined by whether or not a business is using the API key, not whether data is being resold or made publicly available (or whether or not a business is profiting from the data).

    I would like to know if a Google Developer Account is considered as a Business ?

    In other words, If I can use the API for the app that'll be published on PlayStore?

    submitted by /u/Impossible_Goal_8120
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