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    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    Android Dev - Duofolio: An open-source ebook reader that helps you learn new languages

    Developing Android Apps

    Android Dev - Duofolio: An open-source ebook reader that helps you learn new languages

    Duofolio: An open-source ebook reader that helps you learn new languages

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    How suitable is Android development for a woman with disabilities?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    This will probably get buried, but I don't have anything to lose. :)

    My friend has disabilities that require a lot of time and effort to manage. She hasn't been able to work for many years and lives a meagre existence.

    Recently, she has expressed an interest in developing apps for Android (she has a basic smartphone). She's very underconfident and has no past experience in computers but can work hard and is quite clever.

    When I mentioned giving it a try she looked sad and said that no one would ever give a job to someone like her with her health issues. I'm not an expert in this area by any means, so I decided to put my feelers out here. Is there any encouragement I can offer her? Would she never get hired? Even part time? She's 47 if that matters.

    I appreciate the time if you read this.

    submitted by /u/mashuganutt
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    Social Network for Mars Rovers

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    Hi, I develop a sample app created with Nasa API that shows photos taken on Mars by the rovers: Curiosity, Opportunity and Spirit, here is the result

    I used coroutines with retrofit2 to make the calls, I'm kinda new to kotlin and git.

    Any feedback is appreciate!

    submitted by /u/Raz9618
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    Sample with Dynamic Feature Module fragments as base of BottomNavigationView and ViewPager2 with Dagger Hilt, offline first/last with custom Flow and LiveData TestObservers

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Working on this sample app, looking for a job and to show as a showcase app as a tech demo, which includes Dynamic Feature Module fragments as base of ViewPager2, BottomNavigation with Dagger Hilt using both RxJava3 and Flow with both offline-first and last approach, Room one to one and migrations , and unit tests with TDD approach.

    Also created custom FlowTestObserver and LiveDataTestObserver to test with RxJava style observers

    such as

     // WHEN val testObserver = useCase.getPostFlowOfflineLast().test(this) // THEN testObserver .assertComplete() .assertNoErrors() .assertValueAt(0, postList) .assertValues { it.first().containsAll(postList) } .dispose() 

    for a function like

     fun getPostFlowOfflineLast(): Flow<List<Post>> { return flow { emit(repository.fetchEntitiesFromRemote()) } .map { if (it.isNullOrEmpty()) { throw EmptyDataException("No Data is available in Remote source!") } else { repository.run { deletePostEntities() savePostEntities(it) getPostEntitiesFromLocal() } } } .flowOn(dispatcherProvider.ioDispatcher) // This is where remote exception or least likely db exceptions are caught .catch { throwable -> emitAll(flowOf(repository.getPostEntitiesFromLocal())) } .map { toPostListOrError(it) } 


    It's not done yet, planning to add dashboard charts, login navigation, and search with a merge adapter to display multiple different layout with RecyclerVie. Any suggestions or feedback is more than welcome.

    submitted by /u/SmartToolFactory
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    Try out my new Game ��❤️ Save the CUBE from the angry Eagles �� Shoot, Jump, Hide and Fight ��

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:33 AM PDT

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