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    Monday, July 6, 2020

    Android Questions: I'm looking for a way to do something very specific with my home screen

    Android Questions: I'm looking for a way to do something very specific with my home screen

    I'm looking for a way to do something very specific with my home screen

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Is there a launcher that will allow me to carve out parts of the home screen make it so if I click on specific parts, the launcher will open a specific folder?

    Like say this pic. I can make it so if I click on any part of the Statue of Liberty, the launcher will open a specific folder whereas if I click on any part of the skyscraper in the background, it'll open another.

    Insofar I've used Nova Launcher, and a 10x12 icon grid and multiples of each folder to achieve the same thing, but this leaves blindspots, some off-axis parts and it's really annoying when I want to add/remove anything.

    submitted by /u/FallenAngelII
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    Absolute control over which apps/backgroundservices launch on startup AND over which apps can use wifi/mobile data and their down/up speed limits (including os/ui apps)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    considering switching to a smartphone but need some serious pointers on what to start looking into in order to achieve some clean starting point where the phone wouldnt be doing whatever it wants on its own and from where i could start installing only stuff that i need and allowing startup and internet connection only for that one by one manually.

    if its not possible via plain apps, i will greatly appreciate pointers to any advanced techniques or hacks (custom roms, roots, whatever system file editing, i can get into some moderate programming if thats relevant but wont write my own os in java obviously) to achieve the following:

    1. APPS / BACKGROUNDAPPS - control startup / uninstall bloat/apps not required for the system to run

    • how to get complete control over which apps/background services get automatically launched on phone restart (such as completely disable OS updates and its notifications, disable custom ui updates (miui, emui all that shit), all bloatware, any sort of youtube updates, whatever the fuck updates and notifications, inbuilt weather, bloated widget lists, themes etc this type of stuff). ideally ability to completely uninstall everything thats not necessary for the system to run.

    2. INTERNET CONNECTION - absolute per app/service control

    • absolute control over which apps can use wifi/mobile data (whitelist style perhaps) and their both download/upload speed(bandwidth) limits.

    • ability to force the mobile data into 2g/3g/4g only mode as needed, ideally global bandwidth control too

    • there should be simply not a byte going up or down other than whats needed to negotiate the internet connection with the network operator or wifi source if i dont manually run and allow an app to use the internet connections


    lastly, does any phone brand make this process easier or more customizable / "hack friendly" ? ideally i want to get one of the latest qwerty blackberries, or a samsung S8 or newer temporarily

    submitted by /u/asdafdsff48
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    "Your Phone" app turned off lock screen phone calls notification.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Using a Pixel 3, current update. Since I installed the Your Phone app, my phone will ring but won't put up a lock screen notification. This is at home where it is connected to the computer or out far from home. The phone will ring but no notifications come up. This is actually on the lock screen or if the phone is unlocked. I have to down swipe and scroll through my current notifications or go to the phone app and manually open it. Any suggestions are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Void_Listener
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    Browser with bottom tab switcher?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    I'm looking for an Android browser that has the address bar and tab switcher positioned at the bottom part of the screen.

    I'm tired of reaching my fingers to the top to either switch tabs or input URL.

    submitted by /u/flickdudz
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    Play Store won't download anything - updates or new apps

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    This started several days ago, but it has gotten worse recently. Apps are not downloading at all, and are stuck on "Downloading..." but the progress bar never fills up.

    Several days ago when it started, I tried restarting, clearing Play Store cache, even clearing Play Store data. Clearing the data seemed to work and I could download again. But now the problem has come back and clearing the data again isn't fixing it.

    In addition to clearing cache and data for the Play Store, I also cleared cache and data for Google Play Services and installed the latest Play Store app from apkmirror (it was 2 versions past where mine was). I've restarted many times.

    My device is a Moto G7 with Android 9. What else can I do?

    submitted by /u/itsamamaluigi
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    Things disabled after phone died.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    I have a Galaxy J7 Crown.

    Ran out of battery, and then recharged my phone. I turn it back on and notice that it's taking longer to boot up than usual. When the blue screen finally goes away, I see a loading bar with "Phone is starting" above it. That's also never happened before.

    Phone turns on, and there's no lock screen. I set mine to have a pin, and now it doesn't work. The status bar on the top of the screen is gone, the home and left button don't work; only the right one does. I can't turn off my phone either, I can only restart it and I'm greeted with the same thing. The keyboard doesn't show up, too. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/JumpRopeBoi234
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    Are rubber cases useless for protection?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Runtime exception : ClassCastException android.os.Bundle cannot be cast to Parcelable class

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I get this crash when I installed the new code and ran it, below I have attached the old and the new code. Please let me know how can we fix things like these?

    **Old Code:**


    // data class

    public class X {

    int val;




    public final HelperClass {

    static Bundle toBundle(X obj) {



    static void DataMap toDataMap(X obj) {

    DataMap dataMap = new DataMap();

    dataMap.putInt("id", obj.val);



    return dataMap;



    // used in an activity on a onClick

    context.startActivity(new Intent(ACTION_VIEW)

    .putExtra(X_INSTANCE_EXTRA, HelperClass.toBundle(new X())));

    // received in the activity started by the intent

    X obj = bundle.getBundle(X_INSTANCE_EXTRA);


    **New Code :**


    // data class

    public class X implements Parcelable {

    int val;




    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {





    public static final Parcelable.Creator<X> CREATOR =

    new Parcelable.Creator<X>() {


    public X createFromParcel(Parcel in) {

    X obj = new X();

    x.val = in.readInt();




    // used in an activity on a onClick

    context.startActivity(new Intent(ACTION_VIEW)

    .putExtra(X_INSTANCE_EXTRA, new X());

    // received in the activity started by the intent

    X obj = intent.getParcelableExtra(X_INSTANCE_EXTRA);


    I get the error at the last line of the new code stating


    java.lang.ClassCastException: android.os.Bundle cannot be cast to X


    Is it because of some intent fired on old code and received in the new code?

    submitted by /u/kewlUserNamespace
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    How to remove UV cured Glass protector? [SHATTERED]

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    So, I tried to remove it and it was cracking all the way down and now I ended up with a glass island in the middle of the screen. Trying to pick piece by piece. Seems like glue doesn't care about hair drier (was heating it up for lik 15-20 sec).Is there any other way, rather than scratching my way through? Already killed 2 hours.

    submitted by /u/FilthyWunderCat
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    Some SMS not visible to any apps but drupe

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, for quite a while now I have had a weird intermittent problem with SMS. I have a OnePlus 3T running LineageOS 14.1 (Sultanxda's build from 03-2018, yes I should update it) which for the most part runs fine. Occasionally I will fail to receive a text. I get no notification, my phone does not vibrate or ding. I think the problem is system-wide because neither Textra nor Google Messages can see the missing texts, but the rest are visible. (Nor could a different SMS app, when I tried that a while back.) Later texts may (or may not) be visible as normal.

    The weird thing is that drupe will show a received text in its history for that contact, only a few words' worth, but enough to verify with the sender that it did get through somehow. I assume that means the problem is not with my carrier but with something on my phone. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the apps in question but it still happens, and according to no pattern I can see.

    Any ideas on what to try next?

    submitted by /u/linuxgarou
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    What type c version does HTC U Ultra have and why is it better from other phones?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Hi I use my phone HTC U ULTRA with a type c hub like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=Hub+Type-C+IBOX+USB+3.1&rlz=1C1GCEV_enRO871RO871&sxsrf=ALeKk03An-X1rNLe54Wu4dTzM8Z9jPrOYA:1594047625482&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS7eKT8rjqAhVpxoUKHU88BPYQ_AUoAXoECAsQAw&biw=1920&bih=937 to connect my phone to the tv to make it smart(netflix,hbo,youtube,twitch) with the hub and a hdmi.

    I tried with different Samsungs and it does not work at all, the duplicate the image on the tv (S9 and A30s), so what is different on the HTC and which phones have the same type c? I want to buy another phone to use it in the house as a router and also to connect it to the heating system and as well to tvs, I dont want to buy another HTC product because they don't update their phones at all.

    submitted by /u/thoniw
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    I need a new launcher.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I'm rooted so I use QuickSwitch.

    I know Lawnchair, Nova and those kind of launchers, but I'm looking for something new.

    submitted by /u/miki1606
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    General Consensus on Samsung, LG, Moto G, Google Pixel, and OnePlus?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I am looking to get either a Samsung Galaxy S9, LG G7 ThinQ, Moto G6, Google Pixel 3, or OnePlus 6 android phone to use over the next five years or so, hopefully. I have experience with Samsung and LG, they are both fine, but I'm having a hard time deciding on which of these five to get.

    What is the general impression people have of Moto G, Google Pixel, and OnePlus? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/kittygusandangel
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    Is it possible to pass a VPN connection to the mobile hotspot?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    I saw this once on the Evolution X ROM and wondered if it would also be possible on let's say OxygenOS.

    Device ist the OnePlus 7T Pro.

    submitted by /u/Der_Held_
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    System update not available on new phone

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    I just bought my second Galaxy S10e (first one got lost). It has Android 9 out of the box but I know Android 10 is available for this model. Nothing's showing up under Software update tho :(

    I'm wondering if Samsung doesn't want to "inconvenience" me with an update right after buying the phone - is that a thing? Do I need to simply wait to get the update, or is something wrong?

    submitted by /u/Ruuttu
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    Nav button appeared

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:51 AM PDT


    Today a random floating nav button appeared, no idea where it came from.

    https://ibb.co/NSDV2FQ - Image

    I can move it around the page and also, if you press it down and drag it, it opens old windows etc.

    Not sure if it's Android or my launcher , Smart Launcher but I have no clue how to turn it off.

    Help please!

    submitted by /u/iamthabeska
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    Realme c3

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Can anyone help me with debloating realme c3? Like what apps i can disable from it safetly? Can I disable YouTube, Gmail, notes, Chrome without any problem? Thanks. Also if anyone can give a list of apps i can disable that would be great!

    submitted by /u/NotDatBoi42
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    Question about recording calls on LG K51

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Hi, I recently bought an LG K51, but have not been able to record calls on it. I've downloaded a few different apps, some of which I've used before on previous phones, but the recordings either come out blank or just weird static. Any ideas?

    Thanks y'all

    submitted by /u/thistlechef
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    Phone is stuck in recovery mode/bootloop. HELP

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    (This is a copy and paste from r/PocoPhones and r/Xiaomi)

    I was just messing around with developer options for fun and i saw a setting called "smallest size" or something like that. The default setting for it is 392, but i changed it to 1080 to see what it will do (im an idiot, i know), then my screen went dark outta nowhere. When i tried to boot my phone back up, it started up normally (or so i thought) and as soon as i got my hopes up for it to work properly, it started in recovery mode. I had 3 options: reboot, wipe data or connect with MiAssistant. I tried the first option 4 times and it didnt work, it kept coming back to the main menu with those 3 options. A quick google search told me to hold the power button and volume down button for 15 secs on more, which i did and then i got a screen with the android logo and below it "fastboot", i had to turn my phone off and back on to get it back to recovery mode, because i have absolutely no idea what im doing and it was also stuck in that fastboot mode. I really dont want to wipe all of my data, i have so much stuff on my poco, plus i havent backed it up yet. The 3rd option is MiAssistent. Like i said before, i dont want to lose all of my data, so what are my options here to back to normal without clearing everything?

    Safe to say i learned my lesson: Dont go into developer mode if dont know wtf what youre doing

    Edit: Also is it important to note that im running latest android ver, latest miui ver, and also april 2020 security update?

    Edit 2: I tried on my own to reboot it via MiAssistent, turns out it the poco doesnt support it, damn

    submitted by /u/that__weeb
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    Could we change internet speed by changing APN settings??

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    I have lower network in my area causing slow network speed so I want to increase speed by APN or something else could I please tell if you willing

    submitted by /u/akshaymundra
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    Low RAM android

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    Im using a a budget android. Its has 2GB RAM that doesnt seem to beable to keep or and is always on the high side. how can I keep RAM usage low?. Its runs stock android.

    submitted by /u/ZZ3xhZz
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    Help me load a .tff file on my Samsung.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    So I saw this sick Font on a site and it was free for personal use. The zip file when extracted have me a .tff file. On my device, in the settings for fonts, the add fonts button leads me to a galaxy store page. Any help would be appreciated.

    Device information:

    Relay Version: 10.0.235 Pro Phone: Samsung SM-A507FN (Galaxy A50s) Android Version: 10 (29) Device (product): a50s (a50sxx) Rom: QP1A.190711.020.A507FNXXU4BTD3 
    submitted by /u/Galladean
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    I have an issue where my contacts won't be synced to my contacts app (the default google one)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    They don't seem to sync anymore, the app is completely empty, it doesn't sync from the SIM or my Google account (which has contacts sync on) they appear on my laptop when looking them up, also tried importing but nothing happened whenever I refresh it says it "can't finish sync"

    submitted by /u/GoAoYf
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    Does this note 10 look like an authentic one?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    I am buying note 10 from someone who bought this from USA but didn't use it. (I want the snapdragon variant which is not sold in my country)

    Can someone tell me if this phone looks like an authentic or fake one?





    I warched a bunch of YouTube unboxing videos but none of them had the charger or headphones put in plastic bags so I got skeptical a little bit( 2nd photo)

    submitted by /u/llaas
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    receive daily text notification at specific time of day:what app would be good for this?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Im currently using google calendar which I have test written in on tasks I gotta do at certain times of day (eg ive a list written down for things to do at 9am, 11am, 9pm, 11pm, etc) but sometimes im late and the calendar gets rid of the notification so I forget about it. im looking for something similar to a sms message where ill receive a note at certain time of day.

    I know theres apps like ticktick but I just want something that I don't have to mark as done, instead just where you swipe away the notification when your done with it and the notification appears everyday at the specific time you've designated

    submitted by /u/computerstuffs
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