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    Tuesday, March 15, 2022

    Android Dev - Weekly Questions Thread - March 15, 2022

    Android Dev - Weekly Questions Thread - March 15, 2022

    Weekly Questions Thread - March 15, 2022

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 07:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for simple questions that don't warrant their own thread (although we suggest checking the sidebar, the wiki, our Discord, or Stack Overflow before posting). Examples of questions:

    • How do I pass data between my Activities?
    • Does anyone have a link to the source for the AOSP messaging app?
    • Is it possible to programmatically change the color of the status bar without targeting API 21?

    Large code snippets don't read well on reddit and take up a lot of space, so please don't paste them in your comments. Consider linking Gists instead.

    Have a question about the subreddit or otherwise for /r/androiddev mods? We welcome your mod mail!

    Also, please don't link to Play Store pages or ask for feedback on this thread. Save those for the App Feedback threads we host on Saturdays.

    Looking for all the Questions threads? Want an easy way to locate this week's thread? Click this link!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Weekly Who's Hiring Thread - March 14, 2022

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 07:00 AM PDT

    Looking for Android developers? Heard about a cool job posting? Let people know!

    Here is a suggested posting template:

    Company: <Best Company Ever>
    Job: [<Title>](https://example.com/job)
    Location: <City, State, Country>
    Allows remote: <Yes/No>
    Visa: <Yes/No>

    Feel free to include any other information about the job.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Received a job offer letter with "All inventions developed by you during your period of employment with the Company will be deemed as the property of the Company." Its a Web dev job. How would this affect my mobile app dev hobby. I occasionally publish apps/games to PlayStore.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 08:54 PM PDT

    My developer account terminated due to another developer stealing my app

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 01:30 AM PDT

    First, I don't have any other developer account. Some one developer stole my app's code and its icon by reverse-engineering method and uploaded it to Play Store. Google terminated my account instead of terminating the developer account of the person who stole this app. I think it's ridiculous and annoying.

    I do not know what to do. I appealed and am waiting for the result. Why doesn't the Google Play Store Policy team check at the first release dates for these apps?

    I also tweeted to u/GooglePlayDev but no response yet. https://twitter.com/miniappsgames/status/1503477990969200640

    submitted by /u/absolutistanbul
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    iMe - Hello World!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 06:29 AM PDT

    iMe - Hello World!

    Hi everyone! Im kinda new here. This post is not to promote, because i am not selling something or seeking for a developers team. This post is just about to discover things. And also i hardly need a discussion on this. I am open for any possible feedback or discussion. I can answer any of your questions about this project. I am open for any criticism. I am the one and only author of this. I am working on this project over 10 years and this february puzzle assembled.


    Meet "iMe - The Solution"


    Forgive me clunky language. Look behind words, Think beyond meanings.

    Please, give me a chance. If this message doesn't make sense, just skip. But, i hope, it does.

    I have a Huge Offer to the one who is brave enough to accept a Challenge.

    My offer is:

    1. Adressless p2p cluster data transfer protocol.This thing with a long name means for the user - a 100% safety of data transfer. No one core in the chain, nor the data source, nor the data recipient knows each other.Current state means you always know the target IP address of your package, same as you know from whom (which IP) the data came. Whom the package belongs to.My system makes the internet absolutely private and secure.
    2. Adressless p2p physical data exchange protocolThe wifi and internet cable are using just a few channels to transfer data. I pretend to use - simple, the device display and the camera of another device as a channel. You all know QR-Codes, but what if... make.. it.. coloured? It increases a single square information weight from 1 bit to possible 10-15. And what if we make it dynamic? I mean we can transfer data between two devices in a speed over 300MB seconds just using the display and camera. Colored QR-Code changes up to 70-80 times in a second (it is the resolution speed of an average camera). And again - your device doesn't know who is a source, and the source device doesn't know anything about the receiver.

    These two things are already a really huge offer. But it is not even the top of the iceberg of the

    "iMe" project.

    Interest intensifies? Okay, let go.

    1. New type of AI.This is about Cores from the first part. The programm does the simple - it compares fragments of information, and finds matches, the matches are associated between in a special open document, and step by step, filtering content from noizes, from not essential elements. This thing can "eat" any type of document and apply any type of changes by shifting content by the associations. From collecting and processing simple signatures on the few steps it creates abstractions and imagery, recognition of any possible shapes and objects. At the last stages it can create even blueprints for non-existent technological solutions. Every core is connected to 1024 other cores in a few dimensions, so, finally we have something much more superior than usual neuroweb cores. And ofcourse i would add a simple neuro-web core inside that will be also empowered by my linking system. An average 8GB Ram device can run up to 40-50 THOUSANDS cores.

    This _have to be developed_.

    Till the moment we speak about future technologies, about something that has to be developed.

    1. Last part of the iMe technologies pool is a cryptocurrency.

    It is simple. You set the core in the device (any type, even something that can run a DOOM game). Its display shows a code you have to scan. That code is written in the block-chain and you earn a single coin.If the device has a camera to scan your device after gathering coin - gives also a coin for both, your and invited devices.The Last private coin is generated if the target device has an internet connection and can participate in the cluster transfer process.So 4 coins can be gathered instantly.

    But there are also 3 coins that are generated for Public Wallet.

    What is a public wallet? Is Economical Revolution packaged in a single 2MB application.

    Public wallet allows everyone to spend a small amount of public money daily *(about 45-55$).*Is Unconditional Income. Your Public Rating changes the possible amount of public money you can spend per day. Getting judged, jailed or even catched by police means your public rating will go down and you will have less public wealth access until the total block after reaching -1000. After reaching +1000 rating you become a public person and can accumulate some of your daily income in your private wallet.

    Of Course you still can go to work and earn private money. That is simple. That is working.

    The public wealth refreshes easily - after spending your daily (NO TAX) - there is a Tax that goes directly to the public wallet. (Tax amount can be widely shifted by your social ratings, because the higher rating you have, they more money you can spend without taxes, so, the more taxes you have to pay after your daily is done)

    Politicians? Celebrities? Public Persons? Influencers? Maybe Teachers, or even special Services - Everyone will depend on how they perform. Of what they _actually_ offer to people.

    If someone is out of confidence - their public ratings will go down because every user can give a +1 or -1 rating. If there is an outlaw, the crowd can ruin his rating below zero and... finita la comedia.

    Connecting devices also increases your rating by 1.

    That is all about iMe technologies, but till the moment is not even a top of the iceberg :)

    Yes, this all does not make sense if we have no the solution of how to spread the system. And there is a solution. Give a look.

    1. Private storage where within a single click from your device you have all your Personal Data - your education diploma, your medical documents, IBAN of your bank account, a tax ID, a driver licence... I can do it for hours. And is 100% safe encrypted storage that refreshes encryption each time you enter your PIN.This is where it all begins. The private storage for a great comfort of operating your documents.

    There is string data - a simple"IBAN":"12394234123421341234123FR".And there are documents - images, pdf, etc.

    All the documents you want to legally use have to be approved by local law, then the document is signed as "approved" and has a piktogramm.

    2, Digital Signature.

    Any document you have in your device can be within a single click by entering a PIN signatured and sent to the recipient. Any document can be signed. And then in the document in the special section appears "iMe signed the document 15-03-2022 at NY";

    Now imagine how it works. You have no need to stay in a queue in administrative buildings, you have no need to wait your turn.. you just put a few buttons on your device and someone on another side of the planet signs and approves your documents.

    There is a huge commercial use.

    First of all, anyone who opens a iMeApp for the first time - has 12 strings and 12 documents storage size. It's free and it's enough for simple purposes.

    Second is named "Advanced" and "Family" levels.Both are the same but you have to choose.A 1 month free Advanced and\or Family level can be gathered for each single user you connect to the system (unlimitedly - invite 24 people, earn 24 month free). This level gives 25 strings and 40 documents.

    Why "Family"? Because I count on the sociability of young mothers and fathers, who will connect their friends and other parents in schools and kids gardens.

    The "Advanced '' is mostly for young men and women who are not about families but do some business or such.

    At reaching 100 invites (or by paying funds) your account becomes "Business"

    It has 100 strings and 200 documents storage size.

    Other than inviting 100 people you can just buy it. If you connect people via a business account you earn a 1 week business free (unlimitedly).

    1. Business accounts have integrated business solutions - from simple shop solutions (your smartphone becomes the full-stack cash register, that controls all the process of your business), but also special ones for each kind of private (small) business. The programm iteself sends and approves all the needed documents for legal activity.

    These solutions are simple to use, they have perfect UX, and they are pretty small in terms of digital weight. All you have to do is add spreadsheets with namings and prices.

    It never was _so simple_.

    After all there is also a Corporation level. It is a huge solution for control and process within a huge amount of employees, it supports different levels of access, special designs for each level or each private, etc.. Also corporation level gives you ability to approve documents (police is also corporation)

    Now about money.

    1. Individual (basic) level is 0$
    2. Family (Advanced) level is 5$ month, 10$ six month, 15$ year, 20$ forever (can be free if you invite people)
    3. Business level is 12$ month, 24$ six month, 36$ year, and 50$ forever (can be free if you invite over 100 people)
    4. Corporation level is 20$ month, 50$ 6 month, 100$ year, and 200$ forever. And 10$ PER EACH OPERATION WITH EACH EMPLOYE (hiring, firing, changes access level). (can be free if the social reputation is over some milestone)

    If you have a calculator, compute please what we speak about if we have... 5-10 millions accounts. I think that is huge. Realy really HUGE. And, honestly, I believe that we can connect hundreds of millions of people to this system.

    iMe offers a Brilliant UX Solutions possible to Any kind of Social Activities.

    If you think that is all. Sure no.

    1. Also there is a Resque System.
      A RED BUTTON - calls for immediate medical help. Send your GPS data, and some of your personal data to the nearest medical center. They have to call you back and if you: not responding, responding but silent, or drop the call - they have to rush to your location saving your life.

    Same thing is the BLUE button - you call for police help, it also sends and tracks your GPS and they have to make a call.

    And there is "Significant One" button also - you call your parents, your wife or husband, or someone who cares for you or have to be informed if something happens with you. It also gives GPS tracking and allows you to rescue your kid or a loved one from troubles.

    All these are simple codes of 20 strings :) You know, digital things are pretty simple.

    And much much more. The AI system probably will be able generate 100% unique content by a request of yours. It can dive into google, read articles and compose new unique things for your needs. It can compare words in different languages by their meanings.. It can voice movies or change actors in your favorite movies. It also can create new things

    If you ask me what I have behind this I will tell you.

    Dyson units. You know what Dyson Sphere is? A special device that can stay 500-1000 meters high in the air for a pretty long time without recharging. They are used for receiving signals from satellites, and reapplying them to the ground. But also they are clearing air from CO2, consuming and spreading water from Air and Clouds to the ground. And they can run iMe Cores. A lot of iMe Cores. They are simple and the price of a single Dyson Unit is around 45-70 USD. A group of 10-15 Dyson Units can give a 600MB Starlink speed. A Group of 500-1000 Units can cover a small city. You know? They can be connected unlimitedly. And also they can reduce the sun's ultraviolet spectrum (UV Shadow) and protect the population from destructive energy of the sun.

    Well, now I am about to stop speaking :) If there is anyone interested in my offer, I would love to speak with you.

    I share You not only the things. I share with you My Passion.

    Peace and love. Future is near.

    submitted by /u/Nov4rt
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    Significant overhead from making too many queries with a local Room database on a non-UI thread?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 02:12 AM PDT

    I am thinking of creating a logging system where I store all log messages as Strings in a RoomDatabase and then I load them up in some TextView in my app to understand why my app is behaving the way it is.

    I felt this was necessary because using the normal Log functions, that come with Android, too many times would slow down my app. So now I am thinking of doing asynchronous logging by storing all the messages in a Room database and all the insertion queries will take place on a non-UI thread (which is a hard constraint for using Room anyway).

    I wanted to understand whether making too many insert statements into a Room database will have some impact on my app's performance (even though each insertion will take place on a non-UI thread so the main thread remains unblocked).

    submitted by /u/zimmer550king
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    LeetDroid - An android client for LeetCode

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 10:10 AM PDT

    I use leetcode every day, but sometimes I just forget about the daily challenge and some contests that happen there, so I went over to the play store to see if there was any app for notifying me about any new contests or daily questions, and found none that were up to the mark. I had experience in making android apps and thought, I figured, what's the worst that could happen? After a week or two, I finally created a fully working application named LeetDroid that does what I needed and a LOT more! I uploaded it on the play store so that it's accessible to the majority of the people. With this, we can access almost all of leetcode's problems, the current daily questions, all with a very clean UI along with the solution and discussions. These problems are tagged so you can search them by difficulty, type, etc. We can also check our own profile, contest history, and submissions. Best of all, I made this app completely open-source, so that everyone can contribute to this project, and make it better than ever! The URLs for this are all linked below:-

    App link Github link
    here are some features:
    📷 More than 1000+ Leetcode coding/programming interview questions on algorithms, data structures, database, shell, and Concurrency.
    📷 Daily new Leetcode challenges are updated every now and then and you will get notified!
    📷 Each Leetcode problem has a clean, detailed problem description along with their solutions and discussions!
    📷 Reminders for every contest a day and 30 mins before the start.
    📷 Each contest can be saved in G-Calendar so that you never forget.
    📷 General Discussions with tags like "interview-questions", "interview-experience","study-guide", "career" ,etc.
    📷 You can search any Leetcode problem quickly with its name or id!
    📷 Problems are categorized by different levels, various topics, tags.
    📷 You can see your user profile right in the app with no. of problems solved, acceptance rate, ranking, recent submissions, etc.
    📷 Check all the past contest details with your rankings and rating in that contest.

    submitted by /u/thefunnyyintrovert
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    (Kotlin Beginner) How to display SQLite database to the screen using cardview

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 01:40 AM PDT

    Hi so i made a basic sqlite program where the user enters date/name/number and it should read to the mainactivity page , the record is successfully recorded but it wont display to the screen.

    All records activity xml setup using cardview for each set of data

    DVD-R_管理_App – activity_all_records.xml [DVD-R_管理_App.app] (gyazo.com)

    All records Kt file

    DVD-R_管理_App – AllRecords.kt [DVD-R_管理_App.app] (gyazo.com)

    video i used as reference and base for my own sqlite program.


    Any questions feel free to ask.

    submitted by /u/NoMess7407
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    I ported the Spotify Mobius GitHub wiki to GitHub Pages + MkDocs with light and dark modes. I just created the issue and filed the PR. Let's see what happens!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 04:17 PM PDT

    Android Studio Dolphin Canary 6 now available

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 11:58 AM PDT

    One of my biggest dream as an #AndroidDev is to work in a team where if I ask the Designer "Should I use the standard Android component?" they reply: "Of course! What else would you use?!?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 12:25 AM PDT

    One of my biggest dream as an #AndroidDev is to work in a team where if I ask the Designer "Should I use the standard Android component?" they reply: "Of course! What else would you use?!?

    — Ivan Morgillo 🐕💻⚔️☮️❄️🧘🏻‍♂️ (@hamen) Mar 15, 2022

    submitted by /u/ivanmorgillo
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    Kotlin - Create a global way to listen/handle errors

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 05:35 AM PDT

    Hi Androider's

    At my job, we all are learning Kotlin and also developing our project, so one of my tasks was to create a global way to handle errors to avoid the app crashing into every single exception.

    So I went to the internet and docs searching for a way to do that and I came up with the following solution.

    On my MainApplication in onCreate I added the following code:

    Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler { paramThread, paramThrowable -> Log.e("Error handling", paramThrowable.toString()) } 

    That works, but the problem is that when an error happens, that code is executed twice. The errors came from Coroutines, but analyzing both executions the paramThread is the same which is the main thread. I do not know if there is something related to that. In the example above I am just logging the error, but we want to store that data locally and if the code runs twice we have a big problem.

    Thank you all in advance!

    submitted by /u/Jancera
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    Are base classes generally a bad idea? How do you test an activity/fragment with a base class?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 01:30 AM PDT

    I guess this question has two parts to it:

    1. Are base classes (eg. base activity/fragments) generally a bad idea?
    2. If you have to test an activity/fragment that has a base class, how do you do it?

    From my limited Android experience, it seems base classes are popular but they cause a mess. They come from wanting to avoid code duplication and to give children classes the same functionality. But over time, developers add on things to it, their children classes end up with functions they don't need and the two (parent/child) become really tightly tied together.

    Are these types of base classes good? I personally think we should avoid inheritance and keep it simple, even if it means code duplication. In the future, there's just too much risk in the design going wrong and these base classes growing bigger in a bad way. Maybe if we were writing a framework library, we can be fancy with design. Otherwise I say keep it dumb.

    I also came across trying to do some testing on a fragment which had a base class.

    When you test a fragment/activity, it seems to be only UI testing rather than unit testing right?

    I had a lot of trouble trying to UI test and inflate my BaseFragment into an empty activity when BaseFragment had a reference to context as BaseActivity. How are you supposed to deal with it? Not sure if you can use dependency injection to a fragment and replace BaseActivity with a FakeBaseActivity implementation.

    submitted by /u/IntuitionaL
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    Question about agora vs peerjs

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 05:01 AM PDT


    I am building a little consulting application. I'm trying to understand which video calling solution I should use. People have mentioned agora/ twillio etc which i get, but also some have mentioned PeerJS.

    Am I correct in understanding agora/ twillio are different to what using PeerJS is? From what I understand PeerJS has a server, which enables 2 participants to connect to each other peer to peer.

    What do agora/ twillio do? Are they just wrappers around PeerJS, or whatever PeerJS is based on?

    Is there a clear winner for the solutions between twillio/ agora/ and other libraries out there? I want to support video filters (like AR games! and voice changers). It will just be for 1 - 1 video calls.

    Apologies for the noob question, I am new to peer to peer related tech

    submitted by /u/Menomaths
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    Managing states in viewmodel

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 07:08 PM PDT

    How to manage states in viewmodel?
    Consider a state for ui which can be initial loading, loading, error, success etc.. and it keeps growing.
    How to handle such cases in a big app where the state for the UI keep on growing.
    I did read this https://developer.android.com/jetpack/guide/ui-layer/events but still confused.

    Any ideas/suggestions/examples?

    submitted by /u/rvjain
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    Moving Circle

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 02:47 AM PDT

    Moving Circle

    Hi everyone I hope that you're doing good. I have a CustomView which should be a moving circle. Previously I saved coordinates from Sensor. And I want to simulate this coordinates in my DetailFragment. (Example Video is below. It moves by SensorManager)

    Here are my codes;

    CustomView -> https://gist.github.com/theazat/6c9650a362f7a1c59400a4eb456cb654

    Detail Screen (must show in this screen) -> https://gist.github.com/theazat/8e8972b624920c9bc96b54917902fd2c

    XML -> https://gist.github.com/theazat/a7a73bf29c89bb5fa466f45b27dd9178

    X Coordinates -> https://gist.github.com/theazat/4b999836a02ce82c22c778f0f9f860c2

    Y Coordinates -> https://gist.github.com/theazat/d6a7979952af3d7be1fc939c128f3ec7

    What am I doing wrong?


    submitted by /u/theazat
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    How to record & replay http traffic in Android and iOS apps

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 07:31 AM PDT

    Changing EditText help (beginner)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 01:34 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    So I want to make my application change the user input in editText to all capitals when the screen orientation changes. How do I do this?

    submitted by /u/NeedleworkerNew552
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    Where should I store Blackblaze b2 secret key if I do upload function from mobile app (I user Firestorefor backend )

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 11:13 PM PDT

    So I dont have backend code where it would automatically upload photos to Blackblaze b2 storage with secret key stored on server. So I have to do photo upload process on Flutter app. But I am worried that attacker might get the key and delete all the photos if I put it on my app. So would it be good if I put the key on cloud firestore or are there better solution?

    submitted by /u/Lazy-Entertainment-7
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    Introduction to Architecture - MAD Skills

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 10:54 AM PDT

    Is there a BoxShadow effect in Compose?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 04:25 AM PDT

    Is there a BoxShadow effect in Compose?

    I'm trying to achieve the look that our designer gave us but I just can't find a way to add a shadow to our TextField that will also cover the top. I can achieve the rest of the shadow perimeter (left, right, down) by wrapping the TextField in a Card composable with some elevation and adding the shadow modifier to the TextField but all of this just feels wrong to me for some reason.

    I haven't found anything about box shadows in Compose through Google so far and I've also seen that there is an open issue regarding shadows in Compose in general. Any suggestions, ideas or comments regarding the topic?


    submitted by /u/Najishukai
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    How does the recycling work with Compose lazyList and LazyVerticalGrid?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 08:52 AM PDT

    I have a problem which I have resolved practically but am concerned about view recycling. This ultimately leads me to the question about how compose manages redrawing views in the lazyEtc composables.

     LazyVerticalGrid( columns = GridCells.Fixed(3), modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(start = 8.dp, end = 8.dp), ) { galleryItems.forEach { item -> when (item) { is GalleryItem.Image -> { item( span = { GridItemSpan(1)}) { ImageViewHolder( item, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), editClicked ) } } is GalleryItem.Header -> item( span = { GridItemSpan(3) } ) { FlowProgressHeader( flowScreen.flowProgress, addWithCamera, addWithGallery ) } } } } 

    So i ended up doing it like this. What I don't like is that I'm looping my data set rather than using's the provided items(list) function. Does that even matter?

    Any info on the particulars to recycling would be delightful.

    submitted by /u/badvok666
    [link] [comments]

    How to do effective error handling with Kotlin Coroutine and Result API

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 04:43 AM PDT

    Hi guys, we published an article to learn effective error handling with kotlin coroutine and result API.

    Please have a look and share your valuable suggestions and feedback.


    If you think we missed something, let us know. We will update it to make it more meaningful for other android devs out there.

    submitted by /u/dg02512021
    [link] [comments]

    Android Intership

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 05:02 AM PDT

    I am a final year student at a technical university. My dream is to work as an Android developer. Please give me some tips from your experience to pass the interview and to be accepted for an internship. Thank you

    submitted by /u/evghenii_koschukhar
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    How can I find hidden animation/gif data in Android app?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 04:50 PM PDT

    Where can the images/gifs in these applications be stored? Play Store

    1. I decompiled the APK but found no results

    2. I looked in the data folder with the help of a rooted device but couldn't find anything.

    3. I noticed that there is still data in my app when I login without internet which means it is not downloading over internet

    There is only one question; Where might these files be stored?

    Also what can we do for such a good storage method? I'm just trying to understand please give your opinion

    submitted by /u/emptyfiles
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    Google Play Console question

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 12:19 PM PDT

    How do I disable old bundles? I have had multiple rejections and each rejection email references the original bundle ID. Also, the most recent rejection speaks to a permission in the manifest that was already removed prior to the most recent submission. I think I'm going insane.

    submitted by /u/fmcauley
    [link] [comments]

    Rich Push Notifications with bigPicture / bigText Style + Actions without having to expand

    Posted: 14 Mar 2022 07:56 AM PDT

    Hey there! I'm looking to draw a rich notification on top of any currently running app while unlocked without requiring the user to click to expand. Is this possible?

    This is for app which would need to pre-empt what the user is (physically) doing to redirect them with new information, so having as much info displayed as possible plus click-actions is desired without requiring the user to click to expand.

    I would prefer not to require any elevated permissions, but in my environment, it's an option.

    For text, is there any way to add any additional styling like font and size?


    submitted by /u/wadel
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