• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 14, 2021

    Android Dev - How did they achieve this spinning lightning bolt at the top? I want to implement something similar in my app. Any idea where to start?

    Android Dev - How did they achieve this spinning lightning bolt at the top? I want to implement something similar in my app. Any idea where to start?

    How did they achieve this spinning lightning bolt at the top? I want to implement something similar in my app. Any idea where to start?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 03:53 AM PDT

    In Android Studio, what is the best way to make the app theme night mode with an all dark background and with a transparent title bar?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:25 PM PST

    A black mode theme is not offered by default from the list of theme choices.

    submitted by /u/babel-op
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    My first Jetpack compose app - Breaking Bad

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    In app purchase and ads

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    My app is all done and I am ready to publish it. When should I start adding in app purchase and ads?

    submitted by /u/OeufLeau1996
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    Does anyone here use BigQuery for Firebase for their app analytical needs?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 01:00 AM PST

    What do you use it for? LTV calculations? UX optimizations?

    submitted by /u/whatappdev
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    Encountered a bug while renaming XML files in res/values directory. Can someone confirm this bug is widespread?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:23 PM PST

    Please confirm this is an actual bug. I am running Android Studio 4.1.2 and this happens 100% of the time for me. Does it happen on your end too?

    Bug description:

    You can refactor the individual values in the XML but you can't rename the file containing those values.

    How to replicate this bug:

    Right click on res/values/strings.xml and choose refactor > rename. Once you refactor it with a new name, you will notice that the name remains unchanged. The undo/redo says otherwise but the changes never actually occured.

    submitted by /u/poetryrocksalot
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    Dagger 2 is hard, but it can be easy #3 (injection types and order of injection)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    I want to build an app

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Basically an app that has Wallpapers , Offline Music , Daily life updates , about a certain rapper. But i needed to know if its okay and if they need a copyright rights i can do it. I thought of Kanye West

    submitted by /u/ersandedej
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    Choosing the best tool to build social media app

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Alongside a team, I'm going to build a social media app. At the beginning just for Android. If it succeeds we will build for apple.

    However I'm confused although after searching and reading articles for hours. Which tool to use between Java or kotlin or react native?

    I was about to use React Native. However as a startup, I read that react native size and performance falls back behind java or kotlin. But on the other side, some successful social medias like Facebook and Instagram are using react native.

    Any advise is appreciated by any means.

    submitted by /u/itsmarkzuck
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    How to make application emit more than 24 notifications in status bar on Android 10?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    I have been having this problem with my Samsung OEM where I cannot receive more than 24 notifications in status bar since last update. Is there a way to make an application emit (=show) more notifications in status bar?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/dedqq
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    Jetpack Compose - Pulsating Effect

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:24 PM PST

    Hello. I'm fairly new to writing articles, but I'm quite experienced with Android and Kotlin. Since now Jetpack Compose is in beta, and a lot of people are starting to try it, including me, I have decided to post this article to teach how to apply a pulsating effect on UI.

    Here is the link: https://link.medium.com/2tcdBf2mBeb

    If you have any doubts or any suggestions, let me know.


    submitted by /u/paulo_aa_pereira
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    Help with notification direct reply?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm trying to develop an Android app for fun and I am not so experienced?

    Could anyone clarify how to save the reply to the notification to Firebase?

    I created a notification, a remote input to provide text and the action to send the input.

    Now I assume I should setup a Broadcast Listener for the action, but it is not clear to me how to fire the Listener. Should I add the action string to the Intent Filter? How to get the action string of a custom action?

    submitted by /u/francesco1093
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    Generate a desugared jar using a standalone desugar tool

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:59 AM PST

    For a very specific thing, I needed a standalone tool to desugar a fatjar to a fatjar. d8 can desugar, but it always produces classes.dex as output. It cannot just output a desugared fatjar. Standalone desugaring allows in particular to feed the desugared jar to dx (which does not support desugaring), which is simpler than d8+aapt2 for generating an APK from a fatjar that has no Android specific code inside.


    Googling around, I found a well hidden standalone command-line desugaring tool, part of the bazel github repo.

    To build it, you'll need bazel which is trivial to get on most Linux distros.


    Fetch the source and build Desugar:


    git clone https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel cd bazel bazel build //src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/desugar:Desugar_deploy.jar cp bazel-bin/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/Desugar_deploy.jar /some/path/Desugar.jar 


    Let's see the help:


    $java -jar /some/path/Desugar.jar --help Options category 'input': --bootclasspath_entry (a valid filesystem path; may be used multiple times) Bootclasspath that was used to compile the --input Jar with, like javac's - bootclasspath flag (required). --classpath_entry (a valid filesystem path; may be used multiple times) Ordered classpath (Jar or directory) to resolve symbols in the --input Jar, like javac's -cp flag. --input [-i] (a valid filesystem path; may be used multiple times) Input Jar or directory with classes to desugar (required, the n-th input is paired with the n-th output). Options category 'misc': --[no]best_effort_tolerate_missing_deps (a boolean; default: "true") Whether to tolerate missing dependencies on the classpath in some cases. You should strive to set this flag to false. --[no]copy_bridges_from_classpath (a boolean; default: "false") Copy bridges from classpath to desugared classes. --[no]desugar_interface_method_bodies_if_needed (a boolean; default: "true") Rewrites default and static methods in interfaces if --min_sdk_version < 24. This only works correctly if subclasses of rewritten interfaces as well as uses of static interface methods are run through this tool as well. --[no]desugar_supported_core_libs (a boolean; default: "false") Enable core library desugaring, which requires configuration with related flags. --[no]desugar_try_with_resources_if_needed (a boolean; default: "true") Rewrites try-with-resources statements if --min_sdk_version < 19. --[no]desugar_try_with_resources_omit_runtime_classes (a boolean; default: "false") Omits the runtime classes necessary to support try-with-resources from the output. This property has effect only if -- desugar_try_with_resources_if_needed is used. --[no]emit_dependency_metadata_as_needed (a boolean; default: "false") Whether to emit META-INF/desugar_deps as needed for later consistency checking. --[no]generate_base_classes_for_default_methods (a boolean; default: "false") If desugaring default methods, generate abstract base classes for them. This reduces default method stubs in hand-written subclasses. --min_sdk_version (an integer; default: "1") Minimum targeted sdk version. If >= 24, enables default methods in interfaces. --[no]rewrite_calls_to_long_compare (a boolean; default: "false") Rewrite calls to Long.compare(long, long) to the JVM instruction lcmp regardless of --min_sdk_version. --[no]verbose [-v] (a boolean; default: "false") Enables verbose debugging output. Options category 'output': --output [-o] (a valid filesystem path; may be used multiple times) Output Jar or directory to write desugared classes into (required, the n-th output is paired with the n-th input, output must be a Jar if input is a Jar). 


    So it wants an input file to desugar, an output jar for the desugared jar and a boot classpath pointing to a Java runtime. For example, assuming a fatjar in.jar compiled with Java8:


    java -jar /some/path/Desugar.jar --bootclasspath_entry /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.8.0/jre/lib/rt.jar -i in.jar -o out.jar

    submitted by /u/bubbleguuum
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    How to start an activity on android 10

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 01:44 AM PST

    emmm.....I have received a job from my boss, wanna start an activity even the app in the background, as android's official option, we can use fullscreen intent to do that on android 10. But boss said the activity need show directly....anyone help?

    submitted by /u/Worried_Spare4457
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    OpenCV Package not found on android

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:10 PM PST

    I am trying to integrate opencv with android using android studio. I keep getting alert msg saying "Package not found OpenCV manager package was not found Try to install it". I have integrated open cv library correctly in android. You can check my repo here https://github.com/PritishSawant/ImageProcessing I dont understand what mistake i am doing. I have gone through bunch of stackoverflow post but have doen everything thats mentioned but still not working. Can some one help me in understanding what am i missing

    submitted by /u/BraveEvidence
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    android developer jobs

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 03:09 AM PDT

    How to handle infinite lists in Android?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 05:31 PM PST

    I have a recycler view that will show data for a social media feed. When the user scrolls down, more posts are fetched in a paginated manner and added to the list which backs the recyclerview. However, I'm worried that the app will run out of memory if the user scrolls down too much and the list gets too large. Is there a standard way that social media apps usually handle this?

    submitted by /u/These_Trust3199
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    Do Foreground Service need Background location permission

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 04:58 PM PST

    Reading the first point in this Google doc : https://developer.android.com/guide/components/foreground-services#bg-access-restrictions, it sounds like if I tap a button in the app and start a foreground service, I DO need background location permissions to access the location when the app is in background.

    I've browsed a lot of websites and everywhere it says for Android 11 that if the foreground service is started while in the app is foreground, then you do NOT need background location permission.

    I'm confused if this is a new change or if I am misunderstanding something. Please let me know your thoughts.


    submitted by /u/robbiewi
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    What resources to read/watch to market self as Senior Android Dev?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 04:46 PM PST

    Hey folks, I'm an Android developer with about 2.5 years of experience working for a mid sized tech company in California. This is my first job out of college and I am looking to change jobs soon and ideally would like to find my way into a senior android dev role if possible. I remember hearing from a previous manager that 2-3 years of experience is when engineers can start expecting a senior position (depending on company of course).

    My question for you all is: What resources could I read/watch/etc that would better prepare me to think/act/sound like a senior dev? I know there's no magic book that will automatically make me a senior dev, but in general what resources should I be utilizing in order to get me on the right path?

    For example, I've heard that senior developers (in any field) are more focused on "architecture". However, I'm not sure what more I can read up on besides google's MVVM tutorials for android arch. Are there some good blogs or youtube channels that discuss these kinds of senior dev topics?

    Thanks for any tips and advice you folks have!

    submitted by /u/AndroidNovice
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    Can somebody please explain/confirm if this is how you are supposed to use the Camera2 API?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:51 PM PST

    Add a TextureView/SurfaceView in the layout, create a surface by passing it into the Surface constructor, add that surface as one of the targets to the camera, create a capture request, call setRepeatingRequest with the captureRequest Now the reason I am using Camera2 instead of CameraX is because I want to keep the options open of using the CameraCharacteristics options and I am not sure if Camera 2Interop extender will work that well with Preview from CameraX

    submitted by /u/Parking-Ad-6639
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    Running my non-PWA React w/ Hooks app in Android

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:55 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I created https://breadthofthewild.com (the frontend is React w/ hooks) in 2020 to learn full-stack development, and I've been getting a lot of requests to port it to a mobile app. I just got React Native installed, but it looks like it's a nontrivial port. Has anyone here had any success with turning their web app into a Cordova app, and launching on the app store? Is a solution that simple going to make it through the review process?

    Please and thank you for your replies.

    submitted by /u/breadth_of_the_wild
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