• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 23, 2021

    Android Microsoft’s new Surface Duo 2 has all the features that were missing the first time around

    Android Microsoft’s new Surface Duo 2 has all the features that were missing the first time around

    Microsoft’s new Surface Duo 2 has all the features that were missing the first time around

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Android 12's wallpaper theming system will go open source in Android 12.1

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Google TV rolling out in-app remote on Android, but it doesn't seem to work quite yet

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    The war against rooted devices on Android continues, though at least it seems this isn't a blanket ban but rather will be something an organization can choose to enable. [Slack] - Mishaal Rahman

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    Chrome 94 introduces Material You interface and controversial idle detection (APK Download)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Galaxy Buds2 Teardown: Great Buds with One Big Flaw

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    Microsoft Live Stream going on right now, including Surface Duo 2!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    Realme GT Master Edition 5G Full Review - Practical Premium Mid Ranger

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 04:25 AM PDT

    Additional information about the Xiaomi censorship

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    The original report can be found here, credit to /u/Antonis_32

    Context (Reuters)

    Flagship phones sold in Europe by China's smartphone giant Xiaomi Corp (1810.HK) have a built-in ability to detect and censor terms such as "Free Tibet", "Long live Taiwan independence" or "democracy movement", Lithuania's state-run cybersecurity body said on Tuesday.

    The capability in Xiaomi's Mi 10T 5G phone software had been turned off for the "European Union region", but can be turned on remotely at any time, the Defence Ministry's National Cyber Security Centre said in the report.

    What they didn't mention was what exactly was being detected and censored. According to the original report (pg. 22-25), the pre-installed Xiaomi apps including Security, Mi Browser, Downloads, Music, Themes, MIUI Package Installer, and Cleaner use a "MiAdBlacklistConfig" file to detect and censor terms. Specifically, the code snippet they provided appears to detect and censor terms in the title and body of ads served in the aforementioned apps.

    public boolean mo76794a(INativeAd iNativeAd, C8380a aVar) { if (iNativeAd == null) { return true; } long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String str : new HashSet(this.f11160b)) { if (iNativeAd.getAdTitle() != null && m12161a(iNativeAd.getAdTitle(), str)) { MLog.m6439d("MiAdBlacklistConfig", "Ads: " + iNativeAd.getAdTitle() + " is blocked by title word: " + str); if (aVar != null) { aVar.f11165a = str; } this.f11161c = str; return true; } else if (iNativeAd.getAdBody() != null && m12161a(iNativeAd.getAdBody(), str)) { MLog.m6439d("MiAdBlacklistConfig", "Ads: [" + iNativeAd.getAdBody() + "] is blocked by desc word: " + str); if (aVar != null) { aVar.f11165a = str; } this.f11161c = str; return true; } } MLog.m6443i("MiAdBlacklistConfig", "isAdsBlocked->totalTime=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis) + "&threadId=" + Thread.currentThread().getId()); return false; } 

    The National Cyber Centre's report also said the Xiaomi phone was sending encrypted phone usage data to a server in Singapore.

    The article didn't define what phone usage data was being sent. According to pg. 16, this is referring to analytics sent by the Mi Browser app.

    No. Parameters Comment
    1 log_miaccount Is the user logged in
    2 autocomplete_switch Whether the AutoComplete feature is turned on
    3 no_track_switch Whether the Do Not Track function is on
    4 bookmark_sync Whether bookmark sync with cloud is turned on
    5 history_sync Whether browsing history sync with the cloud is turned on
    6 feature_report_switch Is the user participating in the "Xiaomi User Experience program
    7 clear_history_switch Whether the history is deleted when the app is turned off
    8 personal_service_switch Are application recommendations enabled
    9 enhanced_incognito_switch Whether the browser is running in Enhanced Incognito mode
    10 system_out_of_ads Whether Limit Ad Tracking is activated. This feature the device is not available to advertisers identifier
    11 swipe_up What function is registered for the swipe up action
    12 current_default_search_engine The current search engine used
    13 language The language set in the system
    14 language_browser The language set in the browser settings
    15 icon_reddot_status -
    16 user_newsfeed Whether the news feed is off
    17 user_download_videos -
    18 user_night_mode Whether the browser uses night mode
    19 dark_mode Whether the system uses night mode
    20 user_data_save_mode Is the data saving functionality activated in the browser
    21 user_incognito_mode Whether incognito mode is turned on
    22 user_desktop_mode User-agent browsers
    23 user_checkbox_4G Is it possible to perform browser updates via 4G
    24 user_push_agree Have activated browser notifications
    25 user_facebook_notification Can activate Facebook notifications in the browser
    26 user_youtube_signin Is the user signed in to YouTube
    27 user_click_interest Shows how many times the user clicked on the ones in the browser cards (news, YouTube recommendations, etc.)
    28 user_login Is the user logged in to Mi Account
    29 adblock_switch Is the ad blocking feature enabled
    30 adblock_show_notification Is Adblock enabled
    31 first_enter_newsfeed_way Is the news feed window turned on for the first time
    32 first_appstart_source -
    33 first_appstart_third_party -
    34 miui_personalised Are personalized ads activated
    35 personalized_services Have personalized content recommendations activated
    36 browser_ads -
    37 protection_type -
    38 app_boot_third_party -
    39 app_boot Program activation time
    40 feed_default_channel -
    41 experience_improve Whether the Xiaomi User Experience feature is activated
    42 platform Platform. Always on Android
    43 miui_version MIUI version
    44 log_miaccount Is the user logged in to the Mi account
    45 miui_region Mi region
    46 eid -
    47 apk_name The name of the application APK
    48 browser_install_referrer -
    49 autocomplete_switch Is autocomplete activated in the search box
    50 no_track_switch Whether the Do Not Track function is on
    51 bookmark_sync Is bookmark synchronization with the Mi server enabled?
    52 history_sync Is your browsing history synced to Mi server
    53 feature_report_switch Is the user participating in the "Xiaomi User Experience program
    54 clear_history_switch Whether to clear the browsing history when the app is turned off
    55 personal_service_switch Is user recommendation functionality enabled - personalized YouTube clips, etc.
    56 enhanced_incognito_switch Is incognito enabled
    57 user_tab_news Whether the user has enabled the news window
    58 user_tab_games Has the user enabled the game window
    59 search_optimization_switch Constant, always equal to 1
    60 cookie_status Provides data about user cookie settings
    61 subscription Indicates whether a VPN is used and, if so, its identifier.
    submitted by /u/FragmentedChicken
    [link] [comments]

    ISOCELL HP1: Resolution Redefined

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    Ice universe: S22 will put SPen inside

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 03:08 AM PDT

    Messages got Material You

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    Just got an update for messages beta to Version 9.7.032 (Gotham_RC01.phone.openbeta_dynamic) and it has now the Material You UI!!

    submitted by /u/Mathieu_G_Gagnon
    [link] [comments]

    Realme Pad review

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    iPhone 13 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra Camera Test

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 03:39 AM PDT

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