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    Thursday, September 23, 2021

    Android Dev - September 2021, is there any problems with Macbook M1?

    Android Dev - September 2021, is there any problems with Macbook M1?

    September 2021, is there any problems with Macbook M1?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    I had a chance to use it for 3-4 days, couldn't manage to use in a big project but it was fine and didn't overheat when I run the emulator as intel did.
    Is there any problems with M1 on android development?

    submitted by /u/emroo07
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    Released ������������/������������ – tiny Kotlin API for cheap logging on top of Android's normal ������ class

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    Question (poll) for freemium app developers - How many % users actually buy your app? What is optimizal price?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    I can share mine results.

    Type of the app: Widget (weather widget)

    Business model: Freemium. It is for free, but customization options (look) are locked.

    Downloads daily: Around 1000.

    Price & Conversion: App cost $2-$4 depending on country. Around 1 in 20-40 users who download app will buy a PRO, so roughly 2-5%. Average maybe around 3%. When app costed $1 I got conversion maybe 5+%, but since it was only $1, in total I made less money, so this price seems to work better for me.

    I would like to hear your numbers, if anybody is willing to share. I wonder if my conversion rate is bad, good, or average...

    Hopefully we will all benefit from this :) Thanks

    submitted by /u/throwaway41142095
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    3D cube launcher

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    3D cube launcher

    # Cube_launcher

    3d cube launcher, using app icons as cube block, it is not only Rubik's Cube, but also a Launcher.


    welcome to star.

    here is video preview.


    submitted by /u/Carrot_Ping
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    Android Gradle Plugin 7 LibraryBuildType no longer has isDebuggable property

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    (I also posted this on stack overflow)

    I am in the process of upgrading from Android Gradle 4.1.3 to 7.0.2. One of the things I've noticed is that for my com.android.library module, the

    getByName("foo") { ... } now has a receiver type of LibraryBuildType as opposed to BuildType that it used to. This LibraryBuildType no longer has the isDebuggable property, which BuildType used to have.

    The official android docs mention that

    If your app depends on a library module that you also want to debug, that library must also be packaged with debuggable true so it retains its debug symbols.

    Obviously these docs are out of date, but what gives? Is debuggable true no longer needed for library modules?

    I've found the git log for LibraryBuildType, which shows it was added around April of 2020, but I have not found any information about this in the android gradle plugin release notes

    submitted by /u/firmwaves
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    App dev time/cost calculator

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    App dev time/cost calculator

    I made this simple calculator that gives you a rough estimate of how much it is going to cost you - in India, Eastern Europe/Ukraine, and the US. Get your own copy for FREE, here. [Available on the desktop version of the site]

    Who is this for:
    - Technical co-founders
    - Someone who knows avg. time the development of a particular app feature is going to take.
    Here's a snippet of how it works.


    submitted by /u/Praveen8375
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    Question : Do android OS clears data from Android/data/com.package.name?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    I am saving data to this directory, but some of my users complain of sudden missing files. I can't find a way on how to replicate the bug, so im curious if OS s clearing its data on Android/data/package.name.

    submitted by /u/_krev_
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    Android app question unrelated to development.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    So my coaching institute developed an android app which serves as a hub for our tests, zoom links, study material, etc. The problem is I want to attend my classes on my PC so I need the link but the app directly opens in zoom. So I tried uninstalling zoom but the still somehow opens the links. I tried to just get the meeting number and then joining with PC but then it asks the passcode. Now what I want to ask -

    • How the heck does it open zoom even after I uninstall zoom?
    • Is there a way to run the app on Win10 without emulator? (because if I use emulator then the zoom meeting will also run in the emulator and I don't think my PC will be able to handle it. It has just 4gb DDR3 512mhz RAM)
    • Can I de-compile the app and see what API(URL, etc) it uses? I believe it is written in Kotlin. If yes, how?

    If this is not the sub to ask this question please suggest one where I can

    submitted by /u/Fancy_Description_69
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    Is there a standard for 2fa "magic links"?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    A magic link (or a similar mechanism inside an app) is a piece of software on the smartphone which is tied to a user account. When a user tries to log in, he validates the connection on the device, which creates a secure 2fa solution. This can be used ideally without using an email, just the user's device.

    In fact using an email kind of defeat the purpose and increases the attack surface so I'm mainly looking at an answer which excludes the use of emails.

    As such I am wondering if there exists a standard or plans by the w3c or android to implement this feature in a standardized way, like totp or webauthn already did?

    If there is no standard then this idea has no future. Installing one app or one proprietary app per account is absolutely awful from the user's perspective. This is like installing one program per website. I'll ignore definitely this solution if there is no standard.

    I'm mainly interested by this feature when it doesn't use an email.

    Are you aware of a standard or plans to spread the use of "magic links"/authenticating button in a smartphone?

    thank you

    submitted by /u/JambonBeurreMidi
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    Does copying someone's description causes a penalty in playstore?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    I had an app that was getting around 60-80 installs a day. One day I just decided to use the long description of the top app in my category and I made some changes to it and uploaded it. Ever since then my app is only getting 20-30 installs a day. I did a lot of work on keywords however It is not even in the top 50. I even tried changing description to old one. But I think google does not like plagiarism and will never rank apps that does that. Anyone has suggestion how can I again get back at normal pace?

    submitted by /u/jsg-developer
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    What is the process of using a character/mascot to guide users how to use an app/game called?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 12:16 AM PDT

    You know like in those free to play games like Clash of Clans where you have a character teach you how to play the game? What is that called? I'm trying to figure out how to implement it in an app but I have no idea what to Google.

    (I don't think this breaks rule 2 since it's not technical. I just want to know what the concept is called)

    submitted by /u/DJ-DK786
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    Iterating over the strings in an arbitrary StringDef?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    Say I have an arbitrary StringDef I'll call 'Example' that has some string constants defined:

    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @StringDef({CONSTANT1, CONSTANT2, CONSTANT3}) public @interface Example {} public static final String CONSTANT1 = "Constant 1"; public static final String CONSTANT2 = "Constant 2"; public static final String CONSTANT3 = "Constant 3"; 

    now say I want to iterate over the constants in that arbitrary StringDef and do something with them (print them for example):

    public void printConstants(StringDef stringDef) { for(String constant : stringDef.value()) { System.out.println(constant); } } 

    and this would be the expected output when passed 'Example':

    Constant 1 Constant 2 Constant 3 

    This code compiles perfectly fine. However the problem is I have no idea how to pass the 'Example' interface to the printConstants() method such that it's an instance of the StringDef annotation. The 'Example' interface extends Java's Annotation class, it doesn't extend StringDef.

    Here's what I've tried:

    printConstants(Example) printConstants(Example.class) printConstants(@Example) 

    None of these compile. What should I be passing printConstants() so that I can print the string constants in 'Example' (or any) StringDef?

    submitted by /u/lamborghini392
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    Content Uri to file Uri in android

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    The default file selector returns a content uri but can it be converted to file::// uri ?

    submitted by /u/TransportationThink8
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    How to use Work Manager to use Periodic & Manual Sync to sync data to an api? (Preferably with MVVM/Clean Architecture)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    The current implementation to Sync data to the api uses the Sync Adapter where we call addPeriodicSync() in Settings screen to sync data to api every 8 hours. And the user can also manually Sync the data on demand by calling ContentResolver.requestSync()

    However, in Android Documentation for Sync Adapter, Google says

    We recommend WorkManager as the recommended solution for most background processing use cases.

    If so, how can we implement our existing Sync Adapter with WorkManager in MVVM architecture?

    submitted by /u/RishabhOne
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    Do you really have Gradle configuration cache work on the Android project?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    Gradle configuration cache is supposed to speed up the build performance by caching the result of Gradle configuration.

    According to its User guide, we only need to enable it via `gradle.properties` by adding `org.gradle.unsafe.configuration-cache=true`.

    However, although it works in my local machine, but always fails in CI environment (CircleCI) with such error:

    68 problems were found storing the configuration cache, 30 of which seem unique. - Task \:appsetting:androidDependencies` of type `com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.DependencyReportTask`: cannot serialize object of type 'org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfiguration', a subtype of 'org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration', as these are not supported with the configuration cache. See https://docs.gradle.org/7.1.1/userguide/configuration_cache.html#config_cache:requirements:disallowed_types

    - Task \:appsetting:androidDependencies` of type `com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.DependencyReportTask`: cannot serialize object of type 'org.gradle.api.internal.project.DefaultProject', a subtype of 'org.gradle.api.Project', as these are not supported with the configuration cache. ..

    Do you guys have any luck while setting up the configuration cache? Or is it really not work for now?

    (I"m using AGP 7.0.0, Kotlin 1.5.20, Gradle wrapper 7.1.1).

    submitted by /u/anticafe
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    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 12:47 AM PDT

    Hi guys , using the package manager in my code I'm able to achieve what I want with the app so once the apps stops working it removes the tv input in the live tv sources ,however the sources are still available in other apps or main device tuners and will only removed if I was to relaunch my app again then its stops working everywhere anyone has any simple suggestion or package manager needs to be used diffently?

    Please if its not the right time or place for this then just remove it or ignore it don't want no hate or nasty replies I have done my homework and reached a dead end 🙃

    submitted by /u/Princeolivier
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    Recycler view as a alternative of scroll view?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 10:46 AM PDT


    Like that sample design. I mean do you just make a normal UI and wrap it in a scroll view or a big recycler view for a whole screen? (each inner UI will be a view type)

    To be honest, the second approach is kinda new to me (now I started wondering how I never thought about it before) so I just want to know what is the best practice

    submitted by /u/Megido_Thanatos
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    Smart Casting Does Not Work With Multiple Data Classes And Warns Me To Cast Then Saying No Need To Do This

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    Smart Casting Does Not Work With Multiple Data Classes And Warns Me To Cast Then Saying No Need To Do This

    When I cast to Interface to Data class equality check warns me "Suspicious equality check: equals() is not implemented in IWalletTransactionItem"



    When I cast one of them to WalletTransactionItem, the warning has gone. But in this case warning turns into "No cast needed"



    IWalletTransactionItem is a Interface

    WalletTransactionItem is a Kotlin data class

    submitted by /u/AdElectronic6748
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    Puppy adoption app UI using Compose

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    Do you(developers) know how much device ram your application consumes in best, normal and worst case scenarios?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Im just kinda wondering do Dev's know how much ram their app consumes because im trying to start a side project for myself, a wallpaper application which runs in background all the time. It obviously takes ram and battery consumption. But question is in all cases can we control the application completely in all scenarios without application fc's and freezes!?

    submitted by /u/Deep-Initiative1849
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    Keep getting Javadoc generation failed error only on Bitrise

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Keep getting Javadoc generation failed error only on Bitrise

    Hello Devs! I'm calling for help all Android build experts as this issue on bitrise with gradle-runner step is not letting me sleep well since Monday. The issue seems to be with react-native-screens which is used by react-navigation v2.18.3 (the newest from 2.x.x). Please see screenshot below. Can anyone please give me some ideas what to try next. Here's what I've tried:

    • upgrading gradle-runner step in bitrise from currently used 1.8.5 to 2.0.0
    • upgrading react-native-screens to the most recent ver
    • deleting react-native-screens lib
    • downgrading current react-native-screens ver (2.0.0-alpha.11) to the one specified in package-lock.json for react-navigation dependencies to 1.0.0-alpha.11

    When running react-native run-android, it all works fine locally. Also, ./gradlew assembleRelease is successful. iOS builds fine


    submitted by /u/dogtee
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