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    Friday, April 2, 2021

    Android Dev - Weekly Anything Goes Thread - April 02, 2021

    Android Dev - Weekly Anything Goes Thread - April 02, 2021

    Weekly Anything Goes Thread - April 02, 2021


    Here's your chance to talk about whatever!

    Although if you're thinking about getting feedback on an app, you should wait until tomorrow's App Feedback thread.

    Remember that while you can talk about any topic, being a jerk is still not allowed.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    If even the oldest of laptops can run the latest version of linux, then what is stopping older versions of android phones ( like Google Pixel 2) from getting updates for decades ?


    Even laptops have devices and chips provided from various manufacturers, just like a phone. So if the latest Linux distribution can be installed on a decade old laptop, why can't the Google support newer version of android updates to Pixel 2 (or any other phone) after a decade ?

    submitted by /u/ahteniv
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    Using Compose Beta on Android Studio 4.1 Stable


    [Open Source] Spotify like material bottom bar library


    [Open Source] Spotify like material bottom bar library


    Today i have published my first library. Its spotify like material bottom bar library. Feel free to contribute.

    If you like it, stars would be appreciated.

    Have a good day :)



    submitted by /u/ertutheceset
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    Some questions on my first real and useful app


    Hi to everyone! I'm making a price checker kiosk application. Basically, it connects to a local web server and it returns a json. I have no problems about this part, strangely it works lmao. I have some questions on make the app smarter.

    1) Can I install this APK to each kiosk (at different clients) and just modify a file with all the parameters like:

    db=databasestore ip_server= img=/path.... 

    2) Is there a good tutorial on make the application kiosk and a create a smart logout for the employees?

    If you have any tips, even if these are inherent to my questions, go ahead! I'm always down for nice and helpful tips Thanks in advance to you all!

    submitted by /u/byVexHD
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    Delivering custom libc/bionic with an android app


    Does anyone have experience with including a customized version of bionic in their android app? Basically replacing the STL.

    I need this in order to use my custom memory allocator (malloc, free, etc.).

    The only way I've found to properly alter the logic in malloc or free, is available in debug and debug only. I want my custom allocator in production, so the only way I now know of is replacing the C standard of the system with my own one. Or does someone know of another way? Help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/EaseAnxious3676
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    Learn basic Viewbinding in 5 mins, The easiest way!


    View binding is used for reducing nullability issues and layout related redundant codes in the java file. It auto generates binding files for each XML with the same name as XML file in Pascal case and 'Binding' keyword at the end of the file name.

    Learn more here: https://rex50.medium.com/learn-basic-view-binding-in-5-mins-the-easiest-way-3126da896583

    submitted by /u/Rex505050
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    What is obfuscation?


    Hii I am releasing my first app on play storeand it gives me a warning that my code is obfuscated? Waht is this? I have never heard this before. Is there anything I can do about this?

    submitted by /u/NANOwasFound
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    React Native vs Flutter?


    Which is the best among both of them (React Native or Flutter) in-terms of Performance, external library and support for low level access both for Android and iOS ?

    Among Both of them what are overlapping pros and cons of React Native and Flutter ?

    submitted by /u/Complex_Ad5256
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    Recycler view item click best practice


    Correct usage of Room with ExecutorService in Android Java?


    I need to use Room persistence library. I know Room DB operations should run in a background thread. My doubt

    1. Should I use a single instance of executor throughout the app or have instance for each operation or initialize it every time before doing an operation?
    2. How do I cancel a particular runnable if the fragment or activity is destroyed?
    3. If I have to get data from multiple tables using join query (provided I don't put aliases & make sure the column names don't conflict), do I have to create another POJO for it?
    submitted by /u/jaroos_
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    What is StrictMode Policy Violation


    Hii I am launching my app on play store for first time and am getting a warning of StrictMode Policy Violation. I don't even know what is that. How to fix it?

    submitted by /u/NANOwasFound
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    A categorized list of all Java and JVM features since JDK 8 to 16


    Third Party android libraries


    Is there any good tutorial/article on how to make third party library for android?

    submitted by /u/akinchan12345
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    Remove Stripe for Android build?



    I'm developing an app in Angular (web) from which I will later get builds for Android, iOS and web using Capacitor.

    This app has some IAP and in the web version I'm going to use Stripe for the shake of simplicity. Because of the characteristics of these micropayments, I know that Google will force me to use Android built in IAP solution. My question is, should I invest the time required to make all references to Stripe disappear from the Android build or Google will be ok with it if I just don't use it?

    I know it's a better practice to remove it, but I just can't find a way to do it and I've lost enough time.

    Thanks for your responses!

    submitted by /u/iruizmar
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    Using OneSignal in HMS(Huawei) apps


    anyone here ever tried using onesignal in huawei phones with HMS in it? i want to know if it's usable or does onesignal needs google services or if anyone can lead me to a documentation about this topic

    submitted by /u/lamorak23
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    Question: Will OBB files be a thing of the past for new apps?


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