• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 4, 2021

    Android OIS will be present on all Samsung Galaxy A series devices next year

    Android OIS will be present on all Samsung Galaxy A series devices next year

    OIS will be present on all Samsung Galaxy A series devices next year

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    Chrome tab Grouping. "We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback on this crbug. We wanted to let you know that we've heard you, and we are experimenting with changes to this feature's behavior based on your feedback."

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Taking Your Chats with You

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    EXCLUSIVE: Serious Questions Raised About Nokia Smartphone Business

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    Inconsistent UI design, or am I just crazy?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    So I went into System settings on my Pixel 5 to make sure my phone (Android 11) was still being backed up properly. Down in the "Backup details" section, there's a list of things like "Apps", "Photos & videos", "SMS messages", and so on.


    The styling on each of these elements is the same: the label (e.g. "Apps") is large and black; below it is a gray line giving a little more detail (e.g. "222 MB • 93 apps"), and to the left there's an icon for the element.

    Which of the 6 elements in the "Backup details" group can be tapped on? There is, as far as I can tell, no visual indication. It turns out that "Photos & videos" and "Google Account data" are the two that can be tapped on to get more information, while the other four ("Apps", "SMS messages", "Call history", "Device settings") cannot. The only thing that provides any clue that two of these are tappable and four are not is that the two that are tappable both say "Synced with [something]" and the four that are not all list a data size (number of megabytes/kilobytes) underneath them, but that hardly seems like it would be obvious that it indicates interactivity.

    As a point of design, this is baffling to me. It seems obvious to me that UI elements that can be interacted with should be so indicated in some way that sets them apart from UI elements that cannot be interacted with. This isn't the only place the Android UI does this precise thing (and if it was, that would indicate that Google generally knows better, but merely missed a spot), and not the only way in which they fail to provide consistent visual information that UI elements can and cannot be interacted with.

    submitted by /u/dirtside
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    Heads Up if you ordered a Samsung Flip Phone! They're cheaper this week.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    I ordered my phone a week ago and noticed that there was a difference in price between my trade-in credit and the cost of the phone.

    I reached out to support and they told me I'll have $150 coming back to me. I just ordered the Flip3 Z.
    Maybe the same will be true for you.

    You probably qualify for a partial refund within the 21day window they offer too, that's just me guessing though.

    If it worked for me, it may work for others! Thought I'd share at least.

    submitted by /u/MikeRLV
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    Check your phones: Apps installing themselves after accidentally clicking ads

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    I'm not looking for support, I'm looking to call out behavior which is also recorded here:


    In an app I regularly use, there was a banner ad at the bottom of the screen for "Weather Home", I accidentally clicked it as I was going to use the gesture to go back home and immediately it popped up saying it was installing. Then this app offers to replace the launcher I use.

    What kind of massive security breach is this that allows an app to be installed directly from an advertisement instead of going through the google play store? I have NOT allowed any application ever on my phone to install apps from unknown sources.

    Here is the application in question, just look at the reviews:

    Weather Home - Live Radar Alerts & Widget - Apps on Google Play

    This is ridiculous. How does Android allow this kind of behavior?

    submitted by /u/HelloHiHallo
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    WTF is wrong with Google Assistant these days?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Google Assistant has recently started to fail to function properly on various Android devices (will not returns results, etc).

    Google Assistant has been broken for months on Wear OS (and isn't even available on the newest version of Wear OS on Samsung's Galaxy Watches).

    Google Assistant integration with MyQ (garage door control service) has been entirely broken and inaccessible for going on 2 weeks. Unlikely this is a MyQ-side problem, but who knows.

    Isn't Google Assistant a flagship service for Goggle? How the fuck can it be so broken so often these days? I don't mean this as a rant, I'm actually curious how a company with as many resources as Google can let one of their most ubiquitous services become so unreliable?

    submitted by /u/apopheniac01
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    Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3: A Hater's Perspective [ShortCircuit]

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    Do you know that you can re apply your tempered glass over and over again?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 03:09 AM PDT

    I tried to apply a tempered glass for my new phone. But there was bubbles. So i removed the tempered glass and cleaned the phone and the tempered glass. The face of the tempered glass is so smooth and slippery. But the back of the tempered glass is very rough and sticky. Little bit of google search and i learned that tempered glass screen protectors don't have glue on them. They have silicon like material that makes it stick to the phone. So you can reapply it as many times as you want.

    By the way don't try to clean back of your screen protector with micro fiber cloth. Because its not glass and very sticky so you will only make it worse. Instead use duck tape to remove hairs and dust.

    submitted by /u/merithedestroyer
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